What items/squads would you like to return?

I want the mp41 :cry:


I got 3 of those pocket smgs. Really great at cqc when your boltie runs out of ammo (Sorry i replied to wrong person)


Be jelly with me.


I want MP40/1


So good :slight_smile:

Ack! Why so cruel, pouring barrels of salt into my wound!

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It is important to recognize jealousy as a form of idolatry, which is a sin.

So I would say this is proper Christian punishment. You should repent!

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Hold my cross. Where’s my Discipline whip?

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The MP40/1 regularly returns to the store

You have some cool presets, I wish we had some more presets to make more.

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MP41s definitely would be #1 for me. Can’t be too upset though because they were gone before I started playing.


I’m glad we talked about it… My boys were all taking dust :zipper_mouth_face:


Everything. The premium squads and past gold orders, add it all back in the next anniversary sale so Steam/new players can get them too.


same with M2 Hyde tbh gone before i start playing (even tho i wont be able to pay at the time anyway)

I recommend for BR3 soviet line up ths beauty as well :stuck_out_tongue:

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I haven’t touched most of my BR 3 stuff in a while :confused:

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I am surprised you have been posting about this. It looks really cool but isn’t it the result of a bug? It seems like you might lose it sooner if more attention is drawn to it

If it is bug, that it has to be fixked nevertheless.

But then again, I’ll start ranting about premium vehicles and APCs not having cusotmization


True. At the very least we know that customization of premium vehicles is possible, just not implemented for whatever reason.

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Yep, exactly