Why the gewerh 43 8mm kursk got a 550 Rmp mode?

if you are buying stuff in game that is in development and where all data is subject to change while you were warned about it in TOS makes it legal. you may not like it, but it is what it is.

i would love if they operated like this… but you have seen how suggestions go and how long it takes to implement them. ffs we only now got corrected dispersion for some guns that people were asking them to correct for years. do you know how much time you need to correct those values? a minute of work.

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The thing is though - even though you don’t own digital property, by spending money on lets say a G43k you buy a service.

The devs are obligated to deliver this service, and as soon as they change that, its no longer what you spent money on.

So a weapon gold order refund is actually more than justified.


I dont get why people think its getting nerfed, it was a glitchy mess in burst mode where almost half of your bullets disappeared and it was a huge waste of ammo. Its why I removed them from my lineup.

Im very happy with the change to full auto so I will definitely bring them back.

Also, here is a video showing the difference between the old and new firing modes:


i was researching mauser round cause i was trying to find evidence of soviets supercharging tokarev round (which is basically mauser round with slight changes). all data i found about mauser round was from american cartridges which had muzzle velocity of 1400-1450fps. only one source vaguely mentioned difference between american(1400-1450fps) and german cartridges(muzzle velocity anywhere between 1300-1600fps depending on cartridge). so even if you find video of someone shooting it you cant really be certain of its actual rof in time of its usage.

devs can stop providing that service tomorrow it would be legal, not to mention just changing specs of one weapon. when you use service you are under terms and conditions of service provider. one of the “benefits” of not owning the product and paying for the service.

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They are a service provider, they need to deliver the payed service. I don’t think they are legally able to do what ever the heck they want.

I mean this might be a neutral take but g43k feel fine sure it can get a rof buff a bit since it full auto now, it is sad tho tbh since burst fire was super fun for me (and quite effective when I’m lagging)

A TOS doesn’t supersede the law. You cannot, for instance say that you have the right to kill customers who sue you and have that be legally enforceable even if the customer agreed to it in the TOS - just as an extreme example. Considering the amount of jurisdictions, there are probably plenty of fraud and consumer protection laws where “we can change whatever we want that people paid for whenever we want, because it’s in the TOS and you agreed” will not fly as an argument and might not be enforceable depending on the circumstances.

Also either way - doesn’t mean that anyone cannot sue in either case.

Yet :mouse:

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you are obviously not familiar with informed consent. if service provider informed you that it may change anything in the game for any reason and despite that you still proceeded to buy the service, then you really have nothing to go on legally.

only thing that would possibly be in grey zone legally is one sided changes to product/service without a VALID reason and they have valid reason for change in this case.

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He was not justifying it, it is just the reason for it and that’s all, again I am not defending df and think this move is stupid

Hey guys, remember the fire rate for all semi auto are still capped? Remember as44 is a Soviet stg44 but better? Nothing is about historical accuracy. The devs just don’t want you to use g43k just like how they screw mkb42 over.


Why you care? Doesn’t matter that much you still got a assault rifle for a engineer or radio even rifle men

After doing some research, here’s what I found;

The Gewehr 43 8mm Kurz or it’s real life name, Sturmgewehr G-43 DFE (DauerFeuerEinrichtung), is a fully automatic/semi automatic weapon. It doesn’t have burst fire, however, it looks like Darkflow may of mis-translated the weapon’s description. The weapon that is currently in the Wehrtechnische Studiensammlung Museum has a small description card in German, which when translated to English, a small part of it reads “The shooting tests are extremely unsatisfactory. As a result of the strong recoil impulse from the bursts of fire, the muzzle moved upwards after the first shot.”
I think they made a mistake when doing initial research on the weapon and must of thought the “bursts of fire” literally meant burst fire. You can view an image of the weapon as well as its description card here;

Sorry for the low quality image, i had to steal it from somebody online.




And if they now decided they want to follow the historical accuracy trail then G43K should have a rate of fire of 480 and not 550.



480 is stock, 550 is upgraded :stuck_out_tongue:


Plus it should have been reclassified to AR, since it’s literally named assault rifle G-43 DFE.

Nah, HA was just lame excuse for whatever intention they do have.


I mean the BAR is an automatic rifle but it mg in game so yea

Machinegewehr can be translated as automatic rifle as well.
MGs are basically automatic rifles.
And ARs are downscaled automatic rifles.

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And FG42 should be a super rare rifle that only few paratroopers or elite soldiers would receive, it was never standardized you could be the Soviet or American fighting vs Germany and never encounter a single enemy carrying them but in Enlisted they are everywhere.

AS-44 and Fedorov shouldn’t be even playable at BR4/5 because AS-44 had only 7 copies and Fedorov was already depleted from storage or destroyed by 1940.

HA is just an excuse to nerf/remove weapons that DF finds problematic but at same time they give Americans most op guns in the game like M2 Stinger and T20. How fair is that?

DF’s WW2 history is an alt-history more like Isekai where all nations got transported into modern world and can use modern day factories to produce whatever they want at mass (with few limitations that DF sets upon them), they have unlimited resources and perfect steel so it would never fail in the combat encounters.