Weapons and vehicles of the next update

To be fair, it probably behave exactly like the US 1919. (Maybe buffed because, you know, devs like this faction).

Axis fares really fine vs 1919. In fact I’m more scared from BARs than the 1919 personally…

It won’t make players better.

There’s enough cosmetics in the editor for someone to make a machinima with I don’t know why DF hasn’t got in contact with someone to do something like that instead they keep using all these Youtubers for ads instead of working with their community for some reason


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With the right people and the right setup you can break the game

Yeah, we definitely need super Hellcat. The classic hellcat is the most enjoyable ground vehicle for western allies. I am using it all the time.


With current playable area it’s speed and flanking won’t be able to be utilized. At least with WT you have huge maps that could let you flank from any direction.

I had great matches even with current one, it’s definitely very much usable.
I especially love its excellent reverse speed.

I know it is not overpowered tier V stuff, but still one thing which is missing the game. Germany and the US have them, so why is there no…

Soviet Motorcycle squad with dp-27 ?


They were commonly used during ww2, a simple motorcycle with a dp27 mounted on top of it, just like germany has with the mg34 or the americans with the browning…

It is still missing for the soviet side and would be a great unique addition to the game. It would also be easily to add, since you could basically copy the mechanics of the german and usa motorcycle squads.

Unique, not overpowered and actually commonly used during ww2

No one could complain with such a squad for the soviets too.


Ofcourse russian gets another full auto weapon america gets more tanks and germany gets a half truck
since the merge the germans feels so underpowered i mean yea they still hit pretty good but compared to the arsenal of other countries theyr ass the americans get the hellcat with i think 105mm? to my knowlage the only german tank that has this the “Dicker Max” or what ever and thats a premium tank like for christ sake just give us the Tiger II 105 already and an mg42 with a 100belt would be cool too


Or because they wasted dev time on a Sherman which seems the same or worse than the one we already have.

unless they want to put it into BR 2

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Wait they are busy working on a fake Japanese tank that never existed and was invented by a WT forum user…

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I mean yea but most of their stuff but theyr still as against br5 russians and now we have the as44 everywhere

So you’re really going to give the USSR another 100rd LMG and all Germany gets in response is a milk truck? biased at all much?


Since those trucks going to make motorbike squads obsolete can we at least have personal spawn point with those bikes? Also we need Soviet and Japanese bikes.
Dnepr M-72 motorbike

it could also carry mortar on the back

Rikuo Type 97 motorcycle


They look great as usual. But sad to know that this type of customization will probably never come to the game.

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That wouldn’t be balanced I think. Japan already struggles vs the current Shermans and Grant that make it into Pacific. They only have 2 tanks that can counter. The T4 Chi Nu and the Tank Destroyer Ho NI in T2 if you don’t have either of those in your loadout then you’re out of luck.

I’m still winning my games in Japan but I think that’s just because the US teams I’m facing are bad/outnumbered.

A… mortar bike???


Maybe in the future updates you can continue to improve vehicles and make them less stuck in tree stumps, rubber pile etc It’s not fun to get stuck all the time when traversing and feel like you are a trashcan wheels. Don’t even think tanks are that bad in real life. A tank can traverse most things. Give a bit of movement freedom to tanks. Constantly losing speed to random rubble on the ground or getting stuck in some 1x1 bomb crater. Annoying.

An not just tanks, vehicles in general, the patching is atrocious. Like the normal car. I just never touch them, at the rate you get stuck I rather go on foot.




82mm mortar


It’s really cool and unique.

I’d like that, also judging by the picture, it existed