Soviet Paratroopers are causing HAVOC in 1-3 tiers

Definitely the best solution

Indeed, but probably the one that requires the most work to pull off.

Which ever can come first is acceptable.

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Paramarines do have BAR, which is quite potent weapon for BR 1-3 queue, especially since there’s no of encountering BR 3-5 queue.

And funnily enough, they do have BR5 version of sniper garand.

The best solution would be to completely get rid of the paracrates. The squad itself is very good even without them. There’s no real reason why they should be so versatile.


i mean this would make german br2 main go for br4-5 now right? which i guess is still bad new for soviet br5 (if there are still some)

nope if you finish the event during the first stage where there was a bug then you get a free stage and that how i and some other got them early

At least it’s a confirmed bug that will be fixed (should be same tier as other scoped garand, in folder)

Bar is good… But it’s the first version that is tier 3, too.

But you’re right I forgot them because of how poor their main armament is. They should be tier 3 because of the BAR.

No exceptions.



yesterday ( if you didn’t missed a single day ) you were able to unlock them.

and, today too.
( if you missed the first day )

How is putting m1c garand after m2 carbine in progression and giving it BR5 a bug?

All BARs are BR3, literally all of them.

No, they screwed up points on second day of event. And when devs tried to fix it, they accidentally gave some ppl free level.

Meaning, those who received this unintentional level could get event paras yesterday. All others have to wait for monday.


then rank 1-2 newbies better get good eh?
there is no excuse for not stacking bodies when you have 1 shot bolt actions and near 0 recoil bullet hose smg’s
these “high tier” weapons don’t give you much if any advantage
most of it comes down to who shoots first

You can’t rally prefire with BAs. But you can do it with 100 rounds RD-44.


This is a distinctive feature of the Soviet airborne detachment.
Well, whoever is sincerely “oppressed” by this should be reminded that the Axis had three detachments of paratroopers, while the Red Army did not have a single detachment of paratroopers.
So such an interesting feature is not a minus.
No one cares about twists in favor of the Axis - so why should they care if the Soviet paratrooper detachment has such a plus?)
Or do Axis players (including ideological ones) just need to be given a wunderwaffe that always hits the target, or that the “Win” button immediately appears from the beginning of the battle?)


Exept all of them are stuck in BR 4 and 5.

With the new feature USSR have effectively 10 paratrooper squads so they are set for life with no more needed for the rest of the game.


in my opinion all para units should be changed to allow weapon swapping like the soviets

hell just f it and let all premium squads swap weapons

double f it and let us equip premium weapons on any squad and buy more of them

give me a reason to give a shit about premium infantry squads like with the paras


DF: what? Let player have option? Nah, gib muhney




didn’t know that

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It’s a bug, or oversight, because it’s identical to Normandy scoped Garand. They should be the same BR. Devs just forgot to remove it and let it have Pacific progression tree spot.

Yes… So tier 3.

It isn’t completely identical, the br3 has scope 6x and br5 has scope 7x, or something like that iirc. xD
Truly a thing worth of 2 BRs level difference.

I don’t believe they forgot anything, all I see is just incompetence.


yet another Paratrooper squad that is busted? what a surprise.

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