What to do with minor axis powers?

Italy wasnt a minor, definitaly deserve its own faction

Yeah, great achievements of Italy during wwii are well known.

Prolonging the war for 2 years in favor of the axis to mention one, more than can be said for japan and the latter is never wrongly mentioned as a minor.

unfortunately, as much as i would like pastarooni gets their own tech tree,

that simply isn’t possible.

you’d just create more separated ques for matchmaker.

and, unlike japan, they don’t really have much for late tiers.

not enough tanks, not enough weapons etc.

you’d just end up being like war thunder. where they stick others smaller nations toys into one because the lack of variety.

and players will end up using the same equipment across multiple tiers.

not fun, nor rewarding.
outside the the hardcore Italians or actual Italians.

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I have to disagree.
Not enough stuff that you know of.
Most of japan late wasnt even deployed outside japan or in big numbers either, soin variety are kinda even , if it can be done for one it can for the other.

Another unique tree? I dont think so.

Im Italian and im not a fan of separete them from german


Outiside normandy and berlin all the front were Italians fought, german fought as well, and for normandy and berlin as i said up is sufficient change their uniform to the german one and call it a day (as historically happened) so is completely unecessary separete them (same as well for future axis minor or Western allies)


i mean.

outside the breda PG " sub machinegun "

other few tanks, and some… questionable prototype.

they really do not have anything to oppose / face allied.

especially the soviets or latter USA gear.

you’d still need germany and will be pretty much relaying on their anti tank guns, tanks ,and generally, equipment.

perhaps the beretta 40 round is probably one of the best weapons that the italians got, but that’s about it.

which, i don’t hate italians, but it’s best for everyone that they go underneath germany’s tree.

so people can still use them all they want … and i guess feel the suffering by bringing them in at latter tiers.

q u i n d i ?

everyone is
( almost we don’t consider our " v i c i n i " )

“Non tutti i giocatori italiani interessa separare le due Fazioni :stuck_out_tongue:”

Or at least if true for italian player who are not fanboy or with a brain, honestly i see too much our stupidity in the gaming community

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non italiano abbastanza*


too bias…

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how do you know this?

because… the nature of the merge allows you to do just that?

you know, merging things together.

and since the MAB is a high tier weapon, people with italian ( & german for that matter. depends what the player will be using ) squads will be running around with that.

We have no actual idea about what the rules will be for matchmaking though. This is all pure speculation based on WarThunder

in theory it is doable, in practice probably not. it will probably end up as western allies vs axis that was on western front/northern africa and eastern allies vs axis that was present on eastern front.

problem is that there is simply not enough players for both BR and rules that would enforce HA sides/maps.

you’re brainless.

because as much the " soft rule " was mentiond and discussed, devs them selves stated that it’s possible you’ll be seeing stuff that shouldn’t be there.

such as moroc units in the pacific, italians at berlin, and only from here, with stuff that we don’t know for certain that you could start to actually speculate.

so… if the mab it self it’s in the almost lattier tiers, you are guarantee you occasionally see italians in normandy.



it’s called having a brain and putting 2 & 2 together.

how do you think those will works to begin with?

you’re honestly believing that just because you have certain weapons you will automatically end up elsewhere?

at least they did prevented russians against americans or germans in normandy.

but that’s about it.

the limitations and the rules are applied on the factions of where those are gonna end up being.

you don’t have to trust me, but mark my words, italians in normandy will be definitely a thing.


Here goes insulting couse he doesnt have anything better to defend is biased point.

it would probably prolong the war for 5 years if they never fought. ffs germany constantly needed to wipe their butt whenever they attacked someone…

well they never needed germany help to fight their wars…

it is possible. they can get their tech tree, they just need to be grouped with germany in MM.

except, he stated that as an italian, he doesn’t see the need of it’s own tech tree.

also… that’s not insulting?

he generalized that the community is questionable sometimes.

p.s. biased, in logic.

no shit.

the point was, it’s not a smart move to do.

just like war thunder… it would be more of a " meme " tech tree.

because if they don’t get matched up with germany, they lack in many aspects.
and wouldn’t be fun for the participants.


And you prove my point, i dont even know you was italian lmao

Fake, not even Greeks, where germany came uninvited i might add. Unlike the massive amount of resource the allies invested to kick italy out of africa(with jerry leadership), or the relevant contribution in russia(the italians were uninvited here).

they needed the axis(not yet axis) knowhow to buildup a competitive navy, army and airforce. Giving no meaningful collaboration in return rather preferring to prioritize their own interests.

yes, although unpreferable

And he keeps on going. At least the other have something intelligent to say.