What each nation needs currently

yea i would love these but some people might not im sure if they got add they would be event and premium stuff and maybe some tech tree (altho most are probably event/premium like with horn stg)

I said it would be a lazy solution not a bad one


Well…Interesting, but if these weapons are seen more frequently on the battlefield, the WW2 atomosphere of this game will fade more and more. Even if those prototypes existed in the WW2 era, it is still a fantasy for soldiers on the front lines to have them.

This gun in particular was never even made into a prototype that could be fired, it was just a mock-up.

I don’t mind if they implement it, but I would prefer that it be isolated to BR6 or somewhere else, a rank I don’t normally play. :neutral_face:


that TM44 tho mmm feel like it might be event weapon if they add it wouldnt be the first time that happen since horn stg become event squad

I see I have written

so its the same thing you are right and as such a premium or event or gold order or don’t introduce it at all I suggested other stuff for Americans as AR they could just Introduce them

I agree that adding MG42 with just one stat changed (ammo) would be very lazy.
So anyway, here is a not lazy way do do this:


Or they could change its bolt, so it would have much higher fire rate.

We already have MG-45 with 1650 with rof, so I don’t understand why it should be any problematic.


That would still be boring.
Also imo even 50 round version should have 1200 rpm or a different name (like heavy bolt).

Imo they should add a cheap item that is BR whatever and make it work like I described a year ago.


I do agree with that.

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whole MG needs redesign… it is completely stupid for them to be this usable in run and gun style.


I wish they would stop adding so many prototype weapons and add different skins or improved performance versions of existing weapons,imo.
When I say different skins, I don’t mean printing silly kitten or bacon designs on the guns like in CoD, but maybe wrapping a cloth around it to disguise it if it’s a rifle, or wrapping a sling around it if it’s a submachine gun.

I don’t care if it looks almost identical, if you sell me a Thompson with improved performance on par with the M2 carbine on gold order, I’ll gladly pay gold for it.
Then throw away the anachronistic M2 carbine and give it to the soldiers.


technically they are already belt fed as is, also for 100 round belt (of which you are talking about) should be the mg08/15


yes, it was used during the war and let me complete my volksturm larp

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So add it on top.
I want long belt MG42 as it’s iconic german weapon. So either add it or remove DP27 and BAR and replace them with some crap.


For Bergmann mg 15 WIKI writes that it was used in ww2 briefly well doesn’t matter to be honest both are OK in my mind

btw just want to show how stupid is belt MG in run and gun style… this is what one solo machine gunner has hanging from his MG while running through different terrain

also this is mg42, notice nondisintegrating belt that hangs on other side of the MG

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though that would be by and large a copy past weapon while the MG08/15 would be a unique weapon model to look at, also the belt mg42 is almost exclusive iconic with the d-day defense(thanks hollywood) so why not change the model of the bunker MGs to it



The Americans don’t have the problem and the premium DP doesn’t even have a belt hanging off of it it’s fed invisible ammo

so overall stop arguing and just let us have what we want unless you want to delete these weapons from the game

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