WW2 Sino-Japanese War with no political problem

First of all, I’m not talking about adding new campaigns immediately, improving the gameplay and mechanics is the highest, highest priority (if the devs realize this … instead of just thinking about making money).

Here are some good examples: ↓

China has vast battlefields, from the hills of Shanxi and the snowfields of Manchuria to cities like Shanghai and Wuhan. Very rarely do we see this war in games, and it would be nice if we could see it here.

On “political issues”. Another famous game, SQUAD, has recently added PLA, and the Chinese government is relaxing restrictions and encouraging historical titles.

As an example, Battlefield 4 was criticised(not totally banned) in China because of its single player campaign. Battlefield 2 and SQUAD, on the other hand, also had Chinese maps and Chinese troops, but there was no dubious political storyline, so they didn’t pose any political problems. Therefore, I see no problem with adding such a campaign.

Feel free to discuss. I hardly visit the forum so I may not be able to answer in time


I gave a Chinese front idea in the past and people started bringing up the rape of Nanking… those Asian countries who won’t forget about something that happened years ago need to grow up lol. this whole modern world is full of kiddies who are too afraid to understand that it’s war and this stuff happens! Americans did the same stuff in Normandy to the French women lol. same with Germans and Soviets. everyone did something bad in ww2. I think they should just consider implementing this idea still despite the backlash from the snowflakes. its also a game lol. Overall I support your idea. a Chinese front would be a great idea. since i know the Chinese had a lot of weapons imported and then copied and built themselves before the war started they had a lot of unique weapons from practically every ally that was against imperial Japan


I hate censorship and some people seem to think that forgetting and avoiding history will bring benefits. No! We must face up to All WW2 history in order to avoid fascism tragedy.
However, We would do well to avoid some controversial topics, Considering that some people will use these topics to lead posts to deletion
(Why flag me???)


It is different problem. Allowing the addition of PLA in certain game doesn’t mean they will allow the addition of the Chinese Nationalist army, which will be the main Chinese force in the campaign.
Also, able to roleplay Japanese army to invade China will also cause controversies.

In WT, KMT flag is allowed.
The Chinese government does not deny the efforts of KMT and the Japanese army to fight head-on (CCP mainly engages in guerrilla warfare). At least in the Anti-Japanese War, no one denied KMT’s achievements

There is no law prohibiting this in China.


I am Japanese, but I do not believe that the Japanese military did not commit barbaric acts in the countries they invaded. Even within the Japanese military, violence and harassment from superiors to subordinates were rampant, and I believe that they would have been violent to the people in the occupied territories. I also know that there were descriptions of massacres and rapes to Chinese people in the memoirs of Japanese who served in the military at the time, and this has been mentioned in books and other publications in Japan. The invasion of China itself was a major mistake and a topic that we can never make obsolete.
However, there is a huge discrepancy between the views of the two countries on war crimes in Japan and China. After the war, there were moves to conduct joint research, but since the 1990s, due in part to the deterioration of political relations between Japan and China, this has become a political topic for blaming both sides.
Since there are actually many Japanese and Chinese players in this game, if we get too deep into this topic, this thread will be filled with political posts instead of game topics… Therefore, I think it would be wise to talk only about the idea of a Sino-Japanese war campaign and not go too deeply into the topic of war crimes.


I know about a FPS game that China created in the past called “光栄使命”. I have never played it, but it is a game where the modern People’s Liberation Army fights the time-traveling Japanese Army(!) and Japan Self-Defense Forces. and since it was a Call of Duty-like game, you could probably play as the Japanese Army in the multiplayer.
If this is allowed in China, then it would be acceptable for the Chinese to play as the Japanese military in this game, but it was released over 10 years ago, and I am not sure if the Chinese government would react the same way today.

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As far as I know, it is no problem to simply play the Japanese army, but if there is a plot involving Japanese atrocities, it will probably cause problems

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No law but it doesn’t stop the anti Japanese mind of some Chinese people, like the Natsumatsuri in China was cancel because many people protesting it or some people wearing kimono been attacked on the street.
Being to roleplay as Japanese army to invade China will only let this game be marked as anti Chinese game.

I don’t think so, after some google search, its multiplayer is just blue and red team using different set of weapons.

At the time, that game was a hot topic in Japan and I saw many Japanese playing it. In the video they posted, they were using the MP5 as the Japanese Coast Guard. Therefore, if I remember correctly, there was a time when you could play as the Japanese side, but perhaps it has since been regulated.

I understand your concern. I am not Chinese and do not know what is going on there, but from what I see of China as reported in Japan, the Chinese government does not like Chinese people role playing as Japanese soldiers. It is the same as your idea.
I have also heard that in recent years, China has been tightening its restrictions on games, manga, novels, and other cultural expressions, and therefore, if a China-Japanese war campaign is implemented, it is possible that the Chinese government will react more sensitively.

Being able to play as JSDF have little controversies comparing to Imperial Japanese army. It is just like basically no one will care if you roleplay as Bundeswehr, but people might get offended if you wear WW2 German uniform.

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That game has been taken off the shelf because its quality is too low to match that of PUBG and other games

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I don’t think so

Is that so?
From what I have heard, in Chinese games…

  1. It is forbidden to have skeletons appear.
  2. Brutal expressions in which blood is drawn or human bodies are destroyed are prohibited.
  3. Male characters dressed as women or looking like women are prohibited.
    The following was the reason for the ban.
    As I wrote this down, I realized that this game violates (2).

There seems to be a gap between China as reported in Japan and the reality of China.

Enlisted is not restricted in China

They will only limit this in the games with no age limit, dyeing the blood green

I haven’t heard of this, but many players do object to having too much recreational clothing in military games

I see.

By the way, the third prohibition has nothing to do with this game at all lol
I saw a news report a few years ago that a certain Chinese artist was arrested for drawing a male-male romance. I was very surprised because I was interested in that field… No, forget about this story.

Well, it doesn’t seem to be limited by law

it has its own version

they have

but yes the Japanese will have a problem that so much as shows their histroy in any light other then what they are trying to cover up, just the russia