Why is the Tiger II H getting destroyed by an explosive pack?

When we getting this?

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Proper cupola view when?

when soldiers can move around in tank, a cupola is not an instant vision dome
meaning soldiers will need vision cones, and not be omni aware of there surroundings

To destroy KT, you need to throw EP on top of its engine deck.

The place you have shown is not guaranteed kill

Dont they already design the cupolas for the tanks, which is apparently the reason why the Pershing took like forever to get to the game.

Yeah, as 8 spearate vision ports that take for ever to use. Peak situational awerness in a fast game.
Unless you speak about something different.

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Also really important. Dont know how often I used this feature (especially on purpose and not because I was clumsy and pushed the mouse wheel on accident)
Probably also the reason why the Super Pershing takes even longer.

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exploits don’t count :face_vomiting:

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most explosives pen that armor, which is well below 35mm, and guess what, there are ammo racks above them

But there is the track aswell with would add another 20ish mm of armor plus the distance from the ground to the armor allowing explosions to escape without harm.

That is only taking 1 layer of armor penetration into consideration. The track is wider than the flat underside hull armor directly above it.

An explosive pack thrown near the track would have to penetrate at least 2 layers of armor to damage the ammo rack, approximately 52 mm of armor need to be penetrated. 52 mm is being generous as the wheel armor is not considered.

As you already know the explosive pack only have 35 mm of armor penetration, if the modelled armor work correctly 1 explosive pack would not be able to detonate the tank when thrown near its track.

KV-2 152 mm HE shell have 48 mm of armor penetration, 37% more penetration than the explosive pack. Shooting the 152 mm shell near the king tiger’s track does not denotate it in 1 shot like an explosive pack.

The modelled armor is inconsistent and the explosive pack is busted.

If you ask me, throwable weapons should only disable tanks (tracks, turret ring, barrel) and not kill them. To kill you either use plantable explosive (TNT) or a specialist soldier (AT class with launcher, actual AT grenade or AT canon).

Explosive pack is just pure fantasy.

I am surprised this is still an argument :PPP

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Lazers when?
I guess after cold war gets added.

cold war probably gonna take like 4 year or something at this rate tbh

I don’t know. Devs already add paper weapons from ww2. So soon they will run out of those and they will need to go to cold war for more power creep equipment.

nah have faith

oh actually they could add the goliath and stuff but that not a good thing anyway and i dont want to think about it


we still miss a lot of italian stuff so yea there is that anyway i would love them like the villar perosa

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Isn’t matter of fate but of logical observation and there are 3 scenarios, for the feared lack of contents for infantry

Scenario 1
dev want keep add high BR stuff in the tech tree but there aren’t anymore meta ww2 gun who can be added in the tech tree as the last ditch of them is planned for premium or event, so… They move in the cold war and start pump new stuff free and premium adding BR6

Scenario 2
Dev decide to focus on keep expanding lower BR, with side grade and early BR with ww1/pre war stuff, more rifle, more biplane, more light tank, this lead to expand the game in WW1 and adding a new BR system for it

Scenario 3
More nation are added with their equipment this no Ned further explanation I think