What is your most kills in a single strike?

Way back before they introduced a delay for bringing aircraft, I think it was Canadian American on Twitch got 55 with a Ju-188 against USA on Normandy beach - planes could get to the spawn areas before strops had dispersed back in those day!

I think the Twitch streamers were having a competition to see who could get he highest score over 24 hrs…

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I bet it felt great when you achieved 55 kills.

As you know, the Pacific still has no plane delays. The Corsair and ZERO need to take off, but the P-47 that spawns from the air is more deadly.
When I play with the Japanese I choose vehicles as my first spawn. If I can’t do that, I’ll choose a squad that has no problem dying. lmao

What I’m really impressed about, is that most of your kills were NOT due to rockets, but classic old strafing! nice.

I really wish rendering was better, it’s really difficult to do that, it amount to how much luck you have (because you can’t see the targets!)


It wasn’t me, but I was watching Twitch at the time

Yes that really is a serious oversight

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Thank you, the 20mm machine gun is a major attraction of the AP4C. It works well for both people and vehicles. :smile:
However, I did not see any Japanese soldiers at this time. Right after the game started, I knew that this map would spawn a dense concentration of Japanese soldiers under the flag. It seems to me that the game still has several points that need to be adjusted. :thinking:

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Agreed, planes need some love. @Myrm1don created a very extensive and well detailled suggestion of what the ideal plane gameplay in Enlisted should be like. Like airfields. That would solve the quick plane spawn n nuke point exploit:

But you already know since you were the first one that liked it :smile:
I merely “bumped” it here in the hope devs take notice. pretty much every decent pilot agrees with it.


Not many kills but just a fun kill.
Bf110 kill with HVARs (while damaged and on fire)

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I’ve never seen anyone hit a fighter with an HVAR before. Great super play!
Where on earth did you learn to fly? A counterattack like this would be impossible even for Tom Cruise!
This would have definitely been a fun Kill!

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It doesn’t have to be a lot of kills to be this interesting. My 40 kills are like bowling where you know where the pins are and throw the ball, but WARHEAD’s play would be impossible to replicate with ease!
I would love to see more super plays like his. :smile:

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That 40 rocket kill is just crazy good.
My max is 29.
I know the places where many players/bots gather so I must try harder.

With rockets I did it before, but sadly no video.
HVAR and M8.
Fun to do, but not always a hit of course.

Killing 2 tanks with 1 rocket strike is also fun (I did not suicide, just couldnt pull up anymore)

My favorite kill is killing a plane with a bomb.
I love tricking the enemy into following me, low altitude, slow speed…kaboooom.

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I hope this qualifies.

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In the past, the role of aerial strafing in this game was the Hurricane, 12x MG, low speed and flexible.
But now it adds bombs, no one cares about strafing anymore.

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I can’t believe I’m in a dogfight with a Mustang whose engine has died and turned into a glider! I bet the other guy never thought he would be shot down by a dead plane either.
Salute to a great pilot! :saluting_face:

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Thanks much.
Some more stuff for your enjoyment.


I was meaning in general of all VHAR spammers who we cant counter it properly

what I hate is DF keep ignoring Japs have 2 rockets and yet for some reason he dont give, so yes I wish one day he give to us and few licensed and captured weapons

I’ve talked about this enough already that I’m tired of it, but it’s not impossible to counter, if you sit in AA or get on a fighter and chase them around they won’t be able to bomb you often enough to call it spamming and you’ll get a high score.
I do this all the time when I play in Germany or Japan if there are players spamming the US with airstrikes. And this solves the spam problem most of the time.
Until the M28 came along, the US was inferior to Germany in tanks and had a stronger air power army for that. So if Japan or Germany has good pilots or people dedicated to AA, they are greatly weakened. So if you are dealing with the US, it is rather set in stone to avoid getting air superiority. Essentially, that is the same thing as those who lament that “no one can stand up a rally point.” It’s a problem that your team and you need to address, not undermine your opponent.

There are some minor lack of coordination in this game, such as some maps being too densely packed with initial spawn locations and being spammed with artillery fire right at the start, or the lack of aircraft spawn delays in the Pacific. Those are issues that should be taken into consideration, but it is wrong to call everything spam and cry for weakening when they exercise their strengths and abilities.

This thread is meant to be fun to watch about players’ flashy kills, not a place to discuss what is spam.

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ages ago got 40-something kills with a single detpack

They really should give it to us
Japanese aircraft have the best air combat performance
But they need more stuff that explodes on the ground

In their eyes, rockets and black people are both a form of political correctness.
Don’t argue with people who have narrow minds and narrow visions
Because they will never understand the vastness of the world