Why does the bren carrier comes with US infantry?

Well from what your reports are showing it would be horrifying if they made an event for the azul division and we get them and we find out that they’re actually just Germans and not any Spanish soldiers

Like bipods still not being fixed after like 2-3 years now.
Meanwhile they added the ability to sell squads for the same price as a Tier 3-4 soldier ir added fuel bombs for sale.
So yeah, we shouldnt make them confuse priorities. So they can maybe fix bipods before 2050.


well… that sort of happens already with australian units.

but it’s like if the SAS squad or any british squads from past events would start speaking american.
that’s simply weird, and out of place.
not to mention, this sort of shenanigans didn’t happened before.
at least, there was some consistency.

with this new squad howver, the soldiers that comes ( and were actually coded and developed by someone ) are not even cohesive.

it’s like if in the stummel we get an italian soldier. (… in that case, we can change them. but )
i get that it’s not the end of the world.

but i take the piss out of it considering that some fool said that they were all british soldiers.

when in reality yet they aren’t.

they didn’t even made them right.
even minor things gets somehow messed up.


like if adding some correct fucking soldier to a squad like they did in the past is somehow difficult and gonna take away the much needed resourches or time for major things.

… when all they had to do, was to make it right the first time.

lmao some people these days…


yes but if we get the blue division or the blue legion in the future we might not actually get any Spanish soldiers and they’ll all be just Germans

@ErikaKalkbrenner I apologize for answering they were UK soldiers based on clothes without hearing voicelines.

i have forwarded a suggestion to make medics and machinegunner UK voiceline on that squad

Lets see if its possible to do and what devs consider. (this is not a promisse, just, a note that it was forwarded for devs consideration)

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not to be a jerk about it,

but it’s kinda late isn’t it.

i’m more worried about what you guys in the alpha test even do.

or… what devs do.

because not only the squads are of different nationality ( which… that should have been relatively easy. )

and i’m not trying to be condescending about it like i know better than anyone.

but through out years many examples were proven.

yet for some reason, during the concept… the idea… nothing or no one even noticed ?
that would explain why the picture was taken with american soldiers in the first place ( but that’s my… assumption ).

and worse… the bren carrier it self for some reason is all muffed or makes your hearing muffed, the AT rifle somehow struggles to pen pumas… and the hitboxes… oh boy… as well as the off sight of the gunner on the bren.

i’m just… speechless.
or rather, confused.

but thanks either way


its never too late.


Wth is this? lol

@Shiivex I’d suppose it would be an easy thing to fix, no? I mean, I personally find the paraplane bug more annoying than hearing american voices for a bren carrier. So, I’d make them aware of that too if they already weren’t.

make your own thread?

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Thats on devs to decide! i cant answer you that :slight_smile:

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Developers have no bigger problems than wrong accent of some soldiers ?

Yesterday one guy was complaining about two the same uniforms.

No wonder that people leave game if only issues are cosmetics.

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are you two actually… clueless or something ?

the funny thing abut you and the other dude, is like we should only focus on the same problems on and on till eternity.

like they never heard it before. or hasn’t been reported trilion times.

use the goddamn:


for how you guys don’t take accountability or how simple things should be done and even get screwed up, seriously, that’s not a my problem.

but i can tell you that if they mess simple things, i’m not so sure on the bigger things.

except he was complaining about two different uniforms?

you kinda have to learn how to read. i’m serious.

i’m sure the people point out the issues are the actual problems.

not the devs that don’t actually fix them :clown_face:

Bipods and they dont fix them anyways so priority isnt a argument.


Could you forward (probably again) the suggestion to simply be able to select soldier nationality in the store page? USA/Brits German/Italian toggle?

Even if devs switch the nationality of the guys in this specific event squad, they (the soldiers you can swap) might not come with good stats and we might want to change them…

Would also prevent future issues of this kind, and be a nice qol thing.


I remember that this was asked during the release period of the merge.
I also remembered that it was another “soon, we consider it, maybe in the future” reply.
But remember. They only consider feedback since announcement of Steam Release.

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Probably soon, just like that famous promised additional premium slot for premium squads only…



" you don’t understand. it’s not important enough "



It’s not important enough to devs notice or care, obv

USA made thousands of Universal carriers. Images from Wiki
