Western Allies Small Arms Balancing Discussion Thread

The 188 is more maneuverable than any of the US aircraft other than maybe the P-38
And gunners in Enlisted are absolutely fucking broken since they all come out of a central sphere in the plane in a complete 360 degree defensive field

I regularly fly around gunshipping people in the 188 and @Rickyd123 can confirm it


i can also confirm that you get gunnshipped by them too

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Dude, you are flying a big 4ss bomber, how in the hell people can’t find you in the sky when they can hear you from far?

Don’t know where you are getting your values from, M2 Carbine has .25 dispersion just like the Fg 42.The only real point you bring up is the FG 42 starting in semi-auto, but again you can at least still do something about that.

Hun huh…

Well. Tbf they could have put it as gunner gun and be done with it.


Ok I messed up the formatting on my copy of the spreadsheet this month so that is on me. However, this doesn’t change the fact the FG 42 is just a BAR that trades ammo count for dispersion and no mobility penalty, the same way the M2 Carbine is an StG that trades raw damage for dispersion and a bayonet. Either way, it’s mostly fair with the only thing that should be changed is the starting fire mode for one of them.


This is what I was intending as well, but I don’t know if I wasn’t conveying that in clarity. To be fair when this update first came out everyone was frustrated to some extent. The further you progress in the tier tree the less the game is oriented towards skill based encounters and combined arms strategies. All of tier five Normandy is just full auto’s a W key. The worst problem is the fact that the US is just underequipped by comparison, the only weapon I’ve used that compares to the German arsenal is the Johnson lmg (the rifle is annoying because they aren’t going to fix the sight any time soon). The major problem is the fact that they want this Hyper CQB progression because it appeals to people, it’s a dopamine rush so to speak. Sure, it feels great to rush a full squad of bots and quickly dispatch them all with some ridiculous full auto weapon, but it makes for a poor game in the long run where it’s people just repetitiously sprinting to do so.

I was hopeful in the slightest that there would be some retention of US players for a little while with the new update but it didn’t last very long. At least yesterday, but it will likely follow the same progression. The worst part is having to tell returning or new players that complain in chat about how underequipped they are that the game is simply oriented that way now. Those players do one of two things; leave or switch to Germany.

The longer this goes the more it’s going to become a problem for all fronts eventually. Fewer USA players means that the Japanese ultimately becomes bot exclusive too, not to mention the Japanese player base is smaller and more dedicated. The more dedicated players are facing bots and people who only have spring fields for 90 percent of there loadouts. Of the matches I observed it was exceptionally difficult provided this and the terrain, less experienced players just get landlocked without being able to (or willing to place rally points).

We will need to get a new battle rifle (T20E2 or something of that matter) to the toech tree.

A better AT rifle since the M9 is good against almost everything the germans can throw at us until Tiger 1s on a hill, something like the
M18 Recoilless rifle I made a post about already should do the trick.

Otherwise Allies as a whole has a quite balanced tech tree, the BR3 can hold its own in both uptiers and downtiers, excellent planes and the tanks also aren’t that bad uneless you get uptierd to BR5.

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