Weapons tuning

Soldiers! We are currently finalizing a small update which will cause some of the previously lowered accuracy for bolt action rifles to return. In this devblog, we will first explain why the changes were initially made, and what our plans are in terms of weapons tuning in the future.

Our ultimate goal is to create a game where each and every weapon model has clear advantages and disadvantages in different tactical combinations, taking into consideration maps, missions, squad and soldier specializations, player skill, and preferences.

So, by tuning the behavior of all weapons in the game, we aim to continue making the game interesting and diverse without compromising realism and balance.


As you may have noticed, we recently lowered the accuracy of bolt-action rifles. This change was implemented in consideration of their real performance on the battlefield: during times of war, most sniper rifles were chosen by sorting out hundreds of regular bolt action rifles to find those with the best performance. The majority of those rifles which remained had different issues which caused bullet spread, though still, they usually behaved better than semi-auto rifles and automatic weapons.

Nevertheless, after analyzing your battles following that update, we saw that the changes may have been a little too drastic, and so, we are now returning most of that original accuracy back to bolt action rifles and LMGs with light magazines. On the other hand, we consider the accuracy changes that were made to semi-auto and heavier LMGs were more appropriate, though some uptuning will be done there as well.


When shooting in Enlisted, weapons portray a ‘random’ recoil set of behaviours within a given set of parameters of a weapon. Currently, we are considering implementing a set of ‘patterned’ recoil behaviors instead. This will make each weapon model more unique in terms of handling, and more interesting when it comes to learning and mastering.

During these changes, we will continue to monitor your stats and feedback to decide the best direction and future for the development of weapons in-game.


Nice to see, BAR will be great again!


ALL weapons should be improved not just BA rifles.


You should improve not only some weapons, but all of them.


Exactly. This new accuracy system reminds me of BF1 where every weapon cannot hit a target accurately even at 100m(when they were designed to hit at least 800m IRL). Hope this game could be both realistic and entertaining but not neither


What is FG42? A machine gun with a light magazine? Or a semi-automatic rifle? Today’s semi-automatic rifles and automatic rifles are difficult to effectively shoot at medium and long-range targets. Is this forcing the player to use dual weapons and carry a bolt-action rifle? And now because of the poor accuracy, even shooting at close range may miss, I think all weapons should be changed back to the normal accuracy in the past, instead of the garbage that can’t pass the quality inspection. :cold_sweat:


It may be intended to make low-level players suffer a little bit less, but in fact, it turns out to only make high-level players feel disgusted while doesn’t make low-level players have an easier game.


We need new economy system update


It will be some kind of mixing of CS GO and H&G…

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well, this damage has already been done.
But I´m glad action bolts will once again be reliable.

well, that is a piece of work to do, especially after giving a full auto weapon to every trooper. Such weapons need to be either restricted to assaulters or have severe limitations in order to stop them from being a no-brainer choice in comparison to action bolt.


All kinds of weapons’ accuracy should be improved, both bolt-action rifles and other (SMGs, Semi-Autos)


The less rng the game have, the better.

Random events without the input from the player are usually disregarded or have negative feedback from the community but in almost games, devs always introduce some random generated outcome to an event that player can’t predict.

A game gets competitive, when an action will always have the same outcome. Having diferent recoil per gun that can be learned it’s always a plus on my books.


I knew bolts were nerfed too bad, i’m soo happy that i can again use my kar98/winchester teams :slight_smile:

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Can it be used by machinegunner only or by every soldier?

When we have 3 tiers of almost every squad those restrictions dont work anymore. We can usecour best automatics 24/7 and only real ‘restriction’ is we have to use non engineer squad

I find semi auto more useful they can shoot fast like full auto and are more precise i never change my gewer43 for a fg42

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recoil patterns would add an element of skill and gamesense to shooting and remove dealing with bullshit rng. should’ve been done before adding rng dispersion but at least it is hopefully being done, ty dev


A restriction rule wo forces you to use only one type of class squad

3 assaulter teams (can’t do it)

one infantry squad
one engineering squad
one assaulter / gunner / bomber etc (you can do it)

currently using 3 assaulter classes with 12 smg is a nice spam especially in moscow

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Wheres Ishmael at to claim this is all fake and no changes were ever made?


This is a welcome reversal of a bad change.

Realistically, bolt action rifles are more reliable than any semi-auto rifle at hitting targets up to 400 meters. Thank you closed bolt design. Combat ranges ingame are typically under 100 meters, and up to 200 meters at most. And bolt action rifles as well as semi-auto rifles should have no issue hitting a target the size of a human at such ranges. It is more of an issue of how you aim or how you handle the recoil rather than the bullet going in a large enough dispersion cone to miss such a large target.

Sniper rifles were tested for consistency and they were meant to hit targets at far longer distances. Totally different quality standards.

Sources for rifle accuracy:

Since bolt action rifles are the base weapon for new players, they would have accuracy on their side against the later semi-auto and auto weapons which are less accurate (although this is an artificial downside, than a realistic one). However, at the combat ranges we see ingame (mostly cqb and medium ranges), recoil should be more of an issue (and recoil is very very low ingame) rather than weapon accuracy. All weapons should be sufficiently accurate for the ingame combat ranges to be able to hit a target at 100, 200 or 300 meters (except smgs) when aiming carefully. However, while quickly firing, the handling of the weapon and being able to keep the sights on target should be much reduced (depending on weapon or rate of fire). Right now, all weapons feel as if they are very low caliber.

Lower accuracy would be less of an issue if there was a similar to but less pronounced suppression mechanic we already have from explosions taking effect when bullets fly very close to the soldier. The rush of adrenaline dims vision and make it very difficult to keep your hands steady. You are not killing your target, but at least they are less likely to be able to fire back or hit you if they try.

And, as mentioned earlier, things would be a bit more balanced, if semi-auto and auto recoil would be more pronounced and more care would have to be taken to control it. Even if you can fire really fast, you would sacrifice the rate of fire, to stay be accurate. Right now, there is no real downside to spamming bullets. Weapon handling is godlike. And there is little benefit to carefully aim, and take time between round because rng (very poor bullet trajectory cone) will screw you over. So spamming bullets is always a better option than careful, controlled shots, with a certain rhythm, and short pauses between rounds or bursts, which ensure very high accuracy, rather than be at the mercy of rng, because something has to balance out the godlike weapon handling, and puny recoil.

Furthermore, weapon handling (swaying) while firing on the move would really help if it was more pronounced than it is right now, when if you have learned where the weapon shoots, you can be very accurate at medium ranges (50 meters or more) without aiming down the sights. That’s quite overpowered, in my opinion.

All weapons ingame, under 100 meters, which are the typical combat ranges we see ingame (unlike the much longer real life engagement ranges) shouldn’t have accuracy issues. Even a poorly maintained rifle would have no issue getting nice groupings at 50-100 meters on a target the size of a man.

However, the handling of all weapons is waaay too good. Some of the guns, even when fired in full auto behave as if we are firing .22 cal, pea shooters.

In my opinion, this is what creates issues. And this is also what creates confusion. Accuracy and handling are two different things. How we control the action of the weapon (and its recoil) which isn;t somethingnegligible should normally make the difference between hitting or not hitting a target, between a skilled player and someone inexperienced who panics and keeps the fire button down, and missing.

Weapons were fired in short bursts so that the recoil could be controlled. Ingame, you can spray accurately with an smg at long distances. The reason we do not hit much is the artificially bad accuracy. It should be the other way around, the recoil should be the biggest factor which prevents accurately hitting the target, instead of the bullets having unpredictable trajectories. Especially at ranges of up to 100 meters.

First round fire, while aiming, is always the most accurate. The follow up round/rounds, depending on how fast it happens (firing quickly or keeping the fire button down) would make the weapon increasingly difficult to keep on target.

We should not need to spam 20 bullets from an smg to kill an opponent because most bullets spray everywhere, and very few hit. And with no fault to our own proper aiming. Instead, a controlled burst of well aimed 3-5 bullets should be enough to kill at 50-75 meters. Meanwhile firing 20 rounds in full auto would mean most if not all will miss because keeping the crosshair on target is very difficult in full auto.

For instance, M1 should be much more accurate than it is now. But firing it quickly would cause it to swing around wildly instead of staying on target (as it is happening ingame).

SMGs should have no trouble being accurate at 50-100 meters when properly aiming, and firing one round or one short burst at a time, but once you keep the fire button down, the weapon should become more and more difficult to control and keep on target. The bullets themselves would have fairly straight trajectories, but since it is difficult to keep the sights on target while in full auto, you would not hit much.

Currently, I can keep any smg on target no problem while firing until I empty the magazine. This is absolutely not true in real life. After the first few rounds, the muzzle has a mind of its own.

In my opinion, it will greatly improve gunplay if the handling is reduced, while accuracy improved for semi-auto rifles and smgs so that for semi-auto, you have to aim for each round (hence slower practical rate of fire), and for smgs your crosshairs stay on target only with short bursts, and then they start handling more like the way machineguns behave ingame right now. And we would not see people hosing each other down with semi-auto and auto weapons, having this “call of duty games” feel to them.

Firing fast (you are the cause for inaccuracy) and firing accurately (the weapon is completely fine getting rounds on target in very small groupings, enough to hit a human sized target at ingame ranges):


I’m glad to see this. Here is to hoping that weapons have more unique behavior that better mirrors real life in the future.

As I said before, I think the way it was was not very realistic, but the change went too far. Especially with single shots at range of all weapons capable to doing so.

The change made the most sense for LMGs and SMGs at range at full auto fire. Shot groupings were far too tight, ESPECIALLY on the move.

It was too much for single fire LMGs like the BAR, and semis.

Instead, a more natural change would have been to introduce random inaccuracy the quicker a weapon was fired.

At any rate, I am glad to see a change is being made.