We need Historicity!

Yeah if they want to go down that route then they should prepare to lose the players who have spent countless dollars and hours on the game and for enlisted to end up like another vanguard. If they turn it into another vanguard, I’m uninstalling. Because I get sick of noobs who don’t know how to play the objectives being given a day or form of power over experienced players like myself and the Friends I play with.


Yes, brother, I agree with you that the game’s most competitive tool is to ensure a certain historical value, which the present brawl is obviously to abandon.

Then that wouldn’t be historical at all.

The Germans still used MP-40s in small numbers, later on it would be STG-44s, MP-40s, Kar-98s, and the Odd G43.
Soviets mostly used Mosins, With PPSH-41s for every 5th or 7th man from what I remember.
america’s used the M1 Garand, BARs.
The british mostly used Stens and Lees.
The japaneses were very very heavily into Bolt actions and mostly used them.

LMGs and the like are uncommon for some.


HA is something a video game like HLL can offer, But a game like Enlisted can’t, People really badly want a HA game but for some reason don’t want to switch to something like HLL, Or perhaps WW2 online (at least I’ve heard it’s HA).

Some games can be enjoyable while being not HA, See COD:WAW, BATTLEFIELD 1942, ENLISTED.

There’s a market for HA games, Then there’s a market for WW2 Games.

some like vanguard fail.
some like cod WW2 semi fail.
some like post scriptum make large mistakes and fail.


Some like HLL which are well loved due to the feel the game has and from what I hear the HA of the game.

some like BFV which are still played by tons of people due to the gunplay is great.

and some like ENLISTED which offers a unique style.

Bud I only said SEMI historical immersion. Not full historical realism.

cod every version old in a week or less and BF1942 only played for campaign, pvp was not fun in both hard rent only games for me


At least we need to take care of the historical atmosphere of the game

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And almost no one that enjoys the current basic immersion of this game wants to stay over at HLL because of the fact that in HLL, it’s ultra realistic and you don’t get to control a bot squad in a first person shooter perspective. That alone is why enlisted is unique on top of the unique atmosphere of each campaign that the campaign system offers.


I was talking to the OP of this thread. not you. If it pinged you I have zero clue why.

Rude… but alright go on.

There is no ping don’t worry it only pings if u replied to the person message.

Odd, I hit the “Reply” under the OP’s message, As that normal sends a Reply to them? Unless my understanding of the forums is inncorrect.

Yeah I just gave an honest input. And I get told basically “I’m not talking to you, stay out of it”? Like that’s a way or someone to treat their game’s veterans. And I’m not talking about you, but panther should have been more open about other people’s opinions as well.

yes it only send it to the OP unless u click reply to someone’s else message

Well he did it in a polite manner so u shouldn’t take it personally.

If my message came off rude, Do forgive me as English is my 2nd language.

What I meant if my message was poorly translated:

I wasn’t talking about your message, I was replying to the OP’s message and laying my thoughts down on his topic, I had not at all read or seen your message.

I was saying if you were pinged for my message towards Edward’s who talked about wanting to punish players by having only bolt actions on the battlefield that it was a bit odd, I had no wish to insult you.

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Huh, Odd.

It’s all good. It happens, and sorry I took it personal, man.

Mistakes happen :slight_smile:
I do agree with you, Semi historical is what I believe Enlisted should lean towards.

So now I know we’re on the same boat about historical immersion. However I’ve attempted to make requests in how to make a merge system that’s libertarian enough to please semi-immersionists like myself and at the same time increase player base. However gaijin would need to help pitch in if we want to do that :thinking:. Just something m, anything to help keep the historical organization the game has right now. Not accuracy, but being historically organized. Any input? Anyone?