Why gray zone tanks suck Vol 1

Grey zone was not part of the road map. So that tells you how much of a “problem” this is to the devs.

It’s already been mentioned in a news update. The devs are looking into it, and working out ways to help fix it. It’s all good.

If people want gray zones for tanks, I say fine, but with some stipulations.

First, if your general ground troop has no access to the gray zone with out dying, then let tanks be fully targeted by artillery no matter where they are on the map. Tanks cannot just camp in one location if they know they will be targeted so they must move periodically or die a quick death.

Second, let parachuter squad go after them. The Map is far to limited for parachuters anyway, so give them access of the entire map.

This way, Tanks are still somewhat protected, but have to keep alert as well, not just sit comfortably without stress clicking the mouse from time to time killing people at the control point. :wink:

People say, In Enlisted tanks won’t last long on the battlefield without the gray zone, well, Snipers don’t last long on the battlefield either, should we give them gray zones? :rofl:

AFV’s generally (eg excepting APC rally points in this game) have guns with long range to be able to hit enemy from outside enemy range, and armour to protect them at range from at least some enemy weapons.

The idea they must be forced to behave such that they cannot use those 2 advantages is ludicrous.

and their AT guns suck.

  1. your gray zone is enemies playable area
  2. shield icon is only active for fresh spawns.
  3. devs are planning experiments without gray zone

same thing to you. gray zone tanks are extremely easy to kill cause you have numerous options on how to kill them while they are in there.

  1. another tank - only doesnt work in few extreme matchups(mostly either KT vs low BR tank or starter tank vs any higher BR tank). most tanks can penetrate/kill most other tanks frontally in same BR bracket.
  2. plane - always works unless you take fighter without any bomb payload
  3. engineer AT guns - US has shit AT guns that cant pen frontally for BR4+, japan also has shit AT gun and soviet/german can penetrate everything except KT. fix was announced with better AT guns for high tier for all nations.
  4. AT rocket launchers - soviet/germans dont have any problem, while japan/US have rather bad AT rockets so high BR tanks are a problem.

so devs just need to introduce better AT guns/rockets and possibly introduce second vehicle slot for f2p players so they can have both tank and plane.

they are looking into removing gray zone which will lead to that clip of someone spawn camping 3-4 tanks from behind.


so have you ever tried to do a shot from panzerfaust on that range? seems like no cuz youre texting that cringe :rofl:

Fix maps.

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You can’t remove/fix gray zone tanking without nerfing infantry AT capabilities / making tanks faaaar better at CQC.
At least imo.

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Sounds more like a you issue than anything else, if that is what you experience the most of the time.
There are scenarios where im forced to stay in the grey zone if im in a tank, but that is not common and i dont think that is what OP is talking about.

People abuse it to be untouchable, and that needs a fix.

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Why not add a battle fatigue mechanic for tanks staying in the grey zone too long? If a tank stays there for an extended period, the crew could eventually die. The fatigue shouldn’t reset when they leave the grey zone, but it should pause. So, if they drive back into the grey zone, the battle fatigue picks up right where it left off.

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If you are countering weak enemy or newbies like OP did that might not be a problem. A tank that comes out of grey zone is super easy to destroy.

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You forgot the last part of what i said.

People abuse it to be untouchable, and that needs a fix.

If your tank constantly gets blown as soon as you are leaving the grey zone, then your team is in trouble anyway.

So how is it related to my statement above?
Read again what the specific stuff you quoted is answering to.

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It’s very much related to the topic we’re discussing.

please tell me how they are untouchable when there are 4 ways to destroy tanks in gray zone?

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Lol the stuff you initially quoted are me replying the statement that OP claims grey zone add nothing to the team and or occupy a valuable slot and single handedly giveaway the game to the other side.

What are you even on about?

You said :

And as a part of my reply i told you that :

What is it you don’t understand exactly?

Maybe because that is not the stuff I am discussing?
I am discussing the effectiveness of grey zone camper vs the one at the outside.
If you want to discuss if it need to be fix or not, go and quote or reply something that is discussing about this.

Wait what?

I can’t bring my own arguments into the debate if I’m quoting you? That’s a very strange rule. I think it was important to include because you were defending grey zoning, and a tank can really mess up enemy infantry.
A grey-zoned tank is just too overpowered.

And this is exactly on topic with :

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I don’t see how this is connected to my opinion…