Bring back Preferred Map system on top of BR system (soft rule)

Disclaimer: the Preferred Map test server was “bad” because it was never tested with BRs.
Obviously people didn’t like going up with MP-3008 against PPSh drum and IS-2 and came to the conclusion that “history bad”.

Now we have BRs and we can finally fine-tune the Preferred Map system on top of it.

Enlisted devs must have spent a considerable amount of time and reasearch to assign preferred maps to all weapons/vehicles, so it would be a shame just to let all that work go to waste.

Here is the proposition:
Let’s take Pz IV J on BR3 as example: currently it can appear on any map: Normandy, Berlin, Stalingrad, Tunisia and Snowy USSR homeland (ex Moscow).
However, Pz IV J was only produced from 1944, and both Stalingrad and North African campaign had ended before that so it could have never appeared there.

Solution: Preferred Map system

Now it goes to correct maps (Normandy and Berlin), while avoiding those where it stands out like a sore thumb.

If you want a long barrel Pz IV in Stalingrad or Tunisia, just take Pz IV F2 or Pz IV G.

Similarly, A13 MK II tank, that was never used in the pacific, would receive just Tunisia as preferred map, while Pacific planes like Seagull would get Pacific preference instead.

NB: this would still be a “soft rule”, meaning that in dire need of players those could potentially still appear on “Undesired maps”. However, personally I would rather opt to wait for a match for up to 5 minutes rather than start one with Undesired maps.

In must be noted though that other vehicles like Puma 234/2 (produced from September 1943 so Normandy, Berlin + Ardennes, yet placed on BR2) would require some thought.

Similarly, it would be difficult right now to assign MP-3008 preference to Berlin due to it having BR2, but personally I believe it can be buffed to a normal SMG level and pushed to BR4 as meme gun for Volkssturm roleplayers, for example.

Weapons can take a back seat, while vehicles are big and noticeable and spoil the atmosphere the most when placed in a weird setting.

Thanks for reading.

PS Stalingrad should definitely be unlinked from BR4-5 in the first place.

(pps pure anti-history gang comments shall be instantly invalidated, but civil debate is welcome!)


Remove stupid BR system and just bring back Preferred Map

I wasn’t able to participate in the test but from what I heard it didn’t solve any issues of veteran player with PPSh-41 vs newbie with MP-3008.

I honestly enjoy now playing BR1-2 with Mosin and MP-28 without fantasy Fedorov and MKB spam.

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I’d rather not have that

I think it’s worthless

I can run nothing but BR III equipment and run an entire Normandy (which is pure BR V) lobby all day long

I think they can Simplify even further !

Remove the words Tier I, II etc… and replace them with a small Map Matrix. (or a Campaign overlay if that makes it easier to understand.)

So historically start with (I’m listing this first as a representative of the 1940 - ie pre Barbarossa, African Campaign) Tunisia, then Moscow/Tunisia/Pacific, then Stalingrad/Pacific, then Normandy/Berlin/Pacific

What happens below the map matrix is a weapon to map match up that “harden’s the soft cap” and specifies allowable weapons for a given map.

The BR allocation becomes somewhat less relevant as you at least have caps on which BR weapon will be available on which map. As you progress “Campaign” fashion though the war more weapons become available and some will be discarded by players with increasing choices.

As more Campaigns become available the BR system can get further tweaked to separate weapons and vehicles by “in service” timescales but ultimately with a +/- BR spread to offset any historical advantages possessed by a given side for the sake of the game.


Took me a bit to realize what you meant but I got it now. And yes should also give that a try.

Oh, there is more of us, that’s always nice to hear:)
I actually proposed something similar some time ago: We need the old "matchmaking". In short, the main difference is that I believe not every allowed map should be “preferred” and some should be straight up impossible to play with some weapons (Berlin as Italians or Pacific with the Jumbo), but generally, I really believe that we need a merge of these two systems for Enlisted to retain its identity as an immersive WW2 game.

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It’s it that it’s impossible to win against better equipment, we were doing that for 2-3 years.

But fighting with bolt actions against at best semi-autos feels both more immersive and more fun that playing against MKBs.

My point is that if BRs are here to stay, at least send Crusader and A13 to Tunisia instead of Pacific, and send American water plane to Pacific instead of Tunisia, without any harm to the BRs.

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Anything to fix this mess is welcomed

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@Euthymia07 @_TheLucky can we at least test this please?

Or implement to certain vehicles and weapons?

There’s literally no damage to matchmaking here.

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