Weapons and vehicles of the next update

Says the person who concluded that it was 1200 rpm with a Russian Wikipedia page.


Says the person who concluded that it was 400 to 625 rpm by looking at the stat of the different gun.
We are talking about read things properly, if you don’t see 1200 rpm on the Russian wikipedia, I suggest you to do an eye check or IQ check.
You use the English Wiki as the source first, so it is the same as I using Russian Wiki.

You did the same thing; very hypocritical, sir.

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Nope, My eyes and brain are good enough to differentiate the word tokyo arsenal 1927 and mode1, model2 unlike someone on this forum.

says not to conclude after one wiki article
concludes after one wiki article

Whatever is your cope sir…


Did I conclude after 1 wiki article? Did I said the 300-600 rpm in English wiki is 100% wrong?
I am just saying there is other place giving different data. You already made the conclusion by using the data from single place.
Because you don’t check and make your conclusion too soon, you even give the wrong data from the wrong gun in your response.
It is that hard to admit your mistake?

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please type 44 and siamese mauser rifles too :heart: :heart: :heart:


I don’t know why you expected something else, they’ve said they want them to stay exclusive items.
As for APCs, it’s logical they would start with some basic unarmed truck rally points in the progression tree and then move up from there.

50 rounds vs 71 rounds


Why didn’t you choose the ppsh with 30 mag? :thinking:

Friendly tip, fire rate is the main difference.

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1200 rof vs 1000.

Also drum thompson is BR 5 with 50 round and 700 rof.

Basically the BR 4 thompsons have 30 rounds for 700/800 rof while the japanese will have drum mag with 50% more rof at same BR.

At least when japanese get to BR 5 it will be ok. But I don;t see the point of playing BR 4 US anyway right now.

Also I love that when the soviets get some random prototypes, people are rioting all over the forum, but when the japanese get another random prototype, everyone is like : “nah this is fine”

Yeah by getting access to a paywalled squad with improved armor and machine gun, but only for half the faction…


I’m not sure how that is supposed to relate to the fact that new features added to the progression tree should be implemented from the bottom up.

It’s 35, and I do choose it for BR3.

I do agree with you, but once again, you can just bypass the progression tree by paying, just like you can bypass BR system by using paratroopers locked behind events and paywall.

There are so many issues right now in the game, but the devs are selling more imbalanced stuff and spending time to include copy pasted vehicle and saying some lazy excuse like “nah sorry US player, you will have to suffer some more months because we won’t have time to finish this tanks, but hey there is a new nice map for you to get farmed with your copy pasted tanks, wonderful isn’t it?”

That’s kind of the point, as far as I’m concerned it’s only a problem when it’s consistently better than progression alternatives. Though this is definitely a longer period of exclusivity if it takes us a couple updates to work up towards progression APCs.

Officially there is non, the book is only sold physically as far as I’m aware.

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Also you will get wiped out from earth just like the real Japanese soldiers.

That was a wooden and canvas mockup, not a prototype

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There’s little mistakes like this all over enlisted. For example, the M50 Reising modeled in game has 12 round magazines loaded in, not 20 round mags. You can tell by the little grooves in the magazine that force the bullets into a single stack. the same 20 round mags are smooth, without grooves.

That said, these sort of things are kind of niche information, and likely don’t really bother an average player.

Running a book on when the XM-1 makes it to the Pacific…