New Faction - Republic of China

The reason why we’re unlikely to see Chinese factions in ww2 games is the fact that the majority of Chinese forces were under the command of its political rival, the Chinese Nationalist Party. Power has since been upturned since the following civil war in favor of the now ruling Communist party.

The depiction of China in the 20th and 21st century as anything but Communist would result in quite a bit of backlash from online nationalists, as well as censorship from the Chinese government, which would render their presence in an otherwise historic event as merely appeasement rather than authenticity.

Much in the same way countries ban the use of the nazi swastika in ww2 games, seeing the KMT flag may result in quite the reaction.


Silly question
So how does WT get away with it, having a China faction in a game?
I was going to lvl them, but to much copy paste stuff, after i had just spaded these in US tree.

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By making it communist china.

Plus they got approval by the Chinese government, For enlisted It means that the CNP would be changed to only be the communist party meaning things would be weird and very ahistorical.

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Because there are not many vehicles with political affiliations.


Without getting into political reasons or anything, I am certain that I want to see something I have never seen before.
I spent my youth playing a lot of WW2 FPSs, but I’ve only ever fought in a certain place, with the exception of the historically inaccurate battlefields of Battlefield V.

The usual course. Normandy, Arnhem, and the Bulge…Well, to be honest, I liked that too.

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  1. China fought bravely for 14 years

Do you mean getting slaughtered for 14 years until Soviets arrived?


I can’t see how this game can “glorify” KMT, considering that Enlisted has never had a single player campaign with story

No, I meant fighting on for 14 years wihtout surrendering.

Good for them

It definitely worked out for them.

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Unfortunately, it seems that Western textbooks have little knowledge about China’s contributions during World War II. Battle of Pingxingguan, Battle of Taierzhuang, Battle of Baituan, Battle of Northern Myanmar, They all have excellent tactics.

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20 million in 14 year is still better than what 41 million in 5 year for soviet?

With poor outcome in the end.

Tactical victories are meaningless if overall strategy failed.

The functional lack of any communists will be seen as glorification enough, just look at how the China tree in WT completely fucks over the Nationalist vehicles by forcing them to use the Communist stars as their emblem in the name of their vehicles while every other sub tree gets a unique emblem, or again how The Eight Hundred went through far too many reshoots to appease party censors. Now take that and make the only communists in the game premium or event squads, since that is how guerillas are depicted in this game (UD-42), and you can easily see how the party may throw a fit.

This is just a symbol of the PRC, and vehicles in the Taiwan region should also use it, because the Taiwan region is not recognized internationally as a country.
I admit, however, that the KMT flag should be used before 1949.

Although the CPC mainly engaged in guerrilla warfare, it still carried out some battles of a certain scale, and was obviously better than the Nationalist Army in tactics. For example, in the Hundred Regiments Battle, 200000 CPC troops participated in the battle and engaged in frontal mobile warfare. My suggestion is to evenly assign teams to KMT and CPC.

No one would question the contribution of the KMT army in the war, but the leaders of the KMT should not be glorified. This will not occur in the game.

the leadership of the KMT is very much responsible for the number of casualties and the length of the war. The soldiers fought bravely regardless of their faction

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Remember, this its not a political forum . Let’s not deviate from the suggestion


Good point

This is your standard, and it is ultimately irrelevant, as seen with the WT example which even you admit the Nationalist vehicles should have a different roundle. If you cannot see how this would not be a political landmine, there really is no helping you.

Your opinion is indeed so, because you assume that the Chinese government is capricious, rather than judging the game based on existing laws. All are groundless speculations based on national prejudices. Who would get angry about a few squads? You think too much about Enlisted. It may be the influence of the “China threat” theory, as many imagine China as a police state?

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