Where is Darkflow getting these numbers from?

But thats how tank development works Ron brits made FV4005 to counter IS-3 which they saw in Berlin parade they even tried to incorporate the pike nose of Is-3 but it didnt reach anywhere neither the pike nose nor the FV4005 as it turned out IS-3 wasnt a good tank and they had to go through much redesign very shortly which resulted in IS-3M but that also ended with nothing as soviets were abandoning idea of heavt tank and were making MBTs the one that outthrow IS-3M would be T54/55 any how yes Germans tanks were on top of the quality chain no doubt about it but that means they required perfect conditions , logistics and maintenance to work but whenever they worked they could out-tank(is that even a word) any tanks that’s the same with AK-47 its rugged not the most complex or the best AR in the world but its the most produced AR of all time simply its easy to maintain, durable and doesn’t require much logistics and that’s why we don’t have things like G-11 as service rifle since they are complex, hard to maintain and you need a better logistics than AK (Since they use caseless ammunition )

Also side note tigers and panther and PZ IVs with long barrels were made to counter somthing


Tiger 1= During the development of the prototypes above, the German invasion of France showed that the Allied tanks such as the Somua, Char B1, and Matilda II were impervious to their current anti-tank weaponry and a need for better armoured and armed tanks was emphasized. So on May 26, 1941, Henschel and Porsche were asked to submit designs for a 45-ton heavy tank that was to be ready for demonstration by June 1942. During their development in June 1941, Germany initiated Operation Barbarossa against the Soviet Union and was shocked by appearance of the T-34) and KV-1 tanks that were invulnerable to all but the most potent anti-tank weapon in German inventory, one of which was the 88 mm KwK36 cannon. The potency of the 88 mm cannon against the heavily armoured tanks that the Germans faced had Hitler ordered that the heavy tank design undertaken by Henschel and Porsche to utilize the 88 mm as its main armament instead of a 75 mm cannon


Panther = The Panther development started as far back as 1938 as a replacement to the Panzer IIIs and Panzer IVs. The program was called VK 20 and it called for a 20 ton tracked vehicle design by Krupp, Daimler-Benz, and MAN. Krupp dropped out when the requirements changed to 30 tones in 1941 when the German encounters the Soviet T-34 and KV-1 tanks where the Panzer III and Panzer IV’s performance have little effect due to its superior armour, mobility, and armament. The VK 20 was abandoned for the VK 30.02 in April 1942. Daimler-Benz design for this project looks similar to the T-34 with the turret far forward in the hull, plus the use of a diesel engine and external leaf spring suspension.


Panzer IV F2= With the appearance of the Soviet T-34 and KV-1 tanks. The Panzer IV Ausf. F1 with its short 75 mm howitzer was upgraded with the KwK40 L/43, then designating it the Panzer IV Ausf. F2 . The new cannon was able to penetrate 77 mm of armour at 1,800 m with standard armour-piercing rounds compared to the 43 mm of the howitzer. The new gun helped put the Panzer IV back into balance and could theoretically hold against the T-34s and KV-1s that the Soviets were sending. The Panzer IV Ausf. F2 still retained the 50 mm front armour thickness with 30 mm on the sides.


And that’s exactly the mentality OHK went into Barbarossa in 41 :ok_hand: :handshake: :sob:

One Hit Kill? or do you mean OKH? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Both I guess, as OKH found out :man_shrugging:

I understand and give credit to superior technological prowess, innovative engineering or tactical genius where its due, you can see my bio actual work on this (Turning the Tide - Operation Citadel & Bagration 43-44 Campaign Concept) but saying old wives tales about peoples historical revisionism I dont have to entertain

In summary, the Soviet Union outproduced Germany in all
branches of war production other than shipbuilding in World War II.
Soviet production superiority was especially marked in 1942. Despite
the fact that this was a war which German leaders had planned, and
which took Soviet leaders by surprise, and despite the burdens imposed
by Germany’s deep penetration of Soviet territory, Soviet industry was
mobilised more rapidly than German industry. The Soviet Union’s war
production was already within 5 per cent of its peak in the last quarter
of 1942, a full 18 months before Germany’s began to crest.