What to do with minor axis powers?

Considering that last defenders of reichstag were french volunteers, italians in berlin makes much more sende than moroccans in pacific

I guess brainless is not insulting for some, gastani frinzi on top. True to the character he share the name with.

Indeed germany wasted a lot of resources in north africa and balkans and italy…


what is that even supposed to mean lol

not really… ( yes, there were some french legion and what not, but wasn’t primarily defended by them… noi italians to begin only just a couple )

it shouldn’t… precisely be a thing neither.

but… " iT’s A gAMe AftEr All "

so… fair i guess.

“a lot” is a ludicrous claim and

balkans was more of their own doing tbh, like you knew that.

*shorten, germany could had be done with as early as the end of '42

You are just shaming your ancestors. Hundreds of thousands italians died. More than 2.5 m italians sent to war . Italy itself invaed by both sides, italian mainland destroyed and you just say " nah we were dead meat thats all" ?!!
I am not even an italian but there is no execuse for poor manners

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Haaaaa so the failed invasion of greece?

Were if not was for the german forces the “greek” would kick our ass from the albania to rome…

Im not joking Italian soldier was good soldier by the military staff was shit and a good soldier with a shit commander cant win war

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Im speeking truth

We lost colonies and our territory for a war whe dont was ready to fight, our ancestor already take the shame for it and we need understand it

“Why we lost”

Biased excuse are useless

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they can just be matched in lower BR MM with their tech tree and some missing stuff can be supplemented by german tech tree considering that germany supplied lots of equipment to italy.

do you need lesson in history? italy attacked greece, was repelled and was counter invaded in albania where war turned into stalemate. british forces started to arrive in greece and germany had to intervene cause with british present, their southern flank could be endangered. for that they needed to divert their forces that would be better used on eastern front, not to mention it made former neutral countries of yugoslavia and greece against them so they needed to have occupation force in those territories where they suffered constant attrition due to partizans.

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as much goes without saying, war is bad.

and… the italian one was really a stupid one.

doomed from almost the beginning.

when you send your country with barely enough resrouches or industrialization to war, you’re asking to lose it.

and… you don’t usually praise " stupid " people for doing the wrong things
( not saying everyone was, but those " few " in the wrong places actually did the most damage enough to consider it as a whole )

but yeah, that’s kinda why not much is being talked about wwII in italy here as well.

you often hear about partigiani ( partizans ) stories. which they mostly did what they could and provide some actual memorable actions and results. worthly of praises.


You know this can be done adding special matchmaking rule to italian squad withaut need separate them from german, just add a tech tree line in german one with the italian progression

a debacle indeed, kicked out of albania, nt so much. Greeks were also out of both reserves and ammo btw.

you forgot about british forces that arrived in greece.

You really need a lesson in history

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Nor you disrespect and blatalntly lie, belittle and throw blame at them either. Just coouse some jerries couldnt own their own faliure.

you could do that.

or actually don’t.

which it’s far better.

you could just leave them inside germany.

they don’t bite after all :wink:

sure, it won’t be historical.

but that boat has sailed along time ago in enlisted so…

Most want even used before the civil war anyway

No, you need. Not that your greek war is that inaccurate


if you are trying to communicate something

you’re failing at that.

I didnt