Why gray zone tanks suck Vol 1

What is the point of pushing up anyway? Why go to 50m to shoot enemy with your tank if you can do it 100m away? If there is no point of pushing up, what is the point of rewarding it?

Again, I assume English is a second language. Here’s some Latin: ad hominem. Look it up.

Simply put, gray zone tank sniping, even if they’re on my team, is probably more annoying to me than if they are on the other side. They’re HOGGING the tanks. The player is wracking up a score w/ little risk to themselves.

And then those players lie to themselves and everyone else by saying they’re helping the team win by killing other players.

NO, you are NOT. There have been threads on this forum and time and again, players say what is more important - and an overwhelming majority will say capturing a point vs. flying an airplane all day or sitting in the back with a tank.

Why? Because while loser in the back with the tank that can’t be killed gets point and earns research for themselves - the other 9 players (assuming there are even say 3-4 good ones) have to carry the load of either defending a point or winning it.

Don’t pretend gray zone tank playing is some noble pursuit. What a crock.

So you are just jealous that grey zone tank get more point than you. Case close.

Lol using your logic we should delete all tank and plane in game since capture point is more important.

And the load is reduced since the tank killed many enemies.

I didn’t, you are the one saying pushing up with a tank is a superior action.

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THAT is your takeaway?

LOL. Right on, you win. This whole rant was because I’m jealous of gray tank users. As if I couldn’t just do it myself instead of bringing my tank up in support of my other players or deserting and going to a new map and claiming a tank spot.


False. Gray zone tanking isn’t the only way to play a tank. The fact that YOU think this is the case says far more about you (and your logic) than it does me.

Good lord. Don’t let any actual successful tactician hear you talking like that!

If your goal is sitting in the back and firing a cannon, why not just build one with an engineer? What exactly is the reason you think tanks were even built in the first place? Artillery had been around for like… heck, 2500 years…and cannon since the 12th century - before a motorized tank hit the scene.

What is a tank used for? Let’s go to Wikipedia:
A tank is an armoured fighting vehicle intended as a primary offensive weapon in front-line ground combat. Tank designs are a balance of heavy firepower, strong armour, and battlefield mobility provided by tracks and a powerful engine; their main armament is often mounted within a turret. They are a mainstay of modern 20th and 21st century ground forces and a key part of combined arms combat.

Key words: FRONT-LINE and “COMBINED ARMS”. As you sort of said: Case closed.

Because you like to do it your way.

You can’t capture point with a tank. You literally said capture point is more important.

Successful tactician? Doubt they will be successful in this game.

Because you have turret, mg and have better protection?

I suggest you to play more and you will realized it is not practical in Enlisted.

Not sure if i agree. I distinctly remember a pacific map where the attacking player drove up a hill where he would have a grey-zone overwatch for caps 1-2 and then he drove to a different ridge to have an overwatch over 3. And from there he was blasting our team to shit. Overall a pretty smart cookie.

Problem was that most of my team was BR2 or 1, and he was sitting in a downtiered Sherman. Tanks, engineer guns, etc nothing could touch him. Didn’t bring an attacker and fighter was occupied by some noob - so he was invulnerable until cap 4 when he died.

But in the end that guy good as won the game for the enemy, as he basically enabled them to cap the points extremely fast with a very low ticket bleed and more importantly caused bunch of people to desert - because playing against that was indeed rather frustrating.

Guess there were others like that as well.

Wow I can’t even believe you would post something say that when everybody know’s it’s an exploit used by individuals who can’t get kills otherwise. The fact that you would say that shows your lack of knowledge concerning what a grey area is and what the term grey signifies in relation to an area on the map or otherwise. It’s hard to believe that an individual wouldn’t understand that considering it causes damage to anyone standing in the grey area. The tactic is nothing more than a unsportsmanlike conduct that negatively affects the community at large.

I mean it in the literal sense of the word. Literally speaking, unless he got out of the tank and stood on the capture points, he personally did not capture. He enabled others to do so, since you cannot capture while in a tank.

And the guy in your example was smart, yes, insofar as he knew he was in a tank, likely BR3 on a BR2 map, that already gave him an advantage, and then he took it even further by going to places where no one could touch him. Granted, he may not have known he was in the gray zone, since it’s pretty hard to detect where the gray zone is, but I imagine some veterans of several years have a pretty good idea from playing both sides and knowing how far they can or cannot move past a point. (I’m no where near that experienced.)

Map design is the major contributor to grey zone tanking and map design is the way to mitigate it.

If you have an elevated position overlooking an entire flank(s) and the capture point, while also providing a view on vehicle spawns, allowing for preemptive strikes on enemy armour meaning you will get the upper hand in engagements, you’d be a fool not to use it.
And naturally for an overlooking position you will need a fair distance from the capture point to achieve this. (you’ll be in the grey zone).

Regarding effectiveness, it depends on your team and position. Solo players will struggle to coordinate a forward push towards the objective or the ability to fully utilise grey zone tactics. A stack however, that can do serious damage.

(Also, from my experience, many of the grey zone tankers are veterans who know the best locations and have the best weaponry, further enhancing their power.)

If the tanker choses a useful position and choses targets well, you can can completey shut down a flank or limit infantry flow. Leaving your pals to focus more on other areas and create a more effective defense against the more concentrated infantry flow.
(On offence, grey zone tanking is much less effective mainly due to the variety of points you may attck that may/may not have an optimal position where you can be useful.)


I don’t even play tanks
The only tanks I’m scared about are grayzone campers with a brain (aka they are well positioned to cut off enemy reinforcements)
A single good tanker can completely annihilate any chance of defending a capzone, so I have no idea what you’re on about
Against good tankers you cannot be in the capzone, you cannot make it to the capzone.

The only real issue is that some tanks in grayzone are just basically unkillable (from the front vs some factions in some BR) without planes

Non-grayzone tanks I blow up without even stopping sprinting 99% of the time…

How to win matches and contribute for victory. Find good spot and cut down good amount of reservers who are running towards capture point (this can be more be located in a grey zone area).

”This is why you need to have planes in your line up to counter these tanks that are out of your normal reach”.

Defenders have good amount of bias when it comes to tank positioning.

Agree with you, the solution

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Thats a terrible idea - if you cant deal damage while inside your spawn you must also stay immortal as long as you are inside the greyzone to prevent spawn rape

Totally disagree.

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Dont confuse all greyzone tanks with the heavy tanks. There are only a handfull of tanks that are inpenetrable from the front so it isnt really an issue with the greyzone but with heavy tanks.

How is this related to the grey zone at all if this is like you said a skill issuee?
In my opinion saying all tanks are useless is a bit of a dishonest as they do still pepper the enemy team into submission and can stall an entire assault if in the right spot.

Doubt that… if it can clear the approach to the objective or disrupt the reinforce lane then they are doing plenty to help the team. If the team cant push for the rest then it is a team issuee (enlisted is still a team game).

Are you awear that the defender wins by depleting the tickets and not by actually defending the objectives?
If a tank keeps wiping enemy squads he does shorten the time their team need to hold. This can be a massive boon for the defender even if he does not directly ifluence the point itself.
Again it is a team game if your understanding is that 1 player has to carry the entire team then maybe there is your problem.

So because you get score your contributions to the team are invalid now?

Most tanks will be cooked in under a minute on the frontline… infantry is very capable of dealing with tanks up close so it is narural that tanks want to stay away.

The only thing you accieve by this is opening a competion who can stick TNT on a tank the fastest…
Or worse distract someone for 5 seconds that someone needs to send you back into respawn through a launcher.
A lot of tanks just are not made for that kind of brawling and forcing them out of position just gets them killed without having been able to anything done.

Do you even know what you are talking about?
What you describe has nothing to do with defenders needing to retreat having their weapons disabled…
What you are talking about is spawn protection

So tanks cant even rearm and resupply, what a great feature…

  1. Yes.

  2. Move the rearm spot.

  3. Job done.

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And on what grounds do you want to ban people? Nothing in the rules comes close to making it illegal.

If you want to make shooting a gun illegal than its going to be really hard to enforce at all.
Beeing in the grey zone does not need exploits or hackerman skills to accieve as you just start there.

I cant wait to spam my 158mm rockets from that new rearm point nonstop.
Im sure the enemy team will appeciate this.

Greyzone camping is an issue. The devs are looking to fix it. That’s all that really needs to be said.

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