Weapon limits (part 2)

Today I want to bring back a very old suggestion which is still more than relevant.
Here are my old posts (remember, some of the things past me wrote are not agreed with the present me, for example I don’t anymore agree with the idea of giving one team more SMG’s):

The Main issue

If you had enough patience to read most of it, you can see that the main problem past me had was that rare rifles have no limits for their use. CBT doesn’t offer a lot of rare rifles but in Alpha tests and Enlisted streams, we saw a lot of Easter eggs leaking future guns.

People who play soviet teams know that by playing for over two months, they can arm all their soldiers with overpowered Winchester M1985 rifles.

Now what will this look like in OBT?

The entire German army armed with super rare Erma EMP’s

Or Soviets running around with Fedrov avtomat assault rifles

Also to mention that in Normandy and Berlin, we had the ability to arm every soldier class with StG-44
Do you think entire squads armed with these guns is okay?

Why is it better if we had weapon limits

By having one soldier in player’s whole line-up using a rare weapon, using this weapon and getting kills with it will feel satisfying

Also, unlocking the rarest weapons will feel like getting trophies and players will have passion to grind and collect all of them

For example: you have an StG-44 guy which you love and defend the most instead just having a whole army of StG guys, that way you’ll just end up bored

If you happened to read all the posts above, you can see that I suggested that only one rare weapon can be used per match so we can avoid seeing whole armies armed with rare weapons.

Again, I ask you to please read the posts above (especially the first one) to get a clearer image of what I had in mind.

Grenades and sidearms as well

having soldiers with 7 grenades is too much
Also having TNT pack on every soldier is dumb

TNT pack should deal less damage and be more limited and Molotovs should be buffed instead and used to burn tanks as it was their primary purpose in WW2


He disagrees.
It can be balanced by less stamina or other things like that.

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Gets downed
Spams G and N

But for the main idea of the OP, I agree that there should be caps on weapons. Especially playing Normandy and knowing how good the stg 44 is at everything.

That might finally solve the semi-auto vs bolt action balance debate as well. Limit quantities of semi autos in some campaigns rather than nerfing them.


Yeah you get it.

I’d also like to add that I agree with the OP as well, memes aside.

I don’t think the det pack should be nerfed though because tank busting is one of the most fun things in game, nor should they be limited since the AI you may have carrying it is dumb as hell and sometimes goes out of their way to run into bullets.

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giving assaulters +1 inventory slot was dumb anyways, they are already the best at most stuff ingame, and they get the only perk that is not obtainable in any other way as passive.


The only “reason” I can see them given that many slots is for medkits and grenades as they assault positions. That just ends up making them more meta though like you said.

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I completely agree
But also semi auto should be buffed first as it only deals 8.5 damage
It should deal 12 damage as LMG does

But I also had to add that Americans don’t really need limits for semis because they didn’t use non-scoped Springfields in ww2.

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Yeah the damage on semi autos should be 12. The SVT for example is complete trash compared to the sniper Mosin. Isn’t an upgrade at all and just a downgrade in all regards but rate of fire.

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My 5-star Mosin deals 17.5 damage while SVT deals 2 times less damage

Also damage drop-off on ranges is garbage for SVT

At 200m it deals less damage than MP-41

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Garands and Gewehr are already good from when I used them in Normandy.
I’ll take the community’s word for it for SVTs for now until I unlock them, but I have my doubts considering they claimed the Garand was useless when it’s great.

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Nah the Garand actually killed things in one shot it felt like most of the time. The SVT is two to the upper chest so you’re using 2 rounds for every kill whereas the Mosin does it in 1 round. Twice the ammo for the same amount of kills.

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garand did 12 damage iirc
SVT does 8.5

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Sometimes I waist 5 shots to kill someone
Also, sometimes headshots don’t kill the enemy
SVT is somewhat bugged when talking about killing

On stat card, garand did 9.5 damage
That’s decent but still worse than 12dmg BAR dealt
I’ve had more med range kills with springfield and K98

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You do have a point about LMGs doing more damage than semi-automatics though.
Sometimes I use my Madsen as a semi-automatic and it slaps.

But if anything it’s better for overall balance to bring LMGs down to the level of semi autos rather than buffing semi auto damage to LMGs. LMGs are really better than they should be to hipfire in cqc.

I agree and disagree
It depends on the campaign and future of the game

For example:
MG is a long range weapon that should deal a lot of DMG and in long range maps like Normandy, 12 damage feels fine for both LMG and semis. As I stated above, I had more kills with M1903 than I had with M1 Garand.

But in Moscow where maps are very small, giving 12 dmg to semis will make BA rifles useless.
Giving 9.5 damage to all semis might be good for Moscow but not for Normandy too


I have 2 options:

Either make Moscow bigger and give them 12 damage
Or make Normandy smaller and give them 9.5 damage

Having different stats depending on the campaign is an option as well.

I still think making Moscow larger is better than making 2 campaigns feel like different games

Moscow feels like Arcade
Normandy feels like WAR

Yeah, I agree.
I was just stating that it was on the table is all.

Normandy invasion mode feels great, but normandy conquest is a joke even next to moscow conquest.

Le Berux sucks but Chat de Bosq has some long range potential
but both maps need reworks, some bigger and some smaller

Now I really want us to get back on topic:
My honest opinion is:
Buff semi automatics and give americans more semis because they never actually used non scoped springfield in ww2

Germans should have less semi automatic rifles but they have more “Wunder” weapons in small numbers and better MG power (and in future, probably better tank power)

This way, we will have some form of realistic balance (like they have in Hell let loose)