Where is Darkflow getting these numbers from?

These are three BR IV and V planes Japan is using:

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Were these numbers made up, or were they legitimate? If they are legitimate, please provide evidence (documents, calculations, etc.).

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They are chads.


documents on performance probably exist. this is what i got from short search on google.

here is excerpt for KI-61-I

for KI-61-II


what source does Darkflow us to determine the stats of HE shells, rockets, dispersion or fantasy stuff like AS-44? its made up duh.

Warthunder probably.

some of it is made up, some of it is based on real world stats. gaijin probably has some good historians that can dig trough archives to actually get actual specs for some weapons/vehicles (rof, speed of bullet, dimensions of weapons/vehicles, armor of vehicles, AP performance, plane performance etc.) and some are made up for game balance (dispersion, recoil, damage etc.).

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HE shells and rockets —> based on TNT equivalent of a shell
AS-44 —> it uses about 10 % stronger ammo than StG-44, so it does similiar damage
dispersion —> based on accuracy tests but much magnified

I think that Darkflow / Gaijin has no problem with obtaining such data.

In War Thunder forum, idiots regulalry post authentic and protected documents about vehicles.

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source: trust me bro

7.92×33mm Kurz - Wikipedia
7.62×39mm - Wikipedia

Energy 1900 vs 2100 J.


we are talking about USSR industry here, everything they produced during ww2 were at least 2 times weaker/worse than they are on paper.

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Valkay to your dismay AS-44 is not fantasy according to Boltin’s book you can get this data out of it

Dates of development/testing/in service 1943-45/-
Cartridge 7.62x41 mm
Initial bullet speed (m/sec) n.d.
Combat rate of fire / rate of fire (rounds/min.) / 900
Sighting range (m) 800
Length with/without stock (mm) 1033/-
Barrel length (mm.) 505
Weight with/without cartridges (kg.) n.d/5.67
Magazine capacity (pcs) 30
Development (constructor) NIPSVO (Sudaev A.I.)
Manufacturers Plant No. 536/TOZ (Tula)
Release experimental series for military trials (1000 units)

This is for fourth model and yes according to him 1000 units of all models were made for tests


I actually know about the gun, I did my research when DF announced this joke.

Im not a fan of guns that are just copy cats of other guns, AS-44 in game is a literal STG-44 copy.
At least give it unique stats ffs.

What would you suggest that they should have changed ? Just curious since we have most of the stats they could have made it fire more than 900 rounds per min but have a huge dispersion compared to German ARs also other models of AS-44


(6/5 and 4 we have in game)


different recoil pattern, a small difference in damage, different rpm.
Something that makes it feel a bit more unique, besides USSR already had Fedorov Automat so I dont see why this was necessary when other faction dont have AR at all.

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It wasn’t necessary. And it was still better decision than adding completely meaningless BR4 KV1.

Many people are at least having fun with AS.


The first one look very futuristic to me ngl it might be because of that bipod? idk what that thing is

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It’s bipod yes

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I wish they didn’t went with AS-44 model 4 & 5 they were already done in so many games they could have gone with AS-44 model one has a little shorter barrel than other AS-44s and could fire between 900 and 1000 rpm it would have been so unique of a gun but had to go and do the most plain looking AS-44s anyway it is what it is hopefully we get them as gold order or even squd like AT-44 also there were so many ARs for soviets that they could have done but we get AS-44 which was done in both COD vanguard and ww2 oh on a side note People might think that AS-44 died because it’s creater died before it could be developed into somthing that soviet union desired but they are wrong during 1961 trial a modernized As-44 compete and it seems that it won the name of the gun was ASM-62(M standing for modernized)

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yea i like this one look more cool than AK like imo

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Since Soviet factories survived through the war (unlike German ones) soviet metallurgical quality improved in scope and quality, while Axis saw buble plate paper panthers & tigers in 1945. I thought mr historical accuracy would prefer not to spit old wives tales :thinking: