Your feedback about last update

I like

  1. The idea of the game.

  2. The realism of the game, ballistics wise. Though historicity is lacking.

  3. The flying aspects of the game. Though it does need some improvements.

What I don’t like

  1. Country and BR balancing is bad and could use some work. BR3 should not meet BR5. Currently from what I’ve matched in. BR1/BR2 meet and BR3/BR4/BR5 meet. You should only be able to match with one BR above or below. Not more than 2 BR above or below. I would wait a few extra mintues in a que just for a more balanced match rather than get decitamed at BR5 when I’m not even playing BR5, let alone not even in BR4.

  2. There’s still a group of players running around in circles quick turning, shooting through walls one shotting other players and taking absolutely no damage. Clearly cheaters.

  3. Map are still small. Borders on majority of the maps are still so small tanks are just sitting outside the border edge on their side of the map not participating in the battle but mowing down enemies. Because of this once spawned in and trying to push 1st objective on match start. You can do nothing but spawn and die over and over again. On both sides. Depends which team got setup first. It’s a horrible map exploit.

  4. Not being able to land and repair on an airfield. As if doing Ground SB on War Thunder. Update the map edge to have more ground space. And let the planes able to land and repair.

Otherwise a decent and fun game.


I believe the Polish bought them from the French, but the Germans also captured a lot of them from the French

Some positives:

  1. The event is very cooked and looks sick! I’ve never seen snow as weather in Enlisted before and it looks very good!

US mains finally have armor, like the Germans and Soviets have had before!
I’ve read that AI behaviour isnt X-Ray and that their AI seems to be a lot less “Random” if you will, but I’ve not really felt anything too much or just didnt notice through my matches. (They just randomly turn around even though theres no way they couldve heard or seen you and kill you)

  1. Funny moments
    All your soldiers and allied soldier will scream “GRENADEEE!!” at the same time, causing for some funny sounding stuff.


I still think that the whole “You need to buy ALL previous things first before unlocking the thing you just researched” is a bit stupid, since I played on Normandy (Thats how i was able to research the panzerfaust, and i was unlocking it as well in the berlin campaign) mainly, Berlin and Stalingrad for fun. I still have just given up researching that area further in favor of researching the air tree. (Anti-Tank/Flamethrower)
And I’m pretty sure alot of people are also annoyed by this if they have been playing Normandy AND Berlin for example, same with warthunder, it is almost pointless to research the previous ones because you wont use it, and a inconvenient thing is, that the game doesnt allow you to bypass those if you’ve played before, meanwhile for things like the T34-85 it does??
^^ This is a bit much text, but to summon it up: The whole “Purchase this and that first before buying this” is pretty annoying and i still dont understand why it is a feature, please just remove that SUPER ANNOYING barrier.

  1. No biggie
    Germany didn’t really get anything new, which is understandable since they are already spoiled, but I’d like to see some engine-fire tanks too! Like the ferdinand/elefant (Please, just not as a premium) with the special: “break down randomly” feature! which forces you to repair the engine every once in a while! (This is primarily a joke, but it would still be funny to see)

Still being unable to switch accounts from steam to the actual Gaijin Site or atleast transfer progress and friends.(Same issue with warthunder)
^^ This is just annoying…

  1. Squad vehicles can get behind your lines and (spawn) kill all of your team, and in general are super tanky, for no real reason.

  2. AI is a bit confused on their pathfinding, squads staying FAR behind you, which i find a bit… annoying having to walk back to where you just were, but the upside is that your whole squad doesn’t die at once!

I do not have more, but enlisted is a great game overall, just a few features are unnessecary or just annoying/need improvement.


Zombies is nice change although being at same time as 20k event and not able to earn xp vice versa

Why do brtish paras have thompsons? Where is there lanchester gone?

Engineer event squad no specialists not the the same as Stalingrad at all

Hardly any US players at high tier due to dislike imbalance of pacific (not enjoyable)

Dont understand:
No binocs or personal weapons on the M26 Pershing


Apparently, requesting that the US get nukes to counter Japanese fantasy BR5 weapons is considered “spam”

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In 1 or 2 years, we gonna see in Enlisted some Ar15 proto and m60 Just because they add too many jap’s paper gun.

Option 1 : add jap in hight Tier and give them proto gun, in order to balance US tier 4 and 5.

Option 2 : let jap’ in low Br, give them more melee weapons, more spawn tickets and more real and effective Bolt action riffles.

Players : " we appreciate the mix betweeen historical accurency and casual fps ‘’

Gaijin :" ok, let’s go for option 1. We want to make money like COD, PANPAN PIOUPIOU BOOMBOOM, we don’t need a faithfull player base. "


This is fantasy

This is a real weapon that was produced and tested but not adopted.

Know the difference.


I simply request American weaponry that is extremely well documented to have been used in WW2 against Japan in the industrial centers of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to counter the fantasy that any of the “BRV” Japanese weapons that were recently added were used in WW2.

I want my BR∞ American weapons.

Also. The silver gain is absolutely horrendous, it’s War Thunder all over again. What’s up with Gaijin and crap economies… Research is decent though. Silver gain should be increased 2x or 3x.


내가 좋아 하는것:be able to move the steering wheel of a car
싫어 하는것:the details of a military uniform the power of a tank gunner
이해 할수 없는것: the power of a tank gunner

can darkflow give me a sign that they actually read the posts here

They doesn´t read anything. AP mine spam and rocket spam is the most rage quitting reason since 1 year. Bug fixes we got less. Ghost pathes for this we got enough! Sound changings they don´t list up after patches. And every gamer loves ghost patches!
The german community in this game is now so small … you don´t need 10 fingers anymore to count them.

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Soon™ is the sign you are asking for?

Was Cap lying to me?

the charging bug is still persistently annoying! very annoying! rage quit annoying!

Cover height “auto correction” is still broken, it pretty annoying when you trying to use stuff like bunker ports.

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With the new update there’s a problem. I can’t command my troops like for example when I want to have them in a precise point and I am pressing the square button and nothing happens they won’t stay put or capture the pointed position also I don’t see a difference with my Ai reacting properly they’re mostly bullet magnets and very incompetent. Also in a game that I was playing in battle for Moscow there was a M4 Sherman in a regular match (not custom match) on the side of the Russians. (Unless they’re a premium unit that I don’t know about)

My overall new problem is I can’t command my troops like for them to remain behind while I do some clearing which ends up with all of them getting killed and not reacting in time.

Devs have been informed, it is related to double tab not working, what I did is change squad context to hold square down it works.

Hope they fix this soon.

Personally, i believe that the unique squads we earned through events should be able to be used in the new premium squad spot


Customization is broken. All of my clothes turn unto vanilla when i go to a match. Also happens in customs and training