We need the old "matchmaking"

I don’t know how to call the old system with preferred and undesired maps, so I’ll just call it the old matchmaking.
And now to the point - we need that system back in addition to the tier based matchmaking. I definitely agree that having similarly powerful weapons in the battle is important, but the original point of Enlisted was historical immersion (apparently people get triggered when they see “historical accuracy”, so I don’t use it) thanks to the campaign system. So now that the campaigns are gone, that immersion needs to be kept. My idea is to use the old matchmaking system to do it, however in a slightly modified form - every weapon and vehicle would be assigned preferred and undesired set of maps, where preferred would mean that the matchmaker would try to find the battle that fits all (or most) weapons’ rating and undesired would mean that a weapon or vehicle cannot be used on these maps at all:
Zrzut ekranu (1829)
Zrzut ekranu (1830)
Zrzut ekranu (1832)
Zrzut ekranu (1833)
Zrzut ekranu (1835)
Zrzut ekranu (1841)
Zrzut ekranu (1842)
Zrzut ekranu (1843)
Zrzut ekranu (1844)
This way, we could have both balanced and historical matchmaking. This would also allow the matchmaking to be changed from the current early war (tiers 1-3) and late war (3-5) system and go for a more conventional system where you can be up-tiered or down-tiered by one regardless of what tier you play on. This would eliminate a big disadvantage of the current system which is that tier 3 is being actively avoided by players.


Simply no. Immersion is useless. We want the lobby full of real player.



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most people sadly don’t care about immersion, they prefer a generic shooter in the big list of generic shooters…

That said, the “old system” with preferred maps per weapon is a hell of a management and we don’t have a half of the working tools needed to use presets for that, and the dev team will be pretty much busy fixing their half-assed “update” in the near future.



You say “most” people yet people flooded in complaining about the merge. Get your facts straight.

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please read the last devblogs and the actualy threads and their content before accusing people of not “getting facts straight”.

Thank you, sir, and have a nice day

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My teams are more retarted than before the merge since now I can´t choose the campaigns where I know my teams won´t be full of bots in all but name. Fucking thanks for that.

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there was no matchmaking before, how can we return to what never was?

You must be so gald with me on your oppsite side and play defender, because I have 4 plane so I could do cycle wheather you stay on AA gun for whole game dealing with me or you have to taste my suicide bombardment. And you can’t have any objection on that since it been define as “balance” by the BR system you like.

If you have 3 planes it means you bought a premium one or you bought a slot. The mechanics predict it. I could attack with 3 flamethrower squads. The game is free, if there are “toxic” mechanics it will then be up to the developers to limit them. Currently playing in tier 5 is simply spectacular, with battles at the last ticket, especially in Normandy with the Americans and Germans. I had never had so much fun as I did in these 2 days post merging.

May I ask which BR tier you were? I am in BR 5 so every lobby are same. Flame thower for foot mobile and suicid plane everywhere, when you operating a tank and got a squad elimilate, soon there will be suicide JU 188 comming for you. Same as Deutsch, P 47, A 20 P 51 cycle, no one can have real “fun” unless you have vehicle on your hand

Well at most its those ~5 ? ppl that QQ bawwbaww about HA and have been doing so past years.
So regardless each one of those is probably responsible for 100 QQ bawwbaww topic it doesnt mean theres 500 people against it.
Just 5 with 100 topics about same subject.

BR 5, all almost all teams maxed, weapons all maxed, vehicles all maxed. With the Americans I play P47 and Beaufighter, then 2 assaulters with Thompson drums, machine gunners with Browning 100 rounds, flamethrower. Germans 2 Tiger 2 P/H, STG44 and MG34 Patrontrommel, flamethrower…etc. I have almost 80% of global victories, with the Germans I exceed 85%. I have a KD of 1 in 3600 battles because I almost always use infantry. Not even a sniper, never campers, always pushing and have 2 engineers in each team.

Full lobby without immersion means you can play CoD or CS.

Leave WW2 games alone if you dont care about WW2.

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Oh cool, so you want Japs dead for real and the Soviets never step in Berlin or the US never play Normandy ever


If the main thing you worry about is short queue times, then why do you play Enlisted and not Battlefield V or any other game that doesn’t even bother to be immersive?

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Ah, the bot lobby immersion.
90 bots being fully tarded, the immersion just like in real war.

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Because prefered map failed for these reasons