Why is the Tiger II H getting destroyed by an explosive pack?

Hull armor thickness

Track armor thickness

Tiger II H blueprints

TNT Explosive pack armor penetration

Explosive pack have 35 mm of armor penetration.

To detonate the ammo rack the explosive pack need to first penetrate a total of approximately 52 mm of armor.

Why doesn’t the track absorb the explosion?

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I think it’s funny that on one hand this game tries to replicate realistic armor mechanics and on the other explosive packs are mini nukes

I sort of think explosive packs should be overhauled. Explosive packs should be used primarily to attack enemy fortifications. I think if they’re used against a tank theoretically they can do decent damage but I don’t think they should be knocking them out left and right. Maybe disable a part

Plus we should receive actual AT grenades as a gadget


This is an infantry game, what do you expect? Infantry should be able to kill tanks easily.


I expect the modelled armor to work properly.


Strictly speaking, this is a war-themed team pvp game
This is why you can use iron coffins to fire explosives and machine guns
The reason why the number of vehicles is limited is to prevent a large number of selfish idiots from using vehicles and resulting in insufficient infantry.

They used to be great anti-sandbag weapons.
Doesn’t seem to work that well now


I think the tank track should be taken into account properly when calculating a possible armor penetration from an explosive pack, once the track is destroyed it should not be considered for the next calculation.

The abundance of the explosive pack during a match mean it is too good. Often people will equip their entire squad with explosive pack despite its poor performance against infantry. As this grenade is universally available, any soldier can practically become a kamikaze drone that you send out 1 by 1 to wipe out an entire vehicle squad.

you could kill it with an impact grenade up until a few months ago…

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Then explain why KV 1 can withstand explosive packs easiely?
If only some tanks have to follow that rule but otheres dont then there is no reason as to why it should be that way.


well i dont mind that cause you still need to have knowledge on where to drop det pack to destroy KT. US has fewer options than most when it comes to destroying KT. m1 bazooka wont pen anything, m9 will pen on certain places, but you need to know where ammo rack is exactly and you need to be at certain angle to actually pen. AT mines are non existent, while TNT is also rarely seen and has same pen as det pack. AT guns are useless, so that only leaves planes, pershing or pixel hunting on commander cupola with 76w.

KV-1 variants and the A.C.I Sentinel doesn’t have any part of the hull extending over the tacks. The hull side armor of these tanks are thick enough to make them immune to explosive pack thrown near the track.


I was just talking about the statement made by someone else claiming that all tank are supposed to be easierly destroyed. Which is kinda debunked by the fact that the KV 1 exists.

well you have forgotten soviet bias :stuck_out_tongue:


I expect tanks to be tanky. Crazy idea, I know.


The kv is a problem, while in this case the kt is the norm, am I mistaken

A lot of people do including me

Then go champion the KV to be nerfed before every othere tank has to be weakend artifficially.

Explosion packs are just kinda busted against tanks
I will say though, Panther’s and Tiger II’s require a bit of finessing. Not the easiest to kill them suckers. I’ve also survived a few explosion packs with my Jumbo oddly enough

Also, it’s Russian

tanks can have realistic armor when they are given realistic vision