Wow these guys sure are popular. 
Spanish Division Azul Premium Assaulter squad
165d - The Spanish Blue Division “División Azul” fought along side the German forces from 1941 to 1944. 6tvtty3lsjc81 I prospose to include these famous spanish volunteers as the 250th Infantry Div…

Azul Division event squad idea
28m - the Azul Division was a group of volunteer Spaniards who fought against the russians along side the germans during the first half of the war,and fought really…

The blue Division ” La división azul “- event squad idea
100d - Today i wanted to bring an special idea for “refoirciments recibed” so i present: images (3) “La división Azul” Lets relate his story (chat gpt Made it it can contain mistakes) if You are interested i reccomend You to research his story in yootube: The Blue Di…

Division Azul
Jan 26 - When the craziest people from World War II come to Enlisted? They could even come with their own campaign, The Battle of Krasni Bor. Without a doubt the greatest display of bravery and madness at the same time, of the Second World War, which has never been immortalized in a game.

Finnish, French, Romanian, Hungarian,and other European countries’ stuff
32d - …option of an automatic slow firing mode like the 1918a2 and a bayonet lug,2 features not commonly seen on SMGs.I would like this to be the gun for a Azul Divison event squad in the future. Star_Si-35_colorized Star Si 35 - Wikipedia Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia…

Premium/ Event Handschar Division
91d - …z hat I like Premium/ event squads to be thematic. For example, I’d like Paratrooper squads to have weapons used by Paratroopers, if we got a Spanish Azul Division I’d like them to have a Spanish gun. I suggest this squad’s weapon to be a derivative of the FN Model 24. The FN Model 24 was a Belgian rifl…

Faction Subtree Mechanic Proposal Part 2
Mar 26 - Didn’t know about the Greeks and totally forgot about the Division Azul of Spain. I can also see the Spanish Civil War at BR 1-2 with Soviets and French volunteers (in time appropriate uniforms) vs Spanish Nationalists an…

Hear me out!… I will tattoo Enlisted logo if this gets in the game. I MEAN IT
Mar 12 - Please, just do it… image enlisted_AoIUjMaTXq 1 image descargar Maybe Division Azul squad someday? :') All Thanks to our muse: @ErikaKalkbrenner !

Why does the bren carrier comes with US infantry?
Mess Room
Feb 11 - Well from what your reports are showing it would be horrifying if they made an event for the azul division and we get them and we find out that they’re actually just Germans and not any Spanish soldiers

More soldiers from other countries that fought beside the current factions
Jan 25 - 4 would be amazing to have the Division Azul or the French colonial armies for tunsia!!!

All Potential Faction Tech Tree Proposals
May '23 - …ique weapon Ethiopia; using 19th century muskets and invaded by italy before the war. Again irrelevant Spain: only sent volunteer unit named division azul, 1 prem sauad is enough no need tech tree Brazil: only sent expeditionary force to italian front. Can be 1 premium sauad no need for tech tree Rest a…

Let’s open the Pacific Front!
Sep '22 - …good addition to the game. I hope there are more, for example: the Spanish Blue Division in its fight against the communist forces in Russia división azul

Soldier Customization, a good thing that can be better
Oct '22 - ahhhh, the old dream of the forgotten hope mod. unique and obscure units. one day perhaps a fun campaign with Division Azul or something abstract like italians vs ethiopian guerillas.

Foreign legions as premium squads
Sep '22 - …d playerbase is nieche compare to other big fps brands, significant portion of players are history nerds. Spanish volunteers in german army (division azul) . mainly fought in leningrad siege. If we ever gonna have leningrad campaing devs can add it. Or brazilian expeditionary forces who participated in…

When you have a stupid idea but it sounds good (Spanish Civil war)
Sep '22 - The Blue Division (la heróica La División Azul)

Jun '21 - we sent “la División Azul” it was 45.000 soldiers, and they where fighting in Novgorod and Lenningrad. Spain had to recover after the civil war and where very weak. It would b… for such a relatively small obscure unit