Western Allies Small Arms Balancing Discussion Thread

You never played against competent M2 carbine users and it shows. I was in a Pacific jap match with Erika and we where getting absolutely lasered by M2 carbines. I was sniping and still lost my sniper to one of those when he shot at me for like the 5th time. If you want proof I can search for the replay, I ain´t talking cap.

I’ve never said it’s not good already.

As opposed to the M1 carbine wich is still meh after it´s buffs.

The Bayonet lug on all M1 carbines was standardized by 1944.

The conversion kits for the M2 carbines were available as early as 1944.

Mmmm my bad at some part but certainly not standarized as you though

And you forgot to read the 2nd half of the rest…

So in Enlisted somehow M2 carbine show up in Normandy, mid 1944, that’s time traveling

You are sourcing your information from Wikipedia, a notoriously unreliable source. Various sources online even only online say that the bayonet lug was standardized 1944. I’ll provide one below.

Furthermore, if you even did any due diligence and read the cited source for the wikipedia article on the bayonet lug, you will see that Type 3 barrel bands with a built in bayonet lug was indeed produces starting in 1945, you will not find any reference to the other bayonet lug for the M1 carbine. This one simply clamps to the barrel of the gun instead of being attached to the barrel band(see images below). From what I have gathered, this type of bayonet lug was available to the US troops until the widespread adoption of the Type 3 barrel band post war, where they promptly pulled those lugs from service and probably melted them down to make more Type 3s or something because these things are stupidly hard to find.


Also yes the M2 conversion kits would only be able to have been shipped to Europe later in 1944, however if that is the argument you want to have, the only planes Germany should have in Normandy is the Fw 190A-8 as all of the other planes would only have been operating over the skies of Normandy in early 1944, and not later than February 1944 after the Allies had basically established aerial superiority over all of France. Sometimes you need to bend history a bit for balance. Again to use one of my favourite examples, the P-38G was withdrawn from Europe in early 1944 and replaced by the P-38J and P-38L later on. However, the P-38L would be completely OP due to the boosters on it’s control surfaces canceling out any way that the German planes might have been able to fight it, and the payload being upped to P-47 levels of ridiculousness. Thus, the devs opted to add a plane that never flew on D-day instead to preserve balance. Something similar happened with the M2c and FG 42. Devs added the FG 42 but then needed an allied counterpart, so they bent time and space again to try and find something that would work. There were only really 2 weapons that could have been considered equal to the FG 42, the M2C and the T20E2. One saw service, one was slated to enter service but didn’t get the chance. Guess which one the devs picked.


And for fun especially.

Imagine playing hundreds and thousands of matches with only ol’ Kar98k and mp40.
I really couldn’t care less that “squads” are basically just brainless sandbox. (all I don’t want see is random faction combined in onw team like it is in WT)
We just need seperated historical game modes based on Tommy’s mod. I think nearly everyone would be happy in such scenario.

Agree, lets remove all of those for balance, and give every german a panzerfaust and Quad AA and Flak 88s and see how that goes in the game, if you taking 1:1 comparison, the beach of D-Day is not 200m walk with that much cover, also mined and barewired with multiple MG facing at them, there is game that do that way better but Enlisted takes the time traveling and artificial buff to “balance” the game, which lead most campaign one sided for the most time

Well what do you suppose we have instead then? Or do you think we should be forced to fight StG 44’s on the beaches of Normandy with M1 Garand’s and M1 Carbine’s?

I’d just like to throw my hat in the ring for the M1944 Hyde Rifle as an Allied equivalent to the StG44 and AS-44.


  • select fire
  • 30 round magazine
  • 600–1200 rpm
  • .30 Carbine ammo
  • effective past 500 m


  • Purely a prototype weapon (so is the AS-44 tho)
  • I can’t really think of any equivalent for Japan

And again, I like this proposition

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A. The Flak 88 would not have been used against the planes we have in Normandy, save for maybe the Wellington. It’s meant to shoot down bombers, and the Americans also had a 90mm which would serve practically the exact same purpose. They just never used in it Europe because the Luftwaffe never had a threat that required its utility. As for your second point, let’s forget Russia and Japan for the sake of argument. Now you can bring back the quad 20mm, you can simply give the Americans an M45 and call it a day, however I suspect there will be many complaints about the performance of the M45 being the superior option as the M13 is still the best SPAA gun even if you only use it in its respective role. You can also give the Americans a quad Polsten mount if you really don’t want to give them the M45 because several variations of those mounts did exist and were used by Canadians, British and American units. However, I suspect you aren’t looking for balance, and you just thought the Americans had no alternatives to the quad mount.

B. This game has so many historical inaccuracies such as overall weapon distribution, gimped payloads/ammunition loadouts and a complete lack of mechanical issues for every weapon and vehicle involved that it has always been surprising to me how many people specifically harp on exclusively about time travel, and only in one direction. Yes, time travelling from the past is as bad as time travelling from the future, if you cannot accept a King Tiger in Moscow but accept a BT-7 in Berlin, I have nothing to say to you other than to call you a hypocrite. All of these issues make the game less historically accurate equally as much as the few time-traveling weapons, yet no one wishes to address them other than maybe the select fire guns and the Federov. For instance, the way that even weapons that did see service in the battle are being distributed in game is not representative of how weapons were distributed. Weapons kept only for elite troops are handed out like candy to everyone (looking at you G43 and FG 42), and the weapons meant for everyone are locked behind class walls (see any post I have made about the nuances of the US small arms doctrine). To use your D-day example, the Germans would not have tanks but would be facing Shermans, would be under constant naval artillery and CAS strikes with minimal artillery support and no air support whatsoever of their own, outnumbered at least several dozen to one, and most definitely outgunned as the units on the front lines of D-day were the dregs of the German army, given whatever the Germans could scrounge up.


You are the one bringing up time traveling for balance, is bad, just drop it

You are the one bringing HA in this game that already murder it and play with its corpse

No, only moron think this game has any kind of balance at all, there is no asymetrical balance, is not rock, paper and scissor, you can’t say the P47D HVAR is a counter for german big cat when they can nuke infantry and planes like nothing, they have bomber payload, fighter/attacker agilyty and speed, and CAS capability, this is not how asymetrical balance works, the Devs is not even going for the H&G treatment where German dominate long range, soviet close range and US mid range for small arms, no, in this game, soviet has Fedorov, a gun that do BR damage, SMG handling and ammo pool, Sniper accuracy disguised in AR despite nothing it has resemble an AR, or the US are getting an AR as rifleman weapon, or the ATV 40 having less recoil than the FG42 despite having no recoil mitigation system at all and is literally a SVT40 in automatic, even a failed/rejected weapon such as AS44 is better than StG44, like where they pull thay shite from? or how about they cant even give a single Bayonet for the german in Berlin even with FG42 which has integrated Bayonet… like ffs

Balance is not exclusively rock paper scissors, in this game, it simply means you have a reasonable amount of responses you can use against your opponent for everything they do. In the case of the P-47, you can shoot them down with the AA gun which does work provided your aim, despite your complaining, or you can get in a fighter and shoot them down the old-fashioned way. And Normandy does have a form of asymmetrical balance, it just works differently to the H&G way. Both sides have a similar skill ceiling for their best equipment, however, the skill floor between them is vastly different. The Ju 188 and P-47 as well as the Jumbo and Tiger/Panther are clear examples of this being case. In both cases, the harder-to-use vehicle is unlocked about 10 levels before the other faction’s easier-to-use counterpart, granting the respective side more time to become acclimated to their vehicle. This is the core of how most things are balanced in the game, which is especially prevalent in Normandy where different sides get better equipment in different slots. Axis get the best SMG/AR in the campaign, Allies get the best LMG.

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Bruh I get shot by 20mm in my P47 most of the time I shrug it off, the current AA is way too underpowered

Normandy? Nah you must be joking, so you think US gets P38, with a 20mm and 6 .50 has good turn rate and fly speed + 6 very accurate M8 capable of one shot any tanks, provided you can aim which is pretty easy with center mount rockets, the BF110 G2 is a dedicated CAS, good luck dogfighting with that shite when your opponent has far better agility than you

You forgot the part that US can get an AR for rifleman on purpose or what? Or you forgot you unlock the Jumbo and pretty much makes you invulnerable to anythjng if you know how it works till your enemy drop you bombs with planes which not easy cuz Axis only have access for 50kg bombs and good luck using the Ju 188 for 250kg when US planes dominate the air(or like you say, just shoot them with AA which is far easier with bigger and slower targe)or slap you with Panzerfaust and Ofernor? And those are like 10 levels after Jumbo unlock

Oh for US side, what you gonna do with Stuart? What counter is that? Certainly the 37mm is way too underpowered in this campaign and 99% of the time the tank is a roadblock at best, german SMG good? No man, the opposite, the US SMG mostly SUCKS cuz the Devs are too stupid to balance the game, H&G has the same unlock Enlisted has for SMG, and for 800 hours I played that game I don’t see them being useless like early US SMG in this game, there is a reason I use shotgun instead of US SMG in early mid game in Enlisted, they are bad, and only Tunisia has better offer for SMG(and exceptionally bad for Axis with the same copy paste gun)

We have the best LMG in Normandy?

Is the the M2 Carbine you keep calling an “AR?”

Or a larger caliber SMG if you want that