Why the gewerh 43 8mm kursk got a 550 Rmp mode?

As I have already said, your clan mate is happy for this change. That’s according to him, is going to make the weapon even better.

Whatever, you don’t even know the name of the weapon…

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How easy to offend you…

This weapon wasn’t pay locked…


The backlash to the G43k change isnt entirely because it is percieved as a nerf but also because buyers are disturbed by that decision to change it.
In this case game health is entirelly irrelevant and trust that DF wont backstab their purchases matters only.
If DF just ignores this issue it might result in less money being spend on the game by those who can afford it but dont want to fully commit to something (this expansive) that might be changed in the future due to a lack of trust.
This is the reality that DF has to navigate (while somehow financing servers and staff).


It was not entirely pay locked sure, but you could also direcly spend gold for it and a lot of GO that where redeemed where aquired through the paid BP.

It’s so p2w that i always put them on 5th-6th position in my squads :rofl:

You are acting like you know everything and are most skilled player in “most powerful clan in Enlisted” but in reality you don’t know that there are other ways of obtaining gold order weapons than just paying with gold.

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You could pay money to skip the grind for M2 Stinger, so according to both of you it’s also p2w weapon. Your logic doesn’t make any sense. There are many ways of acquiring gold order weapons for free.

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Exept that this weapon was pulled from the store before we got swamped with the nearly monthly marathon events granting them. GO used to be way more rare at the time and having 6 GO to spare as F2P would be rare. So it is likely that someone would invest real money for more copies of it.

That is just a time skip… you did not pay for the weapon but for the stages which in turn would award the weapons. If you count time skip as P2W then every single TT weapon would be P2W as you could buy exp and silver for real money which is highly unlikely to have actually happend.

you had a chance of getting weapon GO every 15 days. i got few of them like that. also you get 1-2 weapon GO every season if you buy BP which lasts for infinity if you are active in game.

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yea i got the g43k when i was a f2p so yea

It’s like different people have different opinions. Crazy concept. Also like 90% sure Evo was just trolling you lel.

It’s adorable how butthurt you remain about the smallest things.