What items/squads would you like to return?

i mean the voevodin is niche like artillery mauser so i dont think anyone bought more than 1 of it at the time tbh

soviet mains: you underestimate my power
You Underestimate My Power (youtube.com)

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PPK 42 squad, the MP 717 (r), and the other version of the M95



Well, I have 4 PG Bredas. Itā€™s not like I needed another 4 , just worse.

and soviet thomson imo since i didnt get any of them



Muahahah! :smile:

But wait. You donā€™t have the re 2001? I thought you did, itā€™s such a beast at itā€™s br. Used to be top axis plane in Tunisia, now itā€™s low brā€¦

Double NER NER NER!!! :laughing:


I want the label squad


*ahemā€¦*clears throat



Not me picked 3 Breda and 1 pistol but I was planing to buy 3 Breda from BP so I now have 6 bredas which I run them on a engineer squad



As a collector I could not ignore the pistol, I had to get one. Surprisingly good (for a pistol) too.


I gave them 4 BP Bredas to premium Italian flamethrowers. And 1 event breda to the engineer whoā€™s in that squad.

The other 2 event Bredas I gave to engineers of my Italian BR4 assault squad. (Because the Italian smg is literally the only BR4 assault weapon in the German tech tree. And just donā€™t want to give Germans Italian weapons and vice versa). And yes, I have full BR4 preset, even when itā€™s completely meaningless atm.

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I dream of a br +/-0ā€¦ I may dream in vain, but I dream stillā€¦

Many stuff in br 4 are fun. It has the best semis without being flooded by select fire rifles. Nice tanks and planes tooā€¦


MP28 (50 Rounds) and Twitch BT7.

I didnā€™t know we had MP28 with 50 round in game not at least for Germany I know extended mag MP 28 (32 round) exist (founders bundle) but not this one

Itā€™s called SIG 1920 :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah but thatā€™s not Haenel MP 28 if that was what he meant it still is available and I donā€™t think they gonna remove it from tech tree

oh i just found a squad that should make a return someday
sorry didnt name the link but i was trying to find the mp28 (50 round) and found this and i kinda like it ngl (the gun is kbsp wz.38M a polish semi-auto seem pretty decent ngl)


I wish engineers and riflemans could use the M2A1 Carbine. I kind of forgot I got one lol you remind me will try out today

It was indeed 32. I forgot the correct size of the Normandy Germans.


Oh, I forgot I had this one!

Itā€™s fun to use, but I remember the dispersion was really badā€¦ :stuck_out_tongue:

The Soviets have a pretty SKS one as counterpart. But only 5 rnds thought.

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