Weapons tuning

  • Increased accuracy of rifles, semi-automatic rifles and machine guns.

Tried the update of today and nothing changed for the FG42 sniper, You literally made this gun almost garbage at far distance how the bullet spread. I’m shooting right on the body and the bullet is still going on his left or on his right, don’t even try to shoot his head how it will be impossible to hit.

What’s the point to play a sniper III weapon if you can’t even hit someone when your mouse is right on him ? What sort of realism or even balance is this can you tell me ?

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LOL, wasn’t Enlisted supposed to be authenthic, immersive World War 2 period game, not a simulator, but at the same time, not an arcade clicker? Now it’s turning into some pro gamers wanna be e-sport ready titule. Or maybe I’m wrong, might be. But reading constantly about authenticity from the DEVs themselves, and then seeing Clown Wars instead, with some super power perks, 2/3 meters high, and side jumps, and all the other BS, crap, and cancerouss features makes me wonder, what does Enlisted strive to be?

Keep destroying the game, you’re doing a good job, I already haven’t played for a while*, and seeing what happened in the recent updates, and what is planning for the future, it will rather make me quit permanently, or even remove an account all togheter, but since I started playing War Thunder [with this account/again], I might keep it, just for this one reason.

Shame, a real shame, that such a promising game is following such a shallow path, what for? So couple squeekers can then brag about their “skill”, and how they manage to control “fixed” spread? Like I give a F about them. I don’t play games to be competetive, I don’t care about competetiveness, or anything like that. Authenticity, immersion, that’s what matters.

If I wanted to play CS:GO, you know what would I do? I’d go and play CS:GO. And since I don’t play CS:GO [I did try it though], that means I’m not looking for any unrealistic, fantasy, sience fiction BS such as fixed recoil pattern.

  • Except required 2 battles to post. Played 3, won 2. 2 hours later it still didn’t update.
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I agree. The FG-42 2 has always been a terribly inaccurate weapon. I thought it felt better in some patch in the summer, but even my 6 star refuses to hit people from further than 50 meters.

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I hope they did not mean fixed recoil pattern, but instead random recoil patterns resembling the actual gun’s recoil. …How they will know a given weapon’s more typical recoil patterns is another question.

I would not want to see a fixed recoil pattern.

Part of the reason I like Enlisted is because I feel like I have a chance - but there’s still a limit to how inaccurate guns should be. It has a generally good balance for me, but I will definitely be turned off as soon as I see some people capable of full-auto headshotting entire squads because the recoil is nonrandom… and without missing a shot in between. It will feel indistinguishable from hacking to me

Skilled players aren’t exactly doing poorly vs newbies and a fixed recoil pattern would be a buff for them only - I suspect it would reduce new player retention as they’d have to face enemies who not only have higher level campaign equipment, leveled soldiers and squads but also understanding and capability to take advantage of an e-sports style mechanic.

Some people have been suggesting adding a suppression effect for shots that fly nearby. While this would perhaps play toward the immersion aspect of game, I feel it would nerf bolt-action rifles unduly. For a bolt-action buff I would suggest reducing their damage falloff, so that the range where they oneshot down opponents is increased from what it is currently. Perhaps even as far as bolt-action snipers have currently - snipers would still have advantage of the scope.

edit: maybe a little more zoom in while holding breath? That might be stepping on the toes of scoped sniper rifles though, but then again it’s another knob to turn in order to make weapons feel different maybe? SMGs could have the least.

Shotguns need some love (at least the TOZ, which cannot compensate the nerfed damage/pellet count with using more shots). I believe the general consensus was that even in their old higher damage state they were still situational weapons and most players preferred SMG’s instead.

right so, mind me asking what’s your idea of low level weapons?

like, bolt actions are the first thing everyone unlock. so it kinda is a low weapons, no?

i would just like to know that. :slight_smile:

I guess his point was that there’s no such thing as low level weapon (maybe except for a tank burning on the bottom of the river), so the prev comment’s “low level” player vs. “high level” player is not applicable to weapons, they are situational. The FG42 sniper should be considered “high level”, but when you try to cross Maisky Forestry’s river, you may find it better to use bolt action rifles and snipers instead of SMGs or semi autos to hit targets around 100m away.

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Maybe its time to change the progress

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It has been for a while.

Vehicles especially are added out of order, with worse vehicles coming in later in the tree on Normandy and Berlin.


hey! watching bullet trails and iron sight position, i can tell bullets arent flying where the mg is pointed at! it would be nice if you could repair that :slight_smile:
with red i marked about where bullet should go and with purple where it is actually going

i also noticed this error while using PPD

If this is implemented then it should be accompanied by a more realistic damage model for infantry, where the total healthbar is replaced by limb healthbar like in Red Orchestra.


So long as it doesn’t make the game play like Counter Strike


Такую идею мы недавно передали разработчикам. Один из игроков также предложил показывать в карточке оружия класс солдат. которые могут его применять.


There are also II, III fighters there.

I just love my premium rifle squad (In Berlin). They are great from a distance!

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This weapon is not very versatile.

The weapon is simple, available to most soldiers, as it was during the war. Literally 80% of the soldiers were armed with … rifles. In the early stages of World War II.

Obviously, newcomers to Enlisted start with such weapons. but even among such weapons there are weaker and more powerful specimens.

it might be a heresy but a tech research tree like in war thunder would not be more efficient, as keofox said bolt-action are not low-level weapons, if they allowed players to research weapons in this way they could add variations and modifications so as to choose the weapon you want to master,
for example the m1 carbine and all its variants, or the different mauser models, this would also apply to vehicles.

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no doubt on this,

but that didn’t answered my question.

like, how do you define a " low weapon " and " high weapon ".

this is what i don’t get.

according to the team idea. that’s all.

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wy you could not opt ​​in the future for a research system like in war thunder so players can choose to modify and enhance and unlock the bolt-action and their variants (same for other weapons and veichle), for example the different models of mauser, I personally love to use them I have a bolt-action for each soldier as well as I have a semi-automatic, but it takes me a little discouraged to see the development team add only new automatic weapons and not new bolt-action, I would very much like to have new ones

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And is there any plan to make possible for us to unlock the “modification tuning” along with “veteran soldier” in the squad upgrade interface? They have been there for months and still remain unusable.

Any level can make use of them but all bolt actions are unlocked at mid level at the latest.

That means it’s primarily low level players who rely on them.

I absolutely love my carcanos but the reality is they’re entry-level equipment.