What items/squads would you like to return?

what is it br? i would assume 3 but if it somehow 2 that would be really nice

I forgot I had themā€¦ I fear br 4 for Polish one, I truly hope the SKS is maximum 3 and not 4ā€¦

Gotta check soon. I have nothing left to unlock so my lineups arenā€™t focused on effectiveness anymore, but mostly ā€œfun factorā€. Those squads fit the criteria.

Thereā€™s also the Gerat squad thatā€™s insanely fun. But. Too high brā€¦ and the WORST dispersion Iā€™ve seen in semi autos.

SKS is BR2, polish rifle is BR3.

i just checked Euthymiaā€™s sheet.




Time to switch lineups!!! :smile:


nice that is really nice i will definitely get that to make a br3 line up just in case if br ever get change in the future


As a rule of thumb, I try to maintain a preset of br 2,3 and 5 for each factions.

Except Allies where I ALSO have low br presets for Commonwealth AND USA. Iā€™ll try doing the same with Italy.

But it pisses me off we cannot select soldier nationality when buying them. I donā€™t want German speaking Italian squadsā€¦



For Germany, Iā€™ve made paratrooper themed BR5 preset. With exception of 2 FWs.


You can purchase the sniper skt if you donā€™t like the sks

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Oh, I like the sks, I have it. I just forgot I did, and didnā€™t know it was br 2!!!

I also forgot there was a sniper sks? This one I do not haveā€¦

But if it plays like the g41 snipers, itā€™s a must get. I love g41 snipersā€¦

It plays like the svt40 scoped

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I believe he meant SKT


Iā€™m not sure if I have it :thinking:

I bought the g41 back then because there wasnā€™t anything similar for axis.

The skt really looks like a scoped svt :thinking:

Gotta look into it.



I missed that Japans Rifleflag Squad very sad.
Premiums well i dont think that mp41 was sold on Consoleā€¦ ?
@WidowMakerUk73 you played Enlisted before i started ā€¦ can you answer this?

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I have MP41 squad it was sold on PS yes

I literaly have every German weapon squad and premoids since alpha in 2020.
Alot of allies premiums and so far all twitch drops, around 100+ premium squads.
Itā€™s a awesome collection, I might have stuff only a few have now, and itā€™s always nice to play with :slight_smile: for a collector like me, itā€™s always cool to use rare items

I donā€™t think I miss anything as of now, but, I would love to own more p08 luger platinum

By far my favorite weapon model , the details are impressive, the model is amazingly done that I wouldnā€™t mind having more

It just looks good

That and stuff like backer guns, they are just super super rare, and always a pleasure to use.


Non. Iā€™m not giving them my money before they finally ā€œfixā€ MM, ā€œfixā€ silver, ā€œfixā€ customisation and fix those damn bugs.
I use quotations for ā€œfixā€ because those things arenā€™t broken. They work as intended but are designed in ultra shit way that needs to be changed.


i missed the automatic colt, and with the zombie event, i realized i missed a gem.

so yeah, for me, would be nice to get the automatic colt alongside more automatic mausers 712s.

and one that i missed dearly, is the charl something something with the new zeland lemon hats.
and if we could get duplicated of squads that we already own, i most certainly would like to get another UC & sdkfz 9 :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah thatā€™s sad Erika, that pistol is a nice example of a good firearm

You mean the Charlton MG squad? Yeah that event squad is so usefull now, nice br, nice gun, unique and with a extra slot for engineer, good sruff

Above all, fun to play with.

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Also has the mp41.

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