What each nation needs currently



The Americans don’t have the problem and the premium DP doesn’t even have a belt hanging off of it it’s fed invisible ammo

so overall stop arguing and just let us have what we want unless you want to delete these weapons from the game

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notice that i said run and gun belt fed MG are stupid… that also includes m1919a6 and vickers and russian counterparts…

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Look to the other side. belt is fed through right not left if you run you might be able to see belt

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They’re not gonna fix the problem so it’s wrong that the Germans can’t fight back So let’s have that weapon or delete it altogether

those seem to be belts man

Never mind they fixed it this update now they can be just as stupid as the Americans

They fixed it recently before they had invisible belts

So thank you slash not thank you DF for not telling us what you add and making us argue for no reason

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No, my friend, what the Allies need is to have all of their gun sights fixed. This has been in the game for a while now, and the developers have yet to acknowledge the issue publicly.


Sir, this is serious killjoy behavior. Go shoot this gun in real life like this and tell me it is not cool.

Ideal solution would be to just add a long belt as an attachment. But DF needs to print useless guns to increase grind and avalable weapons (so investors see big numbers) so this won’t happen.

I’d like to disagree but I guess you are right. Even if it’s not true to reality.

try running through forest terrain with that belt hanging from your MG and tell me how useful it is. not to mention accuracy and recoil you will have when firing it from standing position. then for germans add that non disintegrating belt on other side. there is proper documentation about MG usage and it is not run and gun style. look at this


Stop talking about reality the Soviets and the allies don’t have this problem And now they have belt dangling everywhere as well

well at least he made suggestion that would make MG behave like MG.

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I don’t care what you say the allies and the Soviets can do it so unless the Germans can get their own delete the weapons from the game but we know that’s not gonna happen so let us have what we want

DF doesn’t care at this point so just let the Germans have what they want

Every gun that has a foldable stock should be able to have its stock folded in-game for quicker aim at the price of not having a lined-up gun sight, like in RO2 and RS2; change my mind.

(see at 0:57)


pphs 41 doesn’t have foldable stuck though 1945 variant was meant to be compact so takers could use them with ease

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like this?


I said it was cool. I didn’t say it was useful or more useful. You are being a killjoy for no reason; chill bro.