We need Historicity!

Yea and try to find a way to give console the ability to test it too. As console players play a fairly big role in the enlisted community

Is there anymore advice on the merged squads and immersive squads game modes? Since I find this is the only efficient way I can think of to please both types of players (one wants the balance of the merge and the other type like myself who want the immersion the game has now) and give each type their own place on enlisted.

id like that maybe a actual story mod so few of them these days

Honestly I think enlisted would do fine without a story mode however i can see how it would bring more players in if done correctly

NO,this is game.FUN is more important in game.

Yeah and the merged mode would be meant is for those who want to have fun. Immersive is for those who enjoy the basic immersion at the same time as wanting to play with a bigger group against other larger coordinated groups.

yeah like keep it in the maps we have and play it like a log battle chain with cut sense and like you get a unique squad for completing it like one with one of all base troop type in a 9 man. Also in story mod a squad dies in battle it cant be used in same battle but have full squad list with a like kia report of each solider. ok i know i day dreaming but it be funā€¦

Also can we get the mech squads from April fools as permit units for custom only use that we can paint please they feel like a missed even/perineum opportunity

All players want to have fun怂The game should try to satisfy the needs of all players, not just some

Yeah and this is the way to satisfy all players. By giving more than one option. Donā€™t force the immersionist players to play in historically inorganized matches. We need an option of our own as well.

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Youā€™ve always had it, itā€™s called custom matches.

at -90%exp real fair

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Well custom matches are not always historically organized either. Do you not see most of what happens in customs? This is why Iā€™m saying there should be 2 actual squad game mode. Merged for those who want to have balanced fun with the BR and immersive for those who want historical organization and want to run into and fight against bigger coordinated groups in times zones instead of BR and tiers. This 2 game mode idea is the only way to please both types of players.

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i do compared to this its 1000 % better gona try squad the u tube vids look great this is ok for 1 hour playing other then that its garbage japan point less v usa
berlin i don mindt tho tanks are waste of timein it theirs to many obsta les ut can t crash thru
and the tanks cant get out of a trench - laughable - tanks can get-out of trenches apart from this game the controls and driving tanks is abysmal they cant turn they take half hour to turn the turret they get blow up by a grenade haha - anti tank rifles you need to empty an entire mag into it to cripple it
cant compare this to cod - oh battle field ect totally dif game theirs fw thing need ot be ironed out here match up - and also pc v consoles worst idea ever consle have major adc vantage over a mouse n key board time split it

In customs.

not the base game.

i know itā€™s hard for a lot of people,

but the two can cohexist.

one does not have to replace the other.

and customs are the perfect place ( ideally ) for those.

we just need better customs with more features and options.

they kinda have done that for 3 years by now.

no one will play a game of niche ( simialr to PS, HLL etc )

i swear, hot take here, but if half of the morons would spend more time to actually make good suggestion and a follow up over customs improvements, we would have ended this shit along time ago. ( btw, iā€™m not specifically calling you out a moron. letā€™s be clear )

but i suppose complaining takes less effort can be left at that i suppose.

and unbalanced games lead to fun? i learn something every dayā€¦ i guess that is why people desert in roflstompsā€¦ cause game was funā€¦


  1. answered by the staff balance as the priority to historical accuracy in the current game vision

  2. the topic is devolved in a figth and so discussion cant go on