New Faction - Republic of China

So basically just copypasted stuff or stuff that could be added to already existing nations.

I don’t think we need another faction just for the sake of adding another faction.



In all seriousness, this might be the fastest way to magically disappear all the chinese players from the game.


I’ll say it once more
China trying to have a domestic MIC challenge: impossible


The Soviet Union lost 26.6 according to their official data, every 10 years they raise the estimate of their losses (not official data 30-50 million)

China has the same problem, everyone has their own estimate, if you write in Google it says 13.5 million

Germany with Austria, the Czech Republic and with its foreign divisions lost 6 million people, according to unofficial data up to 8 million

Don’t forget Poland, she also suffered quite a bit, 6 million losses on 2 fronts (that’s why many people forget about her)


In all seriousness, There is no basis for this without any contact with the Chinese government and knowledge of relevant Chinese laws. Considering that the Chinese government has always hoped to use cultural products such as games and movies to promote its contributions to World War II


Other post:

More weapons:

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btw the mukden type 2 smg was produced in 1946, it did not exist at all in ww2


Where would the Japanese army run without China’s resistance? India, Australia, and East Siberia, how many years would it take for the US military to win in the Pacific region?
Is this what you mean by not a major player?


France didn’t even resist as long as the Pavlov building, while China fought the Japanese invasion from 1938 until Japan declared unconditional surrender. If adding France, are you trying to get them to join the Axis as Vichy France?



No, that would be like adding France, nothing worth it on their own and had to be supported by competent nations. It’d be masochism incarnate.

Tbh, Just add them as a subtree to the USSR, Like the brits and italians.

France would probably be a better fourth faction but in truth I’d prefer they be a sub faction as well.

Everything they offer is basically C and P or slight edits to a gun which is akin to that of a GO such as the BAR the Germans and Japanese can get.

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Commonwealth forces/France would be a perfect tech tree. Split Britain from the US again and just add France to it.

Here’s the problem:
They already gave us the firefly, the churchill and such as a prem.

If they break the faction away from the tree, They’re given one of three choices:

Never use those things again.
Move those tanks/ect to the UK tree (so screw you if you bought them for the Allies TT)
or make a copy of them and keep em in both trees much like the pre merge squads such as the FNAB one.
Let alone as James said “There are no plans to do such” so it’s pointless to keep this agurement up for Common wealth/UK break away.

France would be a good tree.

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Just make a copy of them in the tech tree. The firefly comes with a skin and will have Sabot after this next update. The regular tree one would just have a default green skin. As for the Churchill, there were quite a few different variations they could add. 75mm, crocodile ect. Same as the Matilda.

the problem is that could make enlisted the next bf4 but not for its contribution. Also there is no reason to deny the contribution of China in ww2

vertical magazine mp28.


They will not accept anything subjectively considered insulting

For example
They propagate that Japan and the West are enemies
Even though they still like to use foreign products

They can take things to extremes under any circumstances
Even just a set of numbers or a single text can make them climax collectively.

in their website
Any video that insults China can have a lot of traffic
Even a protest against a squinty-eyed Asian can get millions of views

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The reason why we’re unlikely to see Chinese factions in ww2 games is the fact that the majority of Chinese forces were under the command of its political rival, the Chinese Nationalist Party. Power has since been upturned since the following civil war in favor of the now ruling Communist party.

The depiction of China in the 20th and 21st century as anything but Communist would result in quite a bit of backlash from online nationalists, as well as censorship from the Chinese government, which would render their presence in an otherwise historic event as merely appeasement rather than authenticity.

Much in the same way countries ban the use of the nazi swastika in ww2 games, seeing the KMT flag may result in quite the reaction.


Silly question
So how does WT get away with it, having a China faction in a game?
I was going to lvl them, but to much copy paste stuff, after i had just spaded these in US tree.

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