Testing the next update (August 26)

It’s easier to change firing mode for one weapon than to change it for all weapons in the squad (to make your AIs more effective).

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Ok new russian pistol is super nice definitely buying it on the main game when it arrive

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Still haven’t made FG42s bayonet usable?


btw murata reload is 9.9 sec it such a meme weapon and bren mk2 is decent i like it

probably gonna buy murata after the next pass tho (maybe)


Personally I’ve thought that maybe bots could change their fire mode depending on the situation like going full auto when in close quarters, or bots change their mode based on what your current mode is

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I’m not gonna complain that they made a gun I bought even better. Burst fire was a gimmick and had no basis to be there. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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I’m not sure how it works and I don’t expect helpers to let us know, but there is some kind of secret criteria (like still having at least half of the mag), but yeah I did see AI have a full mag again once I switched back.

yeah, but you can’t abuse it by starting to reload and letting AI finish reloading


well i already learn the “dont reload and switch” one the hard way

anyway thank you

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Wait, there is no criteria?

I guess my soldiers were just lazy to reload then.

Epic AI tank battle


Well, you have your own reserve. That’s the criteria.

At least that’s how I understand it. Nothing will change. Just that bots in theory could fire the weapon with 1 round reserve from your perspective “infinitely”.

They are driving those tanks as if they were playing Girls und Panzers




The change about g43k is undoubtedly disrespectful to old players.I spent a lot to buy it for its special fire mode,and you decide to cancel it after you earned money by it ,eventually make it become a failure like mkb42…This change is unacceptable.It insults and sneers at people who used to love this game and pay for it


apart from that little incident.
They played them way better than I expected.

Constantly re-positioning themself, not hanging in the back of the map.
After a while they will jump out tho.


KI-84 air spawns and kills the p47s

Good thing that you just reminded me about them i got a new cpu so i could try emulating that switch game again.

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Amazing changes overall, great job.
Also pls consider porting similar restrictions to tanks as well. Players shouldn’t be allowed to spawn tiger 2h and tiger 2p back to back or to cycle 3 panzer3n. Make destroying enemy vehicles actually impactful.

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the text when finishing the battle seem smaller or is that just me? (on test server)