Weapons and vehicles of the next update


Not trying to have a dig at ya,
but there certain circumstances, where all on the team, are not of the same experience you have in game,
there are so many reasons why one can not always be on point.

And i think that people that scream in matches, that they only ones doing anything, where they are the only gold rank player on team, should maybe F Off and play a BR that they are more suited to.


Gold rank abusing peeps

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They merely aren’t playing in true Japanese fashion, and bring shame to their ancestors.

But honestly, Japan is doing well lately. A good amount of players are back to it.

And a crazy Japanese charge remains a crazy Japanese charge… and works well in Enlisted.


Hey wait… I’ve seen that guy once! He said the same thing and it was in Tunisia too. :laughing:


If they add that get rid of the Panzerfaust from the Soviets and just replace it with that

me too actually

also wow that was fast

I like Japan faction.

Been playing mostly them since the last war thunder update.

Because they had new unlocks. Love their planes.

Yeah xD and it’s not like that I just scratched him. One of his motors literally caught fire.

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i like their smg tbh since it have a nice sound imo

Have you tried the last attacker plane? D4something. I do have feeling its rear gunner doesn’t work. I don’t know if it’s because of update or not.

What time zone though, cuz from where I am is questionable unlike Germans

They are also very low BR, if compared to Germany counterparts.

… but their semis are too high br… :sweat_smile:

Anyway. Arisaka and iconic type 100 smg, is all I need along a good dose of zeal, of AT gundam gun, and crazy Katanas charges.

American east (Canadaaaa). Japanese presence is really strong. As is Axis. But I’ve got no issues as Soviets, unlike some boos like to claim. My USA faction is getting steam rolled, sadly… But that will change with Pershing that I’m sure.

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*Me still rocking with bolties exclusively

I need variety…

If it works…

Japanese bolties are really nice. Wide range of accurate ones, hard hitting ones and fast cycling ones… and their sights are good.

This is BR4 match rn. Everyone is trying out the new japanese stuff.


this is just insane

all I need for BR5 is exactly the same thing but with bayonet.


I’m waiting for the Pershing effect.

In short: war thunder update, didn’t change a thing :laughing:


Yup, I prefer 100% the Type 38 Rifle over any of those dogshite 5rnd semiautos

Regarding APC, can we make it so that if the vehicle is at rest / no driver we spawn outside the vehicle? I think it is a very good move to spawn inside when the vehicle is in motion, it adds to the immersion and all, but when the vehicle is standing unused it is inconvenient and unnecessary to say the least.

I hope you didn’t forget about this version. :wink::wink:



Hi Probably a pay version for him

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Japan T4 is pretty chill. I play there a lot to do my dailys and I still have 100% win rate as Japan post merge after 70+ battles.

It was reported that it had an excessive rate of fire, one of the reasons it wasn’t adopted.