After the Axis invaded Yugoslavia the puppet state of Croatia was created and it was filled with many disparate ethnic groups. In 1943 the SS created a volunteer division of Bosnian Muslims, the 13th Waffen Mountain Division of the SS Handschar 1st Croatian, more colloquial known today as the Handschars. They primarily fought against Partisans in Yugoslavia and on the Eastern Front. The most defining characteristic of the Handschars was their iconic fez hat
I like Premium/ event squads to be thematic. For example, I’d like Paratrooper squads to have weapons used by Paratroopers, if we got a Spanish Azul Division I’d like them to have a Spanish gun. I suggest this squad’s weapon to be a derivative of the FN Model 24. The FN Model 24 was a Belgian rifle that was heavily exported and was one of many weapons supplied to the puppet Croatia. It could specifically be a Yugoslavian M24 which became Yugoslavia’s standard issue rifle leading up to WW2. Perhaps it could be a Puska M24, a carbine developed for assault units. Mountain divisions typically used carbines. Regardless in general I think this squad’s weapon could be some FN Model 24.
I would highly recommend this squad to be a Riflemen Squad. I love me some 9-man premium/ event riflemen squads!