Why the gewerh 43 8mm kursk got a 550 Rmp mode?

It’s not a complain just a question is historically accurate? Or is just “balance” or smt relationed

Deliberately malicious intent to sell people something and then twist it into something else entirely.

That’s why.


This one. Historically it had only full-auto and semi-auto fire.

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That’s just BS excuse to justify this deed full of malicious intent. Why aren’t they so interested in TT guns being historically correct? Why does Fnab still have such a bad non-historical fire rate?


I think that DF gonna put this gun with premium squad using the good reputation of this one for increase erarnings

And the why the auto and semi mode well, cuz besides that is a nerfed gun stills insane and if can
be aviable By purshasing it well… It’s gonna to be a headache Even for experienced players

:joy: :joy:

… and they noticed it ~1,5 years later?!
I really think this decision reflects the mindset of DF.


not really weird for DF… i mean you have lots of other historically incorrect equipment… stinger with 200 rounds in 100 round box, m1 and m9 bazooka with incorrect penetration and caliber, non standard mg42 ROF etc.

i dont really blame them cause unless you are searching for archives of respective nations, you wont be getting accurate info. books about weapons are often inaccurate in some details or dont have specific information about type of ammo/rocket used. e.g. finding penetration value for bazooka rockets is almost impossible from books cause every source lists different values and most dont list what rocket they used and under what angle(0° or 30°). some weapons were tested with american made cartridges which can be non standard or some armies used different cartridges making muzzle velocity different, etc.

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Well, it’s definitely not weird of them. In fact, it’s very consistent with their approach to things like that. G43K is not the first unobtainable GO they have changed in significant manner.

But I think their approach just isn’t reasonable and respectful towards people who bought it. It’s really pissing me off.


well technically game is still in beta and all data is subject to change. it is probably in TOS somewhere that you agree to these terms when you buy weapons.

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I am not saying they don’t have the right to do it xD. I just think it’s disrespectful towards people like me. And they shouldn’t have done it.


So when we will be removing TT AS-44 and putting it as the gold order or/and premium only? You want HA right?



Yea HA argument aren’t good nowadays especially when ho ri exist


Just putting shit into the TOS doesn’t make it legal, though. I almost wish they some day piss off a whale with real fuck you money who will sue them.

I guess thats the only way, as post stalingrad i assume they don’t really have a functioning moral compass.

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Shooting mode can be HA, but what about fire rate? Tonnages of guns in Enlisted have incorrect fire rate, based on more game “balance” than HA.
If the Devs just wanna remove the burst mode for HA, they can give the Kurz a 800rpm full-auto, but no. It is badly nerfed, from a decent laser combat rifle to an Mkb42. It is a deliberate nerf, with the point of disgusting ppl who bought it.

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I agree 100%
maybe the G43k is just the first move :person_shrugging:

Then the devs should announce a broad HA rework, so that we know what to expect - in reality the G43k is only gonna get nerfed for the 10th time just because some Soviet mains think it got too much dps. Effectively it does, but for a different reason.

What they don’t realize is that soviet body armor turns FG42 from a one hit kill into a two hit kill - while STG stays a 2 hit kill and the G43 K stays even at mid range a two hit kill.

So G43k is the better FG42 by accident.

Also G43 “kursk” - lol

  1. Be a game dev.
  2. Have troubble finding good sources about guns you want to add.
  3. Create a fake player account on your game forum.
  4. Post some BS data about weapon that interests you as facts and demand change.
  5. Watch as ppl race to correct the errors, posting sources and actuall secret data (WT forum).
  6. Worst case scenario, just go with data most ppl are ok with even if you are not 100% sure it’s correct.
  7. Congrats, you’ve just got delivered all info you need for free by ppl who aren’t even interns.
    You only need moderators to clear the trash and insults so the post is easier to read.

Is this ideal solution? No.
But it’s cheap and that’s even better.


Honestly, these informations aren’t that difficult to come by anymore though… there are nowadays so many gun youtube channels where they shoot even super old weapons… you can guess fire rate of those guns just by watching those videos.

This is so smart, it should be illegal.
100% signed that.


Talking about fire rate in general, usually the bullet is the biggest contributer to it. There are exceptions of course, and since it is very difficult to find videos of someone actually shooting a G43K cuz its so rare, we can only speculate.

But, one thing should be said about the 8mm kurz cartridge - every video that I find someone shooting a STG, MKB, or MP43 … the automatic fire rate is slow, very slow, to me personally it seems close to a MP40 - which was probably the intention to have it perform similarly so that soldier dont need as long to get used to it.

So STG44 is already shooting too fast.

So 550 round per minutes is slow for Enlisted, but I bet that the G43K would actually have under 500 rpm in the real world, considering it got the bigger bolt of a G43 with more mass.