Your feedback about last update

There should be a way to balance it universally, for example by detecting the inches, ratio and individual resolution of each player via driver or windows registry and making calculations based on that and how far away they sit… another story

yes, and me as someone with glasses shouldn’t be able to see past 50 meters, that would be only fair.
people with good eyes should be able to see further.

Sarcasm aside, you can’t be serious.

This update is a joke. Game is unplayable, almost every match ends with a crash and return to desktop.

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This game is making a joke of itself with the Japanese. The idiotic inclusion of prototype weapons has already damaged the game, but the HEI is just embarrassing.

The only Heis that were ever sent into the Pacific Theater were seized by US forces

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not for me

And nor for me, as I go back to COD.

good luck man

I had the same. Did the crash mention 7 stack or sth? Mine was fixed by driver update.

Why are BR 3,4,5 being sent to the Pacific to fight the Japanese? When did this bullshit happen?

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Cover “auto” height correction is still broken, it is impossible to use half the cover in most maps right now because the guns disappear or are being blocked by the cover itself.


Hey @Keofox

Thanks for letting us giving you feedback, although I let a pretty long post about new player feedback, I’m gonna do it again.

Out of respect for the hard work I believe not many people see you are doing, and because I’m a new player, and since you expect new players to come in, having an idea of what’s coming on soon from a new player perspective can be helpful ( I hope )

Please keep in mind this is not a hate post, just a honest feedback, I will keep it as factual as possible, although the way of doing things hurts everyone’s feelings since yesterday.

Here we go.

What I like:

  • The game is beautiful, varied, fun, exciting, I have been playing for a month and there are so many maps, so many choices, I can choose so many things it took me 2 weeks to understand the client.
    This is not a " don’t understand " point, it’s litterally a love point. The game gives me the choice of playing what I like and there are so many thing I can do when I started the first time I was lost because of too many choices. love it

I could go sneaky sniping, hunting heads, I could go brute force onto site, I can build stuff for my team, I can heal people, I can nuke from a tank or hunt tanks from a plane.

This is crazy, so many choices.

  • a WW2 game is supposed to be chaotic, armies fighting, and bringing IA makes the difference.
    The IA makes you different, this is why I started playing. 10 players vs 10 players, 200 soldiers on the field, yes, I can feel the war, I can feel the tension, the pressure.

  • It’s ( supposed to but after a month I realize not so much ) a free to play.
    For 15 years, free to play are the games driving people in, I expected a huge player base.
    I can assume BR brackets are designed to let you gather as much infos to improve the game as possible by reducing the queuing times. It’s hard for new players but ok, I take it, it’s a game in beta phase, I accept glitches where I need to suicide, sound design not on point, vehicles feeling clunky, gun aimsight not very effective, as you work actively on it ( keep in mind I trust you to work on it, but this trust goes down every day with every update, when I see you work on how uniforms interact with the wind with paratroopers instead of dealing with the elephants in the room I try to stay positive and think you have multiple crews working, but some are easy to fix so I start to see my faith dropping).

This is a feeling of a 1 month player, I can’t imagine how the 3 years players feel.

What I don’t like

Now the dislikes. And there are many.
FYI, I’m a manager IRL, so I will not rage over stuff, I will point out stuff from a new player perspective and say what I would like, because raging is useless when someone asks for your opinion.
At the end of the conversation, you asked, you get answers, and you should not just guess from rants and rage posts, but have ideas, feelings, feedback to work on.

I’m a new player, and you need to have more new players to make your game work, so I hope my feedback will help you, although I don’t pretend I know everything, but those points are the ones which will decide wether I will keep playing or find another game, and many new players might feel the same.

So here we go.

  • IA: WOOOOW, I have a sqad I can personalize, swap between specialists, equip based on what I like to play.
    This is fresh, this is what I signed in for.
    BUT… Why are they so dumb?
    I think you have IA specialized dev team, and they have to dance between dumb IA or deus ex machinas. I can’t imagine how hard it is for them.
    However, I’m thinking I’m not gonna put specialists in my crews anymore because they are so dumb they don’t have the sense of survival, even when I tell them to hide, they don’t…

To feel what I’m saying, go to tutorial, and ask them to look somewhere, then time how long they need to do it. It’s a war game, every soldier ( even IA ) is scared, adrenaline pumping, everyone on edge, so much that actual soldiers came back with ptsd. And in tutorial, IA take 2 seconds to look on the top of the hill. This makes no sense, and if a sniper is on the top of that hill, he has so much time to kill all your squad, it’s not fun. When I’m sniping, it’s not fun for me either.

  • IA again.
    They are specialists, they have different equipments, why don’t they use it?
    I have my fingers on fighting keys on my keyboard, and I have to rreach so far to give individual orders.
    Physically hard to do.
    I would love ask them to hold a house, and IA act based on their equipment and specialisation.
    I would love to see my shotgun instantly guarding the door, my medic healing people, my snipers hunting heads in my FOV, my anti tank shooting at a tank without being asked, because it’s his job.

I want to feel like my squad are my brothers in arms, specialized, and using it wisely.

If a tank spots me and clears the house, it’s the game, but any enemy entering the house can axe down my squad without them moving. why do I have a squad them?

  • IA ( again )

This will relate to the next point.

In order to keep IA under control, I would love to see their behaviour based on my personal performance. The better I am the better they are.
How many shots do I miss? What do I see? What’s my reaction time? IA could dig into the game info and instant headshot enemies, that’s not fair.
But if it takes me 1S to head shot enemies from afar because I’m aiming, but close fights I have good aim and good flicks, I would love my squad to have the same stats.

Today, when I see an enemy squad, I just need to spot the guy running, laying on the ground, and I know he is the player. So I take my time, shoot his squad down knowing they won’t even notice me, then finish the player. And boom, 12 tickets out. No sweat, nothing really rewarding either. Shoot the ducks game. Therefore, why having IA anyway if they don’t participate to the fight or act like humans.

  • next point ( I said I would come to this )
    BR is nice, but being BR1 facing BR3 is not fair man, they have planes dropping bombs when I have the first rifle in the game, not upgraded. They have BR3 tanks when I can’t mine their paths because I didn’t research the mines. Not fair, not cool, not fun.

Additional to BR I would love to see an ELO system. This way, veteran players willing to play BR1 maps will face same level players, this will be more fun for them, as I’m sure they don’t enjoy pwning noobs, and noobs can have noob games, discover the maps, experimenting stuff, etc.

  • this leads to steam release

I understand this is a beta game, and I was excited to see a steam release. More players, so same BR and same elo players on the map.

Steam takes 30% of the cash. yes. But it’s a free to play. So 30% of 0 is still 0.

Now we just learned this will be another beta phase, but paying this time. So no new players, dumb IA, me playing vs fully equiped squads with my 4 men squad equiped with lv1 rifles…

All you have to do, in my honest opinion, is to make it as big as possible, and let people choose wether they want to pay for premium or not.
Better take 70% on many players than forcing less players to buy bundles to play a non finished game.

  • Paying beta.

This is a beta game. Therefore I’m a beta player.
I acknowledge there are bugs, and you are collecting my datas to improve the game.
Why do I have to pay premium ( 10€ a month with a discount!!!) on a game that is not finished?
For 60€ I can buy a finished game.

Since this game is in beta, I don’t know if I want to play it or not, I want to see if as a player I’m being listened, if the game goes the way I want, and only there I will consider buying stuff.

I’m not buying a non finished game, especially if it’s free to play…

  • The elephant in the room: silver economy.

EVERYONE says the same things about it.

As a new player, I started with 40K silver. Nice.

I equiped my BR1 squads, had fun, and wanted to try other factions.

But the other factions don’t have the 40K either.

And I’m getting 1K silver per game if I perform well, usually 500 or 600.

ATM I’m playing BR2 maps with the first rifle non upgraded, my squads are not full, because soldiers are so expensive, silver is so hard to get I can’t afford anything.

Daily rewards give me another 300 silver every second day. Took me 2 weeks to go back up to 5K because I’m unlocking BR2 squads with br1 basic soldiers.

I would love to have a full engineer squad to support my team, I maxed the squad, but it would cost me 40K just to equip them efficiently.

I’m grinding late BR2 weapons with early BR1 squads and weapons just to save enough to make them decent.

But then I would be facing BR3 players, unlocking br3 squads, placing me vs BR5 equipments, what good would it be to have fully BR2 squads vs that?

And that’s only for 1 faction, if I spend all on BR2 allies, I need to start over with Japanese, needing to play 15 games to have 1 extra soldier?

This is not fun, this is torture.

And yes, I can buy the silver, but this is a BETA game, I am the currency, me playing a bugged game so you can collect datas is the money I’m giving you.
I give you my time, I’m basically an employee testing for you. When did you see an employee pay to work?

I played League of legends since the beta. It was free. I spent thousands of money on the game just for skins. It IS a free to play, no special characters paid in real cash. And they make a LOOOOT of money.
Just give the players what was promised, a free to play, and they will pay for battlepasses, cosmetics etc.
Force them to pay to have a chance to catch up and the game will crash.

  • latest steam announcement:

last annoucement was enlisted was going live. Everyone thought WOW, the devs worked hard in the backroom, fixed everything, and are polishing the game for a release, we will have thousands of new players, no more lobbies filled with bots, BR system fixed, silver economy fixed, this game will be fun!!!

Aaaaaaand… Nah, it’s another beta. Another paying beta. No one is gonna pay to join a beta, and after 2 weeks, when they will have experienced everything I did as a new player, but they paid actual money for it, they will review bomb it, and there will be no official release.

The game will probably stay in the same state. Old players playing, but no new blood. Stuck game, bad reputation for darkflow and gaijin.

  • Low rewards:

I’m loggin in everyday to get my xp boost and my 300 silver bonus, play 1 game to use that bonus, and then log off to play another game, because I don’t get a lot from playing. And considering how expensive premium is, for low rewards, I’d rather pay a finished game ( we always come back to this, the game is not finished, and I don’t want to pay for that if I can pay a finished game)

What I don’t understand:

Everything. I had to watch streamers making guides over everything. Nothing is clear, nothing is transparent ( yeah it’s beta so I can manage) but I made bad decisions I have to pay silver to fix, and since I’m only getting 600 per game…

In the end, I just feel like I’m driven to pay for a game that’s not finished, reading forums or watching videos I can see people who paid for special squads before the merge lost them.

I personnaly don’t really care about historical accuracy, the game needs to be balanced and fun. If it was historically accurate, we all know the end of the story.


As a new player, playing a beta, I’m waiting to see what your economic model is.

Make a massive game, with a huge player base, and expect income from a portion of the player base to support you. Riot games made millions like this.
To do this, fix rewards, make people want to play more

Or are we a massive pinata, the game has been on beta for 3 years now, how many millions did you get from players, with the latest steam release it looks like you want to take as much money as possible in the shortest period of time, and the game will never be finished, but players payed for years to see it finished.

All up to you.

Take the cash now and milk the veteran players, or open it to millions of players by making it a good game.

I will personnaly not pay anything until the game is fully completed and balanced.

New players will probably feel the same.

Then I would love to see new factions ( world war means you could split factions into countries within the factions, and make them operate in different countries.

I would love to play french resistance.
Russians in Afghanistan.
Vietnam vs Americans

Once the game is fully balanced, the map design and countries to add is endless.

This is the game I want to see, I would pay for.

Right now, it doesn’t feel right for the players, and after a month I might move on to another game, and if I see a youtuber saying the game is fixed I might come back.

This was only a personnal feedback, I really hope the dev team can use it, right now it doesn’t look good but there is still time to fix things.

I tried to adress the issues I encountered and tried to express what I would l ike to see based on 20 years of gaming experience, without hate, just hope I will be heard.


these new challenges are awesome, thanks for giving me more to do, ive been itching for more achievements

actually, a lil annoyed, whyd you put in a paratrooper challenge when thats locked behind events and premiums? just to fuck with ME?? the only guy without a paratrooper squad??

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What I like:

  • Setting, grafics your awesome support and gameplay of weapons and sounds
  • Merge was rly nice to do the BR 1 -5 matchmaking
  • Steam release will give you more reviews about the game and no one can delete it =)
  • this game is still in the 2 world war and no sci fi action
  • Japan Hei weapon is so over powered that you testers was thinking " lets go a revange of the M2 carabine now "
  • techtrees + some kind of prototypes of the WW1 and some other gear. Federov is one of the best examples!
  • Premium Troops are not overpowered / they are rly nice balanced by troop size and firepower.
  • Events are awesome!!! but unfair for the new players on steam now.

What I don´t like:

  • Ap mine spam by bobos
  • Rocket spam from hell
  • exp + silver grands after game are to less for free 2 play
  • bug fixes are less
  • Informations about future ( Italian / Britain as tree ) must have after the merge! Never given to us or Partners.
  • Partner support can´t answer but the support in 10 hours :smiley:
  • no communication while little changes at weapon sounds or other things everyone LOVES GHOSTPATCHES!
  • greyzonecamping ( spam of vehicles and planes ) Why there is no Points system?!?! Example: 500 light 1000 medium heavy 1500 points ingame!
  • explosiv spam " while its a FPS shooter " the most reason of the leaving behind the merge.
  • Events are nice but the paratroopers are Unique and no steam player will see them again!
  • Merge delete troops is absolute broken. Players before merge can play 3 troops in a raw like flamethrowers and new players never can do this. unbalanced as hell!!! 12 rocket spam plain of tunesia is deleted but the players before merge got this plain Unique …

Whats not easy to understand:
Italian / Britain is a must have if you call your factions Ally´s and Axis! France too by the way but can´t understand the merge without the 2 other factions + trees.
Why get Partners no informations!? The merge were on a monday and your own patchday is wednesday a bigger fail you can´t do.
why the ghostpathes without informations about the sound changes of weapons and other stuff?
viewers got halfed of all enlisted twitch channel hope you think about what you do there :smiley: Steam is more beasty then my grandmom :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi all, just joined the forum after spending a few months lurking in the background :laughing: I’ve been playing since just before the merge and now feel it’s a good time to join in the conversation as I have put some hours into the game.

Main things I’d like to see in the future:

  • More Premium squads - I’ve been playing War Thunder for a couple of years and I’m a big fan of the work and effort they put into all their vehicle models. I’m happy to drop money on random Premiums when they come up and have become a bit of a collector or lower tier vehicles. For example I’m happy to spend 1500GE+ on a timed exclusive or low tier premium but not a fan of high tier vehicles in the $80 price range. I feel Enlisted currently has a lot of higher price range items similar to WT high tier packs. I’d be much less apprehensive to spend $10/$20 here and there on Enlisted squads if the were available. Recently I’ve been looking for an excuse to give you that amount of money but see little options available (I have the BR1 German and Soviet squads). I’d therefore like to ask for more available premium content available for purchase at a lower price point. Hope that makes sense.

*Customization - Secondly I feel the customization options are lacking quiet significantly for all nations and would love to see more options available. I recently kitted out my British squads and found it disappointing not to find even one helmet with camo or netting attached. Another example would be no sniper outfits are available for scout units. I’d love to see more options in the future.

*Lee Enfield BR - Please reduce the BR of the Lee Enfields to BR2. It seems silly to my that an MP40 can be BR2 but all the main British bolt actions are uptiered from BR3 to BR5 even. As someone who likes to roleplay as the British I find this reduces my immersion in the game. Please consider reducing the BR of the Enfields asap :blush:

Honestly these are some of my main notes. Id be happy to answer any questions or clarify my points.

Best regards,


brb gonna go play the newly released closed beta of “War Thunder: Thunderstrike” that is the exact same as “War Thunder”, but you have to pay [x] amount of money in order to play it on Steam!

-sounds insane when phrased like that, but is a factual statement when you replace it with “Enlisted” and “Enlisted: Reinforced”, (which is an equally ridiculous redesign of a name imo).

Just trying to look at this from a different perspective.

I have to say that I have been playing a lot less of the game since this last update. The changes to the Pacific to expand it to BR 3,4,5 queueing have been extremely unenjoyable. Previously, I could go BR5 if I demanded to play Normandy; I could go BR2 if I demanded to play Tunisia or Pacific; I could go BR3 if I didn’t care whether I matched up or down but I knew that if I kept getting put into low BR matches, all I had to do was put a single BR5 soldier into a squad to force matching into Normandy. If I kept getting thrown into high BR matches and wanted to play differently, drop to BR2 and the problem of lack of variety was solved.

What you did completely broke this balance for no useful purpose. The Japanese didn’t have any BR4 or BR5 caliber weaponry in the Pacific Theater; your intention to force a fake history discredits your effort and damages the game.


Dislike: Stalingrad Assaulter Engineers, had specialists and could equip SMGs, this is a useless all engineer squad. So they are either BR2 due to BA or BR 5 with MKB (which should be BR4)


What you like:

  • I think the new guns for Japanese are really nice
  • I love Bazooka for USSR, probably the only one but eyy, I loved it.
  • other improvements with Graphics and stuf are nice.
  • Although 20000 points is a bit much, I like the new events of the last few months, keep up the good works there (not really about the update but yeah …)

What you don’t like

  • I disliked the fact that there are no new maps. I understand the devs are busy with steam release and the creation of many new Japanese weapons. But the lack of strong weapons was far from the only problem with the Japanese. They need new maps to play on. This is not only a problem for the Japanese but also for the Sovjets. Both need new maps to play on, otherwise nobody is going to play these factions which would be a shame and once again effect balance.

What is not too easy to understand:

  • The tiger was a bit unneasisary, could have just added nothing for Germans. Not to complain, i’m happy its there, I just dont understand why …

What you like:

  • New Customisation options for British infantry.
  • Promise of cheaper cosmetics, not actually implemented yet.

What you don’t like

  • The lack of uniform variety - greatcoats without STG pouches and MP40 pouches despite those assets being ingame or being easy to alter, lack of British light-shade Battledress pouch variety, no anklets on the British dark-brown Battledress trousers, etc.

  • Cosmetics still being unacceptably expensive combined with the lack of customisation orders

  • The overall ‘grind’ for weapons, silver, etc.

What is not too easy to understand:

  • Why uniforms already in game - say, the Italian rifle webbing ‘sling’ - are not included already as customisation options.
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