Why the gewerh 43 8mm kursk got a 550 Rmp mode?

If the game is supposed to be somewhat historically based off of World War II, then I feel (and this is not the first time I said this) that the DEV’s should make it as realistic as possible. This is why I bitch about Grey zones, as they’re no grey zones in real combat. So, as far as guns, their rate of fire and hitting power should realistically reflect the real gun used on the battlefield. So for example, the MP 40 that most basic German Soldiers used shot 500-550 rpm per a quickie google search, then that is what “EVERY” MP 40 in the game should shoot, period. Another quickie google search, the Russian PPS 42 shoots 500-600 rpm, so it should not exceed those numbers, period. So, the base MP 40 with no upgrades should be 500 rpm, and fully upgraded 550, and so forth with the PPS42. Of course, I used those quickie google search numbers, as to whether or not they are accurate is up to debate as I don’t know what the tech manual ROF is, but I was using them as an example, not the rule. However, if those numbers are accurate, then that is what DF should set the guns at.

If DF reworked ALL the guns and did an update thus changing them to what their actually use on the battlefield numbers say they were, then we would be that much closer to a realistic game, and people should not have to bitch about why is this gun shooting much faster then that one, because the answer would be simple, it did in real life. However, lots of people would be unhappy when their favorite gun got detuned in the process. :joy: Either way, count me in for making it as realistic as possible.

Both Soviets and Americans would bitch that their overpowered PPS42 and Lanchester got nerfed and that "“German MP40 is OP!!!1111” even tho it’s the weakest Smg in the game at BR2 when you compare it against the competition. They dig their grave and lie in it with broken balance of the nations where Germany is nothing but a punching bag for those two nations, it’s by design.

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I agree.

But as long as they won’t be screwing up with paying players. By selling something and then drastically changing it after 1.5 years for which the thing was no longer available.

This made me reconsider my approach to GO weapons. And I won’t ever again buy a GO weapon for golds.


Ah right that like when merge happen funny time tbh

They really can’t “ethically” change weapons people paid for. I have quite a bit of paid product myself. :yum: Besides, premium squads your limited to that one squad with that one weapon so you only have 4 or 5 of them anyway, and BP weapons your limited to only being able to buy 4. But I think every piece of tech tree should be as close to 100% functional accuracy as possible.

also there were no suicide soldiers that were rushing into thousands strong enemy line to destroy enemy tank that is well behind that line with imaginary explosion pack.

grey zone is ok cause it represent area of strong control of enemy.

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I mean let be real here they could use those turret code (from moon event) to make like ai or bunker in grayzone that kill you like how carrier work but that probably required new mode

Kinda like in tfc where you can’t camp the spawn since there is a turret protecting it

Grey zones are here because Tanks don’t last long on the battlefield, that is every tank lover’s excuse. In real life, Tanks don’t always last long on the battlefield as well, (see Ukraine). My APC doesn’t last long on the battlefield, why doesn’t it get grey zone protection, especially if I am using it as a tank? My dive bomber doesn’t last long above the battlefield, why don’t I get some sort of grey zone protection for it? If the enemy has a fighter plane up, I get one pass at the most. So, if we’re going to have safe spaces, then they need to be distributed to other areas of the game as well. Better yet, keep it real and don’t have them. :wink:

They could make like unlikable bot or bunker (depends on map) that protect grey zone kinda like carrier in pacific Imo would make it a bit more realistic maybe?

Eh idk tbh grey zone discussion are hard for me

nah grey zones are there to prevent spawn camping.

personally i dont care about grey zone cause infantry wasnt killing tanks with explosion packs(non existent) or satchel charges(they killed/disabled very small minority of all tanks). infantry weapon of choice for destroying tanks was either AT gun, rocket launcher (bazooka, panzerfaust etc.), AT rifle (for early war) or AT mines(minefields for defense).

please tell me how many tanks were destroyed by infantry charging into tank with explosion pack and how many of them were destroyed by range AT weapons.

but you do. infantry cant build AA on whole map and it can only see planes in 1000m range.

you can fight that plane same as if there was enemy tank up. enemy tank could destroy you, same as you could destroy enemy tank. same thing with planes.

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I can destroy the tank with my dive bomber…if I get the chance since I usually only get ONE PASS! I don’t get the protections that a Tank gets as their is no portion of the sky that I can lurk around in where an enemy fighter cannot pursuit me, that’s the point! That is why NO ONE needs a grey zone. :rofl: If I am using my APC as a tank, why do I NOT get protection with it? The German APC with a howitzer is very good being used as a tank, if you have time to sit and blast away since you have no protection

People only care about what they like, so if you love fighting in your tanks, you love the grey zone, but if you don’t fly in a plane, they you could care less about any ariel protection, or APC protection if being used as a tank. I don’t use a tank, thus I don’t care about unrealistic tank protection. Do I really think dive bombers need a grey zone? NO, but they have as much right to one as a tank. BTW, I have shot down a plane with my APC once, so you can drop planes with your tank as well. :grin:

such BS statement. tanks only get protection from det pack. not from AT guns, rocket launchers, other tanks or planes. last time i checked infantry cant get to sky to det pack plane, but i dont see you complaining…

btw i am infantry main and usually mostly play with planes when i do vehicle. although i play with tanks sometimes.


I don’t like the tanks, I think they are boring, and until a few months ago had never flown a plane other then practice. My one and only APC kill on a plane was a freak lucky shot which I am sure will never happen again. :rofl: Not often does a plane dive down right in front of your howitzer without having to move it so all I had to do was click the mouse. :blush: I take absolutely no credit for talent with that shot. I enjoy the plane as it is far less stressful then constant infantry fighting, however, it is aggravating to have to wait for a plane to become available, and get killed after your first pass. But if their are no fighters flying and it is mostly an outdoor map with houses I can get 40 or 50 kills along with killing Tank occupants using my Stuka. It took a while to get the timing, but once I got that down the rest took care of itself. I’m not good at dog fighting, and get my butt kicked in my P51 as it doesn’t last long in level 5.

well you should have seen someone taking down plane with mortar shell…


Btw this got derail quite a bit might wanna get back on track

Ironic since train don’t exist anymore lol

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lol nerf det pack pls

pay to win weapon is nerf and pay to win abuser deserve be stopped!!

the only pay to win aspect about this gun is it being a trooper weapon.

According to your clan member, the weapon is going to be even better after this change…

So I really don’t understand what’s your problem. I am honestly confused.

when enlisted remove pay to win gun like gewehr 41 kurz with nerf, its good for game