Soviet Paratroopers are causing HAVOC in 1-3 tiers

Actually it’s less zoom than BR III one, and yea, just a difference in scope magnification should not be the factor to raise BR of the same weapon by 2 or at all.

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Guess what ? This happened for Tunisia axis, and no one gave a f.

That’s really convenient when the germans get fancy new toys, but every “unbiased” player will then cry in anger whenever the soviets/us gets a new toy.

I used to believe in balance, but having 2 BR 3 players and 8 bots vs 10 german BR 5 player is as balanced as those new paratroopers. I don’t really care anymore honestly.


Sample size is crap, but from what I see there are NO experienced players on the Soviet side in low BR.

So… the para’s aren’t wreaking any havoc. It’s a wasteland of emptiness.


I guess there are perk to finishing event in day 1 and take a day off

Funny thing is, ppl were concerned about this exact issue when this squad was first announced.

I guess devs do listen to our feedback but decide to not give a fuck about it.


I don’t think the soviets play high BR at all if that’s what matter…


They legit ignored most of the feedback from Test server 3 and 4, and even before that about Bipod, AI, pathfind… nothing really makes any difference at this point, the feedback is just token PR


Haha. RD-44 wrecks :stuck_out_tongue:

had a round and just buzz saw’d my way to victory lol.



Yet American, Jap, or German paras can’t equip different weapons, so why should the Soviets be able to?
It breaks fundamental laws of Enlisted, just like the MKB engineers, so why is it allowed?

Lmao- as a German main- I’ve tracked my spending to at least $800+.but whatever makes you feel special fella.

This has nothing to do about balancing games. This is just another f… up of devs.
They rushed soviet paras because soviet were the only ones who didnt have any.
Result is another clownfest.
Jumbos causing havoc at pacific
Tigers are causing havoc at western front
And soviet playerbase has been dwindling for some time i dont know why
None of these absurdities is about balance or being biased towards one faction.
This is simply called “incompetence” in bussines world

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They surely do.

That nice to hear I’m gonna start farming there so I can get my short gun and chi nu

just try soviet br3 and you will understand what is the definition of “bias”


Only if it costs the company money.

And apparently it is not.


Bit late, but devs thankfully said they are going to fix para crates. Why it wasn’t a thing from the start is beyond me but, better late than never.

BR also got a few tweaks yesterday, making stuff a bit better balanced among faction arms. Sure there’s still tweaks to be had, but it’s a start…

“a bit better balanced” by buffing superior one. fantastic balance.

You need to understand what “battle rating” means, first.

It’s only aimed at comparing weapon to weapon (or vehicles) individually, stats for stats, performance for performance, REGARDLESS OF FACTIONS, OR THEIR POPULARITY.

That’s war thunder battle rating. The rest is into players hands.

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Omg…thank you so much for identifying this.
Federov to the Armory

Yay!!! BR2 now. Awesome!!

Yeah, finally sausage rats REALLY suffer😁