We need Historicity!

Except you’re proposing several more sections than the ones we are proposing for a balanced gameplay experience where people don’t stack one side to the point that half the campaigns are unplayable.

In theory yes, but I suppose darkflow only wants to create braindead systems so that they only need to sleep in their positions and get paid instead of working hard to make their game better.

And if game goes wrong they don’t have to take responsibilities because they never had.That’s why we can’t have both historicity and balance.


I might have misinterpreted myself earlier. What I also mean by vulkssturm guns being only in Berlin too Is also meaning to depending on if you have high level or low level gear, then It will determine if you go into a low level or high level Berlin game. Yeah it’s gonna split up Berlin but at the same time it will give new players a chance to try Berlin without needing high tier gear

Historical accurate mode:
weapon’s br is their time period. like 1941 for mp40
since we have historical accuracy as target it is impossible to make the game balance. so only make changes when something is really powerful in a time period
My idea to solve the balancing problem is to do with the member on each side. instead of 10v10 have 4v4 players and 15v15ai with historical accurate squad formation and weapon.

That can work too. So with this historically accurate mode, I can take ppsh’s and avs’ into Moscow and Stalingrad as Germans can take kiraly’s and zh29’s to counter it? Meaning is it only going to be weapons early year weapons into early wars?

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Not to be rude but citing what gaijin helpers say isn’t helping the case here. At some point you guys need to start taking the veterans and immersionists side with more sincerity. If that doesn’t happen then this game is going to die.


It is unbalanced. Which is the reason why I think maybe it can work by decrease the number of players and increase the number of ai on each side

The problem with this is it could lead to bot farm which is what is happening on unpopulated campaign.

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well. you van take early day weapon to late day games

Yeah just make two separate modes. Merged mode and Immersive mode.

Well. I think this is one solution to the demand of historical accuracy. Maybe someone have better idea.

Here’s something else too. Maybe make immersive squads mode require 5 or more players. Squad lobbies would be displayed custom game style except you pick the time period and the servers pick the player team you fight and the battle maps based on the time period your group pick

And you can just try it out first in test server. see if people can accept this idea after playing

I’m open to any input on the immersive game mode setup. Anyone, just keep it civil

Yea and try to find a way to give console the ability to test it too. As console players play a fairly big role in the enlisted community

Is there anymore advice on the merged squads and immersive squads game modes? Since I find this is the only efficient way I can think of to please both types of players (one wants the balance of the merge and the other type like myself who want the immersion the game has now) and give each type their own place on enlisted.

id like that maybe a actual story mod so few of them these days

Honestly I think enlisted would do fine without a story mode however i can see how it would bring more players in if done correctly

NO,this is game.FUN is more important in game.