We need at least one additional BR queue and plenty of BR weapon changes

That’s what his teammates are for. SOMEONE has got to have a plane or Japan’s busted AT Rifle

Yeah but not just separating 1-2 from 3 giving the noobs a chance but also keeps vulkssturm weapons from being in early war matches. And also keeping Stalingrad in the 3-4 bracket could also keep tiger 2’s and fg’s and as-44’s from being in Stalingrad too.

If you cared that much about historical accuracy, you would’ve fought against the idiots crying for a BR system in the first place when they announced the Preferred Map system

I cant imagine joining this game today, unlocking Thompson M1A1 and facing team full squads of FG-42s because they played the game since 2021. It really should be BR±1.

Well then someone else can keep playing the game.

I have tried to speak out against the BR system. however the merge already happened. But I fear the BR system will be here to stay. So we need to find a way to better the BR system and then the merge will be ok. Until then, yes I’m still against the merge and BR system. And if we can’t find middle ground to improve the game to make both parties happy then we’re screwed.

Sidenote: I thought nothing of the forums until after the fact of the preferred map system being taken away.

Then don’t use the M1A1? Not that hard to just stay down in I and II where you feel safe

Right, remembering now

To be clear, I also recommended extending new player matchmaking through the completion of BR I and would like to see massive NPE improvements including a static NPE event.

There were no T-34-85 (BR4) at Kursk. That battle is really difficult to balance between history and BRs.

Yeah I agree

Yeah that’s the thing though. However it would be deemed as understandable still as there’s an Fnab at tier 1 and it can be used in Moscow. I’d say add preferred maps to 3-4 queue but people will complain about that dividing the playerbase even though each queue has two or more fronts to pick except for the soviets and japanese.

At the end of the day,Kursk is nothing more than an example so it doesn’t need to be added in.

Well I’d argue that weapons don’t have that big of an obvious presence compared to small arms.

So if we were to see Kursk I would prefer it to be up to BR3, sacrificing the part where Tigers and Panthers were involved but avoiding the awkwardness of T-34-85 at Kursk.

On the other hand, something like 1944 Bagration map would perfectly fit up to BR4.

I wouldn’t be opposed to operation bagration taking kursk’s place to be honest in a 3 and 4 queue it would actually sit perfectly.

Why are you telling me to “stay in low tier where I feel safe”? I don’t have the need to possibly sealclub just because I don’t like top BRs, that is also ironic because I love top BRs.

And I love the M1A1 and I like facing FG42s with them because I have one squad full of them in a BR5 squad loadout and boy is it fun.

Also, do you know how many new players know about the fact that most players are in BR5? Almost as soon as they get to BR3 with one weapon they will be in Normandy.

They should know how the BR system works, and if not then ask anyone in the community and it will be explained. If they choose to go into BR III unprepared after knowing that they’ll face V’s, then that’s on them. I also love using the III Thompson’s and other III equipment to dunk on V Krauts. That’s why I don’t want III to ever change. It’s the most like pre Merge Enlisted, and I loved pre Merge Enlisted

spends hours organizing its br 2 squad

doesnt realize that his pilot had an mp34 equiped, gets uptiered to br 3

gets matched against br 5 soviets with federovs

never again

Equips BR III Thompson’s, Garand’s, and BAR’s (my favorite guns of the war) just to fight everything the Krauts have to offer from Kar98k’s to StG’s and everything from Pz II’s to Tiger II’s (I love variety and is one of the things I fell in love with Enlisted for)

Seriously though it was so nice to have a game where both teams were just so dang ragtag full of different stuff. Not the same exact tricked out MP5 or whatever the frick is meta in the newest CoD. Thankfully, I can still have that randomness with BR III. Keeps the game fresh and interesting for me

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Like I’ve said in the past on this post, if they can’t change the queues to either one of the two recommended systems, then at the very least I wouldn’t be opposed to a separate game mode where it’s time frames instead of BR’s.

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Pre War gaming