Weapons tuning

So much “should be…”

So little relation to ordinary soldiers who really can’t shoot all that straight under pressure…

I made a little video last night so before this update - just a few shots from a Winchester - 3 star I think, so not maxed… defending at Lake Beloe, 2nd cap point…really don’t see what all the whining was about… it’ll still be processing if you are looking right after I’ve posted…

Ingame, some bolt action rifles are more accurate than others. Use kar98k or the italian bolt action rifles and you would go crazy how much they were missing even at 50 meters or lower. I do not see the point digging for videos at this point, since even the developers admitted it was actually quite bad.

Leaving aside the very low number of shots you fired (which does not offer a pool large enough for an objective statistic), with the Winchester in your clip, you should not have missed a single round at those ranges, well under 100 meters. It was what? 40 meters? At those ranges, the groupings are measured in 1-3 cm even for a bad shooter.

You should have used the practice range, sit at 100 meters, fire 100 rounds and calculate how many of those hit. I will tell you because I actually did this test, and it was about 50%. And that is world of tanks levels of stupid rng. In no way such a rifle would have fared so poorly irl. This is the spread now (after reverting the change) and it is fine (shot from around 100 meters at the range, no breath holding, no weapon mounting). Note, the groupings are still quite higher than you would see in real life firing the same rifle.



So at 60 meters you can keep a group the size of a human? That really doesn’t prove or disprove anything


Those groups are still pretty horrid as you said. I would sell that rifle in real life or re barrel it because it would have to be shot out to produce that group size. Thats like a 10 MOA group at 100 lol

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This could be done by making the gun unsteady, I guess. It is already part of the game, they may make it more apparent.

Otherwise I agree with others that adding more recoil instead of unrealistically big random dispersion is better feedback for the player.

E.g. I would not expect a sniper to miss due to random dispersion, regardless of using semi-auto or bolt action rifle.

Same for LMGs: noone should be able to do three full turns in a second with that weapon, it must have a momentum, and when moving and hipfiring, instead of random dispersion the weapon should be swaying more, and shot misses should be based on that. At least I think so. :slight_smile:


Instead of all this gun nerfing stupidity why dont they just make accuracy and control linked to soldier level? Mechanically the weapons wont change all that much but the soldiers skills with it would make the biggest difference

Yep. Totally agree with you!

Carcano 41 first tier upgrade (-15% deviation) vs fully upgraded Kar98k (shots deviation -35%). You can also compare it with Winchester, which proves my point of hidden accuracy stats of each weapon. I wish we know those accuracy values. Also, a lever action being more accurate than a bolt action, what?

Karkano 41 without upgrades:

RNG is just bad game design. Weapons should be reliable in every circumstance when used as intended, and it should be up to the player to learn those parameters, and what the limits of a weapon are: such as weapon handling, be it the time it takes to put the sights on target due to weapon weight, barrel length, overall size and ergonomics, and how to predict recoil and speed of recovery from recoil due to action type, firing mechanism and ergonomics.

Skill and experience with a weapons system should be rewarded (with accuracy and lethality), and not whoever sprays more with a higher rate of fire because recoil and handling means nothing, and you are forced to compensate for RNG shenanigans (in the style of the extremely moronic games like world of tanks) with volume of fire (when ammo is very limited to begin with).


we are now returning most of that original accuracy back to bolt action rifles and LMGs with light magazines.

This sounds like it should be good news for Madsen, which is a bit meh for an LMG other than when used as a semi-auto rifle (which the previous accuracy nerf made really tough at long range).


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It is tough even at short range. It is such a shame what some weapons have become after the accuracy nerfs.

Fully upgraded madsen fired one shot at a time at 50 meters. Holding breath, while standing. 15/25 hit the target. You are better off spamming the DP-27 thanks to its larger magazine.



Developer, please improve the accuracy of the SMG as well when shooting single shots. Instead, I favor a mechanism that gradually increases the spread of bullets during auto fire.

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Indisputably. In this diary, we are just telling you that the setup is still in progress. This is not the last change.


Good point. But bolt-action rifles, according to our idea, are not low-level weapons.

This is a weapon for a SPECIFIC SITUATION - for combat at a distance. For well-aimed players. One shot - one frag.


In fact, we’ve also slightly reduced the spread of all weapons (pistol, smg, m-guns). But it was the rifles that improved the accuracy the most, so they wrote only about them.

I also want to thank you for providing the comparisons to the real weapons you gave above. I’ll hand it over to the developers.


i know it’s off topic but is there a date for the new weapon and soldier upgrade system?


One of the nearest updates. We are working on it right now.


будет добавляться по частям или все сразу?

Please also show the concrete amount of bullet dispersion in the weapon stat interface. Ppl have to know how much dispersion each weapon exactly has. It should be visible directly.


According to order of progression they are.

Id like to see a more realistic aiming in this game. Holding a front and rear sight in alignment with your eyes was something that was and is impossible to do 100% accurately. The more complex sights of bolt action rifle assist the operator in getting closer but a micrometer off from dead center would translate into meters off at the target. Simple sight on most SMGs may have just a basic peep rear sight and a front notch. The user is the place the top of the notch in the center of the view created by the peep. That type of sight is intended for target acquisition over accuracy. Imagine if a gave you a drawn circle and told you to find the absolute mathematical center by hand. You would fail every time. The trouble is that video game players are used to having a computer aim perfectly for them in every game and have no concept of how difficult it actually is to do.

Nice, very nice!
The community (well me at least) is grateful when we feel heard, and that patch reflects that.

I just have one question @Keofox : what is considered “light magazine”? A magazine with 20 bullets or less, 30 bullets or less? 47 (uhuhuh) bullets or less?

Referring to this point:

Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

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