Why gray zone tanks suck Vol 1

You dont need to nerf anything if you add that battle fatigue

This makes no sense what so ever.

Imo if tanks are forced to leave the gray zone, they need to have better chance fighting vs CQC infantry (or they will be massacred).
How does battle fatigue bypass this?

i dont understand how they are untouchable when there are 4 ways to kill tank inside gray zone (2 of which are with infantry).

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You are diverging the topic to should grey zone camping be fixed?

Lol were did you see I defend grey zone? The stuff I am saying on top is all about grey zone camping is more effective then coming out. It is OP saying that grey zone camping add nothing to the team and or occupy a valuable slot and single handedly giveaway the game to the other side.

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I guess i misunderstood what you said then, i read it as defending grey zoning.

I disagree, tanks should not just be invincible “behind a safe zone” its like playing in GOD mode vs infantry.
You can still keep a distance, staying near your own infantry is good for safety. But you should never be guaranteed that CQC can’t harm you just because you’re in a tank.

As it is now, grey-zoned tanks are just slaying infantry, and if the tanks have good pilots on their team, they are almost godlike as they cant even be bombed.

They aren’t invincible for infantry. Except maybe the heaviest tanks but that’s they joy of powercreep for you.

One random soldier can kill a tank. So unless your team is 100% successful at defending a tank, you are guaranteed to die.

It depends on where the tank is, i have experienced battles where infantry had no chance to get to the tanks because the battle fatigue of the gray zone killed them before they could get near enough to do anything about the tank.

I can only talk of personal experience, but i have successfully blasted defense zones, killing enemy infantry trying to get on it for a very long time with out infantry getting to me, with out staying in the grey zone.

Yeah in the end someone got to me, but i was alive long enough that i needed to drive back and reload. - if you have a little battle sense you can take out most infantry getting close with the MGs

  • perhaps im just a better tanker than everyone else? (sarcasm) :slightly_smiling_face:

OK, but how many enemies where bots and how many paratrooper where landing in your flanks?


Nah don’t ban as he is right, it’s sometimes hard to know if you are gray zone camping yourself (I bet even you have found a place of maximum destruction and little to no answer by the enemy and you weren’t exactly trying to exploit this). Banning only leads to more descent, so finding a way to fix the problem proactively is a better solution (idk what said solution should be but it shouldn’t be so punitive).

Except for paratroopers, if your tanks are getting destroyed at the exit of the grey zones, your team has bigger problems than just losing tanks.

And if it is paratroopers, your team should handle them ASAP. If they keep destroying tanks, then, once again, your team has bigger problems than just losing tanks.

Tbh I never encountered this. AT gun works just fine, at least on low BRs.

Yes, this happens. But I would say it’s more of an exception than a rule.
From my experience, tank in playable area is a dead tank in most cases. But of course it’s only what I saw and may not be true overall.

But this pretty much applies to infantry squads as well, unless you play extremely smart / conservative or have very weak opponents.

So why should tanks be significantly more enduring?

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  1. they are limited to only 2 per battle, unlike hordes of infantry
  2. they are tanks and they are supposed to be tanky (like in RPG sense). If a tank is just as vulnerable as infantry, it doesn’t serve it’s role. Imo

Maybe I’m weird but personally I’d like tanks to be kind of minibosses. So it takes some (team) effort to deal with them and gives a good reward afterwards. To the point I feel worried to see one.
Right now gray zoning tank is simply annoying and not gray zoning tank is free exp. Zero excitement.

But I guess it’s basically impossible to do. Too much effort, too many changes and probably a lot of pushback.

Dude I do hit tanks at 100 meters distance first shot with a Panzerfaust 100, without switching sights.

For around 200 meters I first spot the enemy tank, and then use my thumb as a sight. The rest is intuition.

200 meter shots are absolutely possible and I do them all the time.

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My thoughts exactly. Tanks are not supposed to be indestructible. Or near thereabouts.

Hopefully, the Devs will see this thread and realize there needs to be a happy medium. Tanks at higher level need to be able to survive. But the whole explosives killing tanks was no doubt a response to the fact that tanks were almost indestructible.

They need to make the survivability of tanks better outside the gray zone - and they need to make staying in the gray zone non-profitable for those who do it.

They are the opposite of indestructible. They are free exp for infantry.
Tanks shouldn’t be so easily destroyed.

While I can understand the sentiment overall, I think anything that requires team effort to do is just not fit for enlisted and worse will just end up being OP on whoever requires some coordination to be dealt with. Unless it’s a stack in which case the team effort part will always be trivial.

It’s just as feasible as saying “well, tanks should organize & coordinate infantry support to survive longer” - we both know that this will work only in extreme edge cases.

In my view, everyone should always be under threat no matter where they are. Maybe the starting point should be a bit closer look at the infantry AT efficiency. Maybe TNT charges & packs need to be further nerfed to around 20mm pen (or with a decreased crew / ammo lethality and increased component damage), for instance, to also bring a bit more value to bombers and AT gun building.


Cant wait for Vol 2.

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