We need at least one additional BR queue and plenty of BR weapon changes

Despite the fact I do prefer the OG enlisted over the merged enlisted, I am confused on this other person’s idea without just a little bit more elaboration. Is there anyway you can send me a quote of the post that way I can go see it by chance?

I agree with the additional maps being added as well as a more expanded queue system. The BR system can’t be fixed until the research and XP progression is addressed for veterans as well as new players. As a veteran I am unable to unlock things I research because I do not have an early tech tree item unlocked, which makes no sense since I am able to research it. Either they make an allowance for veterans so they can continue their progression where they left prior to merge or allow anyone to research a different tree once they pass their current tier BR level. Once you unlock 10 BR 1 items, you can research the next tier and then start the tree anywhere or to a degree like that in similar circumstances. It’s just very oppressive to play the game and grind out for equipment I will never use.

They need to take it one step at a time. However yea they should address the tech tree issues first. More minor things need fixed first and then can rework the queues in the BR system. After that is where they can work on the weapons listed on the post.

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Not sure how to carry quotes over to other threads on mobile. Let me figure something out

I went ahead and read it now.

I get what you mean by this, however like the original user of the comment said, this would lead to an open season on the new players at tier 1-2. And most people on the forums want 1 from 3 and 3 from 5. That is where a queue of 1-2,3-4 and 5 would be a better solution for. Because despite if they take the weapons I listed down to tier 4, new players have a choice to uptiered themselves to such battles and would never have to fight tier 3 until they’re ready to equip at least one tier 3 weapon of some sort.

I just had my first games on Japan team. I have only the 3 default squads and it put me in a game against shermans and I don’t even have explosives until I unlock the tier 1 requirement which I guess is 9 unlocks. I guess the rest of my team had the same setup as me because we were spawn camped by sherman HE for the whole game. There was few times that someone got close to a sherman but they just ran around it cause they have nothing they can do to it. So this happened 3 games in a row and I can tell I’m done with playing Japan.
This is probably what any new player feels. They better do something about this BR shitshow and fast while they still get new players around the news of the game being revamped.


I doubt that’s gonna happen the allies lost their bot farm in Tunisia so they need a new one

All the more reason for why an additional queue resulting in the form of 1-2,3-4 and 5 would be a good fit simply for keeping br3 users from farming new players. Even though I’d proudly take pre war kar98’s and m1938 mosins with the mix of ppSh 41 drums and beretta m38 extended’s against 3-4 br queues.

I like the original intention of the 2 queues

A little of BR III in Low Tier and a little of BR III in High Tier. Just something to give the Lows and newbies so they can increase their skill and critical thinking while playing the game. How best to avoid that guy’s line of fire. How to flank. How to take out a tank without using your own tank. Fun stuff like that breeds better players who can then move up into High Tier with skill and confidence in their ability to play the game

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When a new player with no tech and weapons at all to kill a sherman face a sherman in his first games he will learn how to avoid the line of fire by avoiding the game. You already have AI bots to farm in the game. You don’t need to push away the few new people who chose to give it a try.

That’s what his teammates are for. SOMEONE has got to have a plane or Japan’s busted AT Rifle

Yeah but not just separating 1-2 from 3 giving the noobs a chance but also keeps vulkssturm weapons from being in early war matches. And also keeping Stalingrad in the 3-4 bracket could also keep tiger 2’s and fg’s and as-44’s from being in Stalingrad too.

If you cared that much about historical accuracy, you would’ve fought against the idiots crying for a BR system in the first place when they announced the Preferred Map system

I cant imagine joining this game today, unlocking Thompson M1A1 and facing team full squads of FG-42s because they played the game since 2021. It really should be BR±1.

Well then someone else can keep playing the game.

I have tried to speak out against the BR system. however the merge already happened. But I fear the BR system will be here to stay. So we need to find a way to better the BR system and then the merge will be ok. Until then, yes I’m still against the merge and BR system. And if we can’t find middle ground to improve the game to make both parties happy then we’re screwed.

Sidenote: I thought nothing of the forums until after the fact of the preferred map system being taken away.

Then don’t use the M1A1? Not that hard to just stay down in I and II where you feel safe

Right, remembering now

To be clear, I also recommended extending new player matchmaking through the completion of BR I and would like to see massive NPE improvements including a static NPE event.