Weapons and vehicles of the next update

The chi nu is the BR 4 and ho ni is the TD.

Well the M4A1 has less front armor so any type 4 launcher should go through the front plate.

Introducing a worse tank for BR 3 would indeed be a waste of time if they did that.

You should notice by now the only way the Germans kick ass Is by map knowledge and knowing how to use your weapons while the other side overcompensates us to death


Give me two.

The most based in reality post on the forum in Bizarro Enlisted


It’s all a bad fever dream I’m gonna wake up tomorrow and they’ll be functioning bipods and windows are not broken and I actually have a 100 round belt fed MG or any other variant and Tanks won’t get stuck on the smallest thing possible


You do have a 100rnd belt fed
Its the MG-15!
Aren’t you grateful?

It’s 75 mag fed.
The one you describe lies next to a bipod, rommel and santa.


And why japs will get SPGs?
Give Chi-To.
Its Sherman-level tank, and its what japs needs now.

I would have rather had a bare belt MG-42 than the MG-15 all meming aside


I don’t want that and it’s not 100 rounds it’s only 75 just give me an MG34 or MG42 not the MG-15

MG42 is my fav ww2 gun. Sadly it’s very meh MG in the game.

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What happened did they find another glitch or something ?

You can always buy mg42 early with two engneers.

They should at least make that premium 100 round belt fed MG

Sounds about right and that’s what I’m scared of when these type of weapons get added to the game without any restrictions

And damn it I’m out of hearts again


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“Gun I like is meh so I’ll give devs money and buy a decent one”
Nah, sry but I vote with my wallet.

Also it’s not only about the gun but about the whole gun class. I’ve been waiting 2+ years for any meaningfull change. They don’t give a F about me, I don’t give them money. Simple deal.


hell yeah, lets ruin infantry gameplay. Who care about not working basics like aliexpres grenades, tanks killing through rocks or bots unable to turn in enemy direction or enemy creating obstacles directly in front of you

they should just give us Asian servers and oceanic servers then everyone will be happy



It would really help
Because they’d stop lagging over here
And aussies could finally play at less than 280ms ping

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That would be nice but this is not a perfect world so such things could never happen unfortunately


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