Yes, there are always some guys who talk about the KMT and politics. Who did the KMT hinder? The smart guys think that their prejudice against China is the actual policy and practice of the Chinese government.
The only way to add China is by Adding Manchukuo and Mengjiang to the Japanese tech tree with all the Chinese weapons same way I added France to my British Tech tree:
New Faction British Commonwealth and The Free French - Suggestions - Enlisted
they promote it as long as it follows their narrative.
there have been numerous games banned cause they werent following chinese mandated narrative. here is one notable ww2 game that was banned.
should i remind chinese players that we got harmonization mode cause of introduction of japan inside the game?
there is also question of ROC vs PRC in representation for the game.
i would rather see that they introduce another BR queue than introduce another nation with either copy paste tech tree or paper weapons that will further complicate MM. france would be better addition cause it would at least bring half original tech tree and it wouldnt complicate MM.
well it is hard to have discussion about china without going into its censorship that usually touches on political stuff.
like anyone would get angry about this?
or this
or mentioning taiwan as a country
Dude what the hell is wrong with you? China had so many unique weapons from domesticly produced Thompson’s, homemade firepower and so much more.
General Liu Rifle
Type 24 “Chiang Kai-Shek”

By the end of the 1940s, the Type Chiang Kai-shek rifle was phased out from frontline service in favor of superior American aid equipment, such as the semiautomatic M1 Garand, M1 carbine, and Thompson submachine gun
Chinese RMN-50 type weapon
Chinese domesticly produced submachine gun:
Chinese domesticly produced Thompson style submachine guns:
Chinese modified M1A1 Thompson (Gold order)
Chinese long barrel Thompson’s
Chinese FN pistols:
You see china had their own unique stuff but they’ll be getting lend lease stuff too since that made up most of their arsenal:

If anyone has more unique Chinese weapons please provide.
Communist force are less than KMT force.
Why should you assign teams evenly in the first place?
Chinese players tend to over glorify the communist troop.
This will cause dispute between Chinese players and other players.
then proceeds with
i think we have different definitions of what unique means.
basically almost paper weapon that saw no use in ww2.
You exactly prove the point that’ll be a copy pasted tech tree.
Unfortunately, with how aggressive the Chinese government is when it comes to censorship on things it considers to be conflicting with its political interests, that is unfortunately something that must be addressed.
The only real takeaway from this thread is that “some people want a Chinese faction”, and the following arguments boil down to “are you sure the CCP will accept depicting the Chinese during ww2 this way?”.
It’s like navigating through a minefield. One wrong step, and you get angry nationalists going after you at best, and the game getting banned in China (and subsequently, a source of monetization) at worst.
I don’t assume, I have seen firsthand examples of censorship made in games to appease the party. WT is the simplest and most relevant example of this, but there are countless others that I could cite including such as how Hearts of Iron is banned, and all of recent Blizzard history. However, for the sake of avoiding a mute, I will leave it there and just ask this. If my speculation is groundless, then why does WT not fix the blatantly nationalist vehicles? Seeing as both of these games are published by Gaijin, it would make sense that the president from one game in this area translates to the other game. Therefore, if WT chooses to acknowledge the KMT as the primary combatant in the Sino-Japanese war, then Enlisted has a better shot at getting China with a Chinese faction and proper maps, as it was the KMT that fought the big set-piece battles. Until then, the fact that the KMT is hidden behind the communists is proof enough that Gaijin has conceded to the party on this point, and China will not be coming to this game otherwise it will piss off a large group of people either way.
That only works if firewall jumpers don’t exist, and evidently they do exist.
That is a huge misunderstanding. You really should learn more about history, not just from your high school textbook.
Even the most ridiculous assumption made for WW II by the “fake news”, your saying is far below them…
Again, with new faction talk? This game can’t handle that right now. And plus, chinaland would be a hot potato. As I am already seeing in this topic…
Except the one contributed the most are KMT(current Taiwaness) which the PRC will out right ban you by just showing them
I love that no-one acknowledges that the KMT are in War Thunder at the Start of the Chinese tech tree
I Honestly believe a Chinese war theatre is absolutely deserved
It is. But I would rather see tons of prototypes than just copypasted stuff or stuff that could be in other tech trees.
The problem isn’t theatre, the problem is tech tree… At least for me.
Not everyone is denying the Sino-Japan(1937-1946) war, most of the Japs force were send to mainland China instead of island hopping(funny Japs deny WWII even exist since they only fight mainly US, British, Chinese and maybe Soviets for the most time), the Chinses got crushed harder than the soviets left and right and yet they never surrendered like the French or Capitulated like the poles
The Nationalist has no problem with any media, but that’s not who the Gaming industry aiming for, they cater the People’s Republic China(Chinese Communist party) because the 1.4 billion population they have, and is not just gaming, any kind of media, project, promotion, knowledge, hell even a food recipe need to pass through CCP approval to even show up in their country, that’s a fact
Their TV show is funny too if you like me and spend 5 years living inside PRC
i wouldnt mind chinese faction, but there are just too many problems.
- MM problem → you would be introducing new MM matchup that would be bad for the game cause of introduction of 2 new queues. if there are enough players for 2 new queues, then it would be better to add another queue for existing BR MM.
- lack of unique weapons/vehicles - most of their tech tree would be copy paste of various foreign guns and vehicles and even then idk if they could get past t3
- japanese would outgun chinese in almost everything (similar situation to japan vs usa)
- political problem - political landmine cause of ROC
This is just a regulation for video platforms, not a government regulation. How many times have I said it?
Haha, HOI4 can be found everywhere on Chinese video websites.
The only thing that makes me angry is this, because it’s not a fact. But the first two exist in history, and I won’t evade them like the German government does
In any country, it is the case that permission from the publisher is required.
At least our country will not prohibit people from supporting Palestine/Israel
I have lived here for decades. Young people rarely watch TV because video websites have more information that can be searched independently.
Some programs are ridiculous (such as Professor Guo’s claim that Confucius and Marx’s theories are very similar) and have been ridiculed by many netizens. What does this represent?