Western Allies Small Arms Balancing Discussion Thread

The reason P-47s seem to tank the 20mm rounds is due to user incompetence, not lack of effectiveness. If they can land a shot on the front fuselage and not just simply spray into the lead indicator, you can rather easily knock a P-47 out. Furthermore, they just nerfed rockets so you have to aim to knock out tanks or take out clumps of infantry with the P-38, meanwhile the Bf 110 can simply spray downwards with it’s cannons until it starts getting good hits, then spam the significantly larger rockets in that area to greater effect. You can also kill planes with the 110 if you have some level of of awareness as killing planes tends to come down to who sees who first in this game over actual flight performance, although I will concede in this particular instance the Americans have an advantage due to the prevalence of bubble canopies in their planes. However, this is not nearly enough to say that American planes always dominate, it just makes it easier to use them, which was my original point.
As for the Jumbo, the devs have been fixing the Sturmpistole, and it consistently pens the Jumbo on the sides now. Furthermore, it is very easy to get at least one CAS run in before fighters rush you in most cases, so if you pick your targets correctly then you can knock out the tank with ease. Now the Carbine alone seems unfair, however remember the Germans basically get a BAR without movement penalty in exchange for a reduced ammo pool compared to the Americans getting an StG with less DPS. There while not exactly equal, they work as well enough as counterparts.
Yes US SMGs do have issues namely with dispersion, however low level SMG combat in the pacific has demonstrated that the US will be fine in early tiers. It’s only the later tiers with the M1 and M1928 where the US smgs start to fall off compared to their counterparts. However as I said earlier, devs gave the Americans a better LMG, and the Germans a better SMG so this somewhat makes sense.
Also the Stuart thing is moot because we know for sure merge is coming and there will most definitely be a battle rating system which keeps stuart well within the confines of fighting Japan, which means you won’t see tigers or panthers once the merge update drops.


The Americans have the M1919A6 in Normandy.


Yeah I know, and I love the thing dearly as it’s essentially a belt fed BAR OR an M2 chambered in 30-06, your choice on which you think is better

Didn’t think it was better per say than the MG42 though

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What’s with you and these weird classifications?

It’s very clearly in the name what it is. It’s a carbine. A light, short barreled rifle. Chambered in an intermediate cartridge (or a super charged pistol cartridge to be honest) to boot. Now then, let’s see here. It’s a carbine rifle. Means it’s a rifle. Now then, who uses rifles in this game? Oh right, EVERYBODY! (Minus nade launchers of course)

Speaking of nade launchers, it is absolutely a load and a half of bull you Krauts get the fricking FG 42 as your nade launcher gun. Fricking full auto AND grenades

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You forgot the P47D also have a 500lb bomb?

Oh yeah try killing a Jumbo in a gray zone with that piece of shite Sturmpistole

German BAR? Sorry mate, I don’t remember the FG43 is as accurate as a BAR or has its ammo pool to begin with, also BAR is automatic by default and FG42 you need to switch the fire mode for everyone using it for some reason, you know what M2 has? A bayonet, 750rpm, .2 dispersion(StG 44 is .46 btw), minimal recoil, and 120rnds of total ammo where everyone can use it, the gun only flaw is the rea sight, and it can replace any US weapon for aggressive playstyle

Ain’t the 250kg bombs bigger than the 500lb’er?

The 500lb is the same as 250kg in performance, or at leat I hope the 250kg actually perform better being bigger

So did you forget one of your planes has 250kg bombs? I don’t see how the P-47 having 1 500lb’er is a point to make to be honest

Wow try to kill a Tiger in the gray zone with a M1 Bazooka maybe?

Panzerfaust can kill any US tank front the front from any distance if you have something called skill, which is usually at the basis of every FPS.

Because with 6 250kg bomb of a Ju-188 he cannot do the same thing as the giga chad 500 lb can.


Oh did you forget that “one of your plane” is the only one with 250kg bomb + no capability to dogfight? Yeah good luck using that shite against P38 and P47

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Shoot yeah buddy. Pounds over kilograms any day

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Not my problem. Learn to fly and evade I suppose. Or get a buddy to hop in one of your fighters capable of destroying any American plane in 2-3 impacts because screw all cannons strike again

Besides, you know how often planes either suicide or don’t dog fight? I rarely see anyone actually try to shoot someone else down

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The P-47’s bomb doesn’t change anything when it comes to tanks, the HVAR’s penetration model still deals with most tanks as handily as the Ju 188. Furthermore, the same about the Jumbo and Sturmpistole could be said with a PIAT and a Panther, except Panthers are far more often in the grey zone because Axis has multiple maps where they are incentivized to sit on the hills overlooking a kill box. Finally, the FG 42 has .25 dispersion, while the BAR has .36 dispersion so if anything the FG 42 is more accurate than the BAR. While yes the fire mode thing is annoying, you can do something to change the fire mode. you cannot change the dispersion stats.


Good luck try to evade with Ju 188 lmao

BAR and m2 has twice the ammo FG has, both automatic by default and M2 has a bayonet and .2 dispersion…

Paratroopers pack light my guy

Dive down or climb up and get out of their line of sight. Can’t shoot ya if I can’t see ya after all, and just finding the enemy plane to put them in your crosshair in the first place is often the most difficult part of a dogfight in this game given your limited field of view. So, just run and hide until you stop hearing another propeller

Dude, how the hell you can out maneuver a P38/P47D with Ju 188 is just joking at this point, the plane flies like brick and has no player controlled weapon for defense but AI turret, which can be exploited by keeping yourselves far from them or doing sudden movements to reset their accuracy… the moment you alert enemy fighter, and get tailed by them you are pretty much dead, specially with a slow plane

Ain’t gotta outmaneuver it

Just got to not let it ever see you. It may hear you, but if it never sees you then it can never shoot you

A name is a somewhat arbitrary thing to define something by. Names are just decided by people and don’t define the object.

Look at cars: what’s the difference between a coup and a sedan, or a wagon and a hatchback? Regardless of the name or classification, whatever definition you try to give I’ll show you a car that defies it.

If it acts like an SMG or AR, especially in the game we’re talking about, then it should be classified as such. So a compact automatic weapon firing a sub-rifle round should go to the assaulter class that’s made to use such weapons.