Weapons tuning

for the current progression system but that is very wrong

Should they be that way? No
Are they in practice? Yes

I would love to see more mechanics added to make bolt actions more appealing than semi automatics.




Not nice. Enlisted is a casual game, please don’t make it into “who remembers recoil of his gun better” competition. You might as well remove recoil after reaching campain lvl 10.


If the team idea is that you, one of the a forum members, are not a pizza, that does not necessarily mean that others are considered to be pizzas. So maybe there is no “low level” weapon at all.

i asked to keofox.

not you.

I’m lost at this point.

And I don’t understand your question. Keofox did not state there is a low level weapon.

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i simply asked what he meant.

as he more than you and me, knoes about what he had in mind.

i know language is a barrier. so that’s why i asked him to define.
which additionally, might add something.

An observation about Enlisted’s progression as well is that players start out as generalists and fan out to specializations.

Rifles and SMGs are your bread and butter weapons that are always relevant.

Sniper rifles are capable of countering specialized weapons like LMGs, AT rifles, and mortars.

As you progress, you move into weapon types that are more situational but need counters.

So really the game has horizontal progression in a sense, but it’s still low levels who will prefer the basics.

The accuracy changes are great, however adding patterns to recoil concerns me quite a bit. What I really love about Enlisted is the focus on realism without being a hardcore sim game. With recoil patterns there are going to be people going full-auto with LMGs sniping people from 500m and that is without mentioning how exploitable it is. “Random” recoil prevents this from being a big problem. In my opinion random recoil isn’t a problem if it’s handled well, meaning short, controlled bursts should be viable at longer ranges. Magdumping someone should only be viable in a really short ranged engagement because it should never be accurate nor efficient.


Yes but on the grand scheme of things ( I mean with all the other weapon in the game)

That are in fact low level weapon, something to throw away when you unlock other semi auto or specific multi role weapon.

When you have 2 assulter squad and 1 mg squad with mg, stg, fg same with allies, the bolt action are simply the worst choice.


I’m glad you guys are still working on it. I tried out a few games after the current change and didn’t really get a chance to check at range. Close contact seemed only a bit off with the BAR, M-1 and Lee.

Standing, aimed shots, single fire. Still some work to do on your end, but I think your moving in the right direction.

Keep in mind…Bolts might not be lower end rifles, but they are starter rifles. That means the first experience for new players will be with 0 or 1 star bolts. First impressions are lasting ones.

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Which is to say they abandoned actual realism a long time ago, and now it is all about “game balance” not realistic balance - which you cannot have without reflecting real world concerns such as weapon scarcity, troop training, and economics.

Beautiful equipment and terrain models </> realism!

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as a german main i second this, i remember when the regular fg had 80 rnds backup and decent accuracy. i would much rather it be restricted to certain classes and be very useful then let the rifleman have it and it be very limited. most automatic rifles should go to assaulter


Personally i think that the current accuracy is a mistake. the bipod mechanic isnt reliable enough to be used, and even when the situation would allow an accurate shot usually i just have to spray and pray after i missed the first shot due to the accuracy nerf. would much rather my first shot be accurate and then have to wait a moment to take another controlled shot instead of just spray and pray
Great game guys, love it so much keep up the good work!


I do agree that the amount of recoil in the guns is absurdly low. With bolt actions, military training will help keep the recoil effect to a minimum. However, the SMGs, particularly fast firing ones, are absurd.

Particularly for the LMGs, the mounting mechanic lets any realistic use of those down. It can take many, many seconds to find a spot where the weapon will mount, and then to adjust a few times until it will point the correct way. Prone firing of LMGs is wildly inaccurate and mounting seems impossible to do. Firing an LMG standing up, on the move, etc, will never have anything to do with realism.

Which brings the third point: Crouched accuracy. It’s clear that accuracy of a trained soldier firing a rifle is considerably higher when crouched. You have much better support for the aiming. It is not so common to see players crouch to help their aim. If you want to move to a realistic direction, this could be explored.

I have done my military service and basic trooper marksmanship training (using assault rifles, mind you). Shot ranges were 150m prone, 150m crouched, and 50m standing up. The 10 point circle was maybe 10cm in diameter. Anyway, gives an idea of the meaning of posture and distance.

Then again this is a game, so realism be damned if it’s no fun. I won’t eat canned pea soup between matches because it’s realistic.

Just fix the recoil of fast fired weapons, fix the gun support mechanic to make this manageable, provide real benefits for having a posture that’s fit for shooting. This includes the ludicrous “aiming down the sights, strafing / moving diagonally and taking accurate shots”.


Rifles shouldn’t feel like they were zeroed by a blind man. If you want to mess with something, do it with weapon sway depending on its weight, soldier position and stamina, eventually stress under supressing fire. If rifle can’t hit a non moving man size target from 100 or even 70m, then it means that something is really wrong. They didn’t gave them with completely fkd up sights, they were adjustable. Last few (or more) weeks felt like there was too much rng.


I would also like to add as feedback the fact that semi-auto rifles such as M1 Garand have a reputation for accuracy, comparing very well against bolt action rifles and more modern rifles such as M1A (or its military version M14).

It would be nice if this was better reflected in the game. Of course, while also having balance aspects taken into account:

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Fantastic input. Thank you for bringing this up. I hope the developers take this into account.

(As well as factors such as the ability to keep the aim steady after sprinting, jumping, etc), so we no longer get people jumping around and side stepping while being totally accurate doing so.

I employ this nonsense circus acrobatics all the time myself, since the penalty for doing so is marginal (with a slight penalty to bullet spread and gun sway), while I gain a huge advantage of making myself a very difficult target especially against bolt action shooters.